Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'm off yet again

So today is my off day once again. Yay. A lot happened yesterday that's for sure.
I'm sure everyone has heard that Stephen Colbert testified before congress. The thing that shocks me is that someone invited him to do that. I mean you can't possibly think Stephen Colbert would act serious while testifying. Then on top of that do you think he's going to say what you want him to. If my congressperson invited a known comedian to testify before the committee I'd vote them out. Because clearly they don't take their committee seriously. It's just sad. I'm glad he gave it to them. They clearly needed a wake up call. Plus tons more people paid attention to it. So they really look like fools.
I also had quite a few customers yesterday. Those days are always fun. Favorite customers make the job so much better. Also helps wash away the annoying ones. I had a guy come in say he was just looking. He just got out of prison (why he had to tell me is beyond me), and was looking at supplements. He'll be back next week when he gets paid (like all the others). Then had another guy come in wearing an adidas sweatshirt. The weird thing is that he knew nothing about anything. He knew nothing about protein or pre-workouts. I mean even new athletes know they at least need protein. He really had no clue about any of the products which I don't see much of. I mean they may not know the nitty gritty of protein, but they know they at least need it to build muscle or to get better.
Today's tip is there is such thing as giving too much information. Try not to do that. It leaves emotional scars.

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