Friday, September 24, 2010

And friday once again

It's Friday and my brain has been going since I woke up this morning. As I have mentioned before I'm really excited about the new pokemon game. It's got me thinking. What will be the theme of the cities? In kanto (the original games) all the cities were colors. Look it up if you don't believe me. In Johto all of them were flowers. Note that Goldenrod is a color and a flower. In Hoenn they were all types of trees. Well you can't count the starter cities in that. Pallet isn't a color, but it holds color. New bark is clearly not a flower, and Twinleaf is not a tree. I don't think. Sinnoh is the only one I'm having trouble placing a theme on. In all actuality I don't think there is a theme. I'm sure there is and I'm just missing it. Maybe it will have something to do with yin and yang. Or probably since they are out of themes there won't be one. Still think there is a theme for Sinnoh, but it's so hard to find. Maybe they are types of stones. Ooo maybe that could be the theme. Birth stones. Then again Onyx could be confused for Onix. Anyway I can't stop thinking about it.
The other thing I can't stop thinking about is the people in the gym. If you've ever worked out at a gym you've probably seen this guy. He jumps from exercise to exercise. He always picks up heavy weights and rushes through his routine, but he never does it for longer then 2 sets. Whenever I see people like this I want to say something, but I've worked with people like this. They think they know everything and whenever you try to help them they kinda shut you down. Here is why this doesn't work. 1. the proven way to build muscle is working your muscles to muscle fatigue. You can't do that when you are rushing around doing everything. 2. Working large muscle groups all at once really tires your body out and if you didn't get any carbs in before you came into the gym you are going to be tired and sick and actually make your body go catabolic instead of anabolic. Meaning it's going to tear down your muscles to get the nutrients and store fat instead of burning fat and building muscle. 3. Going through quickly isn't going to train your muscles. You are basically just letting momentum do the work. Your muscles aren't controlling the weight going up and down or side to side or however it's suppose to be worked. So basically your wasting your time. 4. You get into people's way. Pick a station and work it for at least 3 sets. That way you get muscle fatigue and really work those muscles. It makes your workout more productive and helps others keep their workouts productive. 5. Really heavy weights make it impossible to lift correctly if you haven't trained up to it. Obviously it's going to make you cheat instead of lifting correctly. Plus not lifting it correctly leads to injury and pain in your joints. Studies have shown you can build just as much muscle with lighter weights as heavier weights as long as you go to muscle fatigue. Plus lighter weights make it easier to keep perfect form and don't harm your joints nearly as much. Now obviously what I say isn't going to be what other people say. I'm not taking into account super sets which is where you go from say bicep curls to the tricep rope without weight. That's fine. And obviously power lifters want to go for heavier weights, but for the average person lighter weights with correct form and working to muscle fatigue builds muscle and burns fat. Making sure you work 1 muscle group at a time helps keep your body from fatiguing quickly or getting the carbs from your muscles because you didn't take enough carbs before hand to prevent that. Talk to a personal trainer. Tell them your goals, but make sure your going to the right trainer. Obviously if your just toning, don't ask advice from the biggest trainer that specializes in strength training.
I also found out that my gym has a magazine. Well that's to be expected since it's a franciase. I flipped through it and I noticed the lack of males in the magazine. You see like 5 guys in 40 pages. The rest are women. I'm pointing it out because clearly they expect more women to pick this up then men and it's true. Guys are more likely to pick up muscle and fitness or planet muscle or something that is more geared towards getting as big as possible. Kinda a shame since there are some good articles in this magazine such as mentioning lighting lighter weights instead of heavy ones. Then again how often does a guy really read a magazine. No seriously how often do we read these articles. I know personally I just look for short articles because well I don't have the patience. A lot of the information we give guys is short and to the point. I guess that's because that's how guys like it. We want to get to the point asap. Makes it hard to tell a story to your buddies sometimes.
So awhile back Yu-Gi-Oh the abridged (canceled) series came out with a new episode. I didn't post it back then because I forgot about it or I had a song stuck in my head. Anyway it's pretty funny. My fav part is yugi's reaction to tea dueling. The sad part is that's actually how he acted during the show. Today's tip is letting your mind wander can be a dangerous thing. You'll find yourself thinking about things you'll wish you never thought. Think about it.

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