Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Yeah I'm just pissed today

I was having a decent morning until I ran into my boss and my roommate. I swear they both just gang up on me to piss me off.
First my roommate was being an ass about the tv. We have this deal where in the mornings I get to watch the Today show since I have to go to work first. Then he can watch whatever he wants. If he doesn't like it he can always go to my room and watch my tv. Anyway so he's making a comment about how the Today show only talks to celebrities and what not. Then he was going on about how good morning america has actual good interviews. Yeah because the today show never had an interview with Obama or Biden or any other prominent figure. Anyway so I said fine turn it to good morning america. What was the first thing on. An interview with the Breakfast Club. I didn't say a word. He just turned off the tv. The worst part of it all is that he's like I want to watch news and you want to watch entertainment. The today show is news. I prefer it because it's not as stiff as good morning america. So that pissed me off.
I get to work and I mention how I think that new pro-hormone we brought in was really working. Then my boss all of a sudden gives me the third degree. How can we be sure about this. Did you change anything else? No I didn't. You should know that since I tell you everything I'm taking and whenever I change anything up. Then he goes on about how he doesn't want to give people false impression and says all the stuff I started adding. Yeah I added that stuff a month and a half ago. I have been on this stuff for 2 weeks and that's when my weight started going up. Nothing else was changed. The guy goes on and on about how I am so good at finding products and testing them out and what not, then all of a sudden I'm getting the 3rd degree and being treated like I have no clue about my body. Yeah that pisses me off. Then he says what we should do is not change anything and see if this trend continues. Well I was planning on trying the Size On pre-contest and for that I need a new pre-workout, but no I have to stick with what I'm using now. Not that I don't like what I'm using now, but I just like to change it up all the time. So now I have to stay on this pre-workout for another 2 weeks and what will happen is I'll finish up the stuff and then I'll have this pre-workout with creatine and then have to try this intra workout stuff that has more creatine in it or buy a pre-workout without creatine and then have this other stuff sit. People are just pissing me off today.
Now twitter is acting up too. Apparently some third parties are using this loophole to send people to random third party sites. One of which is a Japanese porn site. So that means I can't check out what's going on with twitter. Lovely. I have to use my iphone twitter app. This is just not my day.
As much as I hate the fact that I'm posting it, I'm posting it for good reason. I'm sure the name Flex Wheeler rings a bell. If not then well look it up. Anyway this is an interview with him by All American EFX. I hate these types of interviews because obviously the company is going to do what they can to sound all positive, but that's not why I posted this. I posted this because of what Flex said about endorsing sports supplements. He came to the realization that people that see him endorsing a product don't always believe that guys got to look the way they did because of those products. Most know that they look the way they do because of steroids. So if you want to hear it from the mouth of someone that's admitted to using them then I think it's an interesting look. Side note his voice doesn't sound like you'd expect it to huh? Today's tip is mess with the bull and you'll get the horns. Especially when it's a person being bull headed.

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