Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hmmm little to early to be annoyed

And yet I am. Going to prove why I can't stand vendors. Anyway I'll get into that tomorrow. Got to have something to rant about tomorrow. Today looks like it's going to be a dull day.
So yesterday I had this customer that comes in from time to time. Always has his headphones in and always says he's just looking except yesterday. I swear the guy hates silence or something. He always seems to want to talk especially when I'm checking him out at the register. He's the same guy that asked me if I watched UFC and I said no, but my brother is and he kept talking about it. Anyway so we are at the front desk and he says so how's business. I said it's good. Then he said something that I'm sure he didn't even realize was a stupid thing to say. He says never seems to be busy whenever I come in. Well you are still here so obviously business is good. Just so you know the last time he was in it was pretty busy. So I just quickly retort with depends on the time of the day. Now why would you go and say that it never seems busy. Who does that help? For some businesses that's rubbing salt in the wounds. Like I said maybe he just doesn't like silences so he rather stick his foot in his mouth.
Yesterday I went to go set up an appointment for my tattoo. I call up and the guy is talking then all of sudden goes on a rant about how he hates kids because a kid threw up. Well turns out it's his own kid. Wow clearly someone is a great parent. How about you use protection and try not to have kids. Anyway so I get there and it's a tiny hole in the wall. He apparently watches his son from the time he opens until sometime in the afternoon. Ok then why open up at that time? Anyway so I showed him what I wanted and he's like well I can trick it out for you. Just doing the kanji in black in white is $80, but if I trick it out it's just $130. So I asked him what would he do if he "tricked it out". He said well I could put chrome on it or make it look like it's in 3-D. I asked well can I have a sketch. He says oh I don't do sketch not since I got all those photos in my portfolio. Just take a look. I saw nothing that just stuck out to me. He then says well I'll make you a deal. If you don't like the color I'll go over it in black at no charge. So what could happen is that I pay $50 more to get it "tricked out", and then end up with exactly what I wanted before, but out $50. Yeah I'll just go with what I wanted originally and keep my $50. That way I don't have to worry. Ugh tattoo artists are such divas. The guy I got my first tattoo from was pretty much like that except he thought color wouldn't show up well on my skin. Apparently now it does.
Today's tip is filling an awkward silence by sticking your foot in your mouth just leaves you with a bad taste.

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