Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wow..just wow

So right now I'm watching the today show and they are interviewing that polygamist guy that has a series on TLC. I'm listening to this interview and it's just wow. He was asked of why he had more wives he did not have a good answer. He just kept saying it's because of my faith. When the 1st wife was asked about it she said again because of the faith. From there I just can't get it. I mean I could understand if he had said we met my 2nd wife and we all just clicked and we talked it over and we looked at our faith and we went with it. No he basically made it sound like my faith says I can so I went out looking and did. Oh well good luck with that.
Yesterday was an interesting day. I just had people that gave me headaches. I had 4 customers in the store at the same time. 3 out of the 4 were perfectly fine. The last one all of a sudden starts preaching to me. I forgot what she asked me first that got her talking then she asks me if I was a Christian. Oh dear god did that get it started. She then went on about how churches broke the 2nd commandment about not making images of what's in heaven. Then after she went on that for awhile. She then says oh and if you read the bible get a king james version. If you look at that King Solomen who is the wisest man on earth says he's a black man twice. I mean she went on for what felt like 30 minutes preaching to me. She just wouldn't stop. Then when it looked like she was going to leave and came back to talk for 5 more minutes. Thanks a lot.
Then I had two customers that ugh. First this guy came in and was looking for proteins. We started talking and this woman comes in holding a sample bottle of a protein we are going to be discontinuing. So the guy lets me start talking to the girl. Well I gave her the sample bottle months ago. At least two months ago. She has only recently come back in. She was apparently looking all over the internet for the protein and of course couldn't find it. Then she had the nerve to complain that she found a good protein and now it's going away. If you had bought it after you tried it and liked it instead of going on the internet looking for it cheaper then you would have it. No you decided to be an asshole that goes into a store finds a protein and then wants to get it off the internet instead of getting it locally. While that happened the guy drops a protein container and it spills. He then apologizes. So I try to hurry her along so I can deal with it. Well guess what. He put the top on and put it back. No joke. He seriously broke it and thought he wouldn't have to pay for it. He seriously looked at me like a deer in the headlights when I told him he had to pay for it. I mean honestly you have got to be kidding me. Why would you pick up a 5 lb container of protein by the top when it's on the top shelf. Arg.
Lastly I had these two women come in and just pick up any and all free information we had. That normally wouldn't bug me (ok I'm lying), but one of them gets a phone call. She says oh yeah I'm over here and it will take me about an hour to get back home. SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TAKING ALL OUR INFORMATION IF YOUR NOT GOING TO LOOK AT IT AND BUY IT FROM US! I hate when people treat us like a library. Ugh.....arg.
Oh and the worst thing about yesterday I almost missed Modern Family. No joke. The stupid power went out last night at about 7:15. Lucky for me the power came on at like 8:02. I got super lucky. It was a good episode. I love that show.
Today's tip is pushing your religion and opinions on others is a good way to end up alone.

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