Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Yesterday is finally over

As you can imagine I didn't have such a hot day yesterday. Well lucky for me today my roommate wasn't in this morning because he had to go to work early and my boss doesn't work today. Honestly I'm still pissed at those two. Last night I pretty much ignored my roommate and my boss was ignored the entire day. I know I should probably talk to those two, but you know what I don't want to. Clearly they can't figure out why I'm pissed so why bother pointing it out. Then they'll fake that they are sorry and do it again. Maybe I'll feel better about it tomorrow, but today I sure as hell don't. In other news I found out there is a pageant to crown the "perfect teen". I'm sure you all have heard that some British teen won it. Apparently people are upset about that because it was called America's perfect teen. Well I understand that, but how about we look at the fact that the pageant is called "perfect teen". That raises so many problems. 1. no one is perfect. Perfect depends on person to person. What I find perfect and a parent of a teen calls perfect are most likely two different perfects. 2. from what I've heard only girls can enter the pageant. So are we saying that only girls are perfect teens? How come guys can't enter. Pretty sure it's not called miss perfect teen. Either way it's still wrong.
Have you ever heard of the show 1000 ways to die? It's a show on Spike TV. It basically looks at different ways people have died. Most of them were stupid ways btw. Some where honest accidents and others were just people being stupid. For instance the one I was watching last night. A guy got his friend to give him liposuction in his garage with his high powered vacuum. Sparing you all the gross details it was a very preventable way of dying. Another was a couple who died in their hot tub because they liked to get high on pain killers and booze. By far one of the stupidest ways I saw was two teens had been watching samurai movies and one of the teen's dad collected ancient swords. So the two decide to have a sword fight, but that's not what killed one of them. They take the fight outside and as he was going to deliver the final blow he hit an overhead power line. Well if it wasn't that they would have died because one of them stabbed the other. The sad thing is that these are actual documented deaths. Like Ron White said. You can't fix stupid, but you can mock it when it leads to their death. That last part was my line.
So today I'm posting one of the clips from 1000 ways to die. This one is called Mercury in Uranus. You can imagine where this is going. This is what I was talking about when I said a lot of these deaths are preventable. This for sure is one of them. Now you can go youtube a lot more of these, but I must say that don't watch to many unless you have a strong stomach. Some are really graphic. This one is on the milder side. Today's tip is capitalization changes the meaning of "helping Uncle Jack off the horse" and "helping uncle jack of the horse".

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