Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wedding today

That's what this week has really been leading up to. Me having to go to this wedding. I think the reason why I don't want to go is because I'm going to the reception and I hate eating in front of people I don't know. It's just something that I've never liked. Always feels like they are judging me based on what I eat or how I eat it. Plus since they know I work at a nutrition store the judgment is double. I know I'm probably wrong, but that's just how I feel. Plus I don't know where I'm sitting or who I'm sitting next to. What if I'm sitting close to the bride and groom. I mean I doubt I'm at their table, but what if I'm at the table with one of the grooms friends I met at the bachelor party. Ugh I just don't like feeling uncomfortable and that's exactly what's going to happen if I go. Well I promised I would go so I have to go. Maybe I'm just making a bigger deal out of this then it really is. Not like it's a day centered all around me. Just hate being in situations like that.
Yesterday was an interesting day at the gym. I didn't get to workout at my normal time because they were working on the power from 5 am to 8 am. Lucky for me I had the day off, but my workout buddy wasn't able to join me as well. So when I get there at 8:17 I'm of course the only person there. I was pretty much the only person there until shortly before I left. Anyway I added squats to my leg workout. It was normally a part of it, but the reason why I stopped doing them is because I wasn't doing them correctly. So this time I decided to make sure I started off doing squats with the correct form. So I used the smith machine. For those of you that don't know a smith machine is basically like using a barbell with a spotter. It also makes it so you have to use perfect form since you can't get it off it's track which is straight up and down. That means that when I go down I can't lean forward like I tend to do. I have to do it correctly or I don't go down. Well since I went down I assume I have correct form. Just hope I didn't develop some other incorrect habit. Well I'm going to be using low weights and increasing them up. I'm just worried because I know I for sure felt it in my lower back, but this morning my legs were sore. Not my back. Anyway means that I'm back to doing squats. The other weird thing that happened at the gym was this older guy comes in wearing a t-shirt tucked into his jeans. No joke. I don't get why people come to the gym in jeans. It's one thing if you plan on changing. Another thing when you plan on actually working out in those. It's weird because you don't have a lot of mobility in jeans. Plus they also get really hot. Yeah I don't get people.
I'm sure there are quite a few DBZ fans out there. Well I hope you don't plan on watching Dragon Ball Z Kai. Or is it Dragon Ball Kai. Anyway least not the dubbed version. I was flipping through channels and I saw that the CW had it on. I don't get nicktoons so I don't know if the nicktoons version is better. Anyway you know how when goku dies he has a halo. Well apparently that's not pc so now it's a ball of light. No seriously it is just a ball of light. How the hell does that symbolize that someone is dead? I mean it's bad enough that in the dubb Hell becomes HFIL. In case you were wondering that stands for Home for Infinite Losers. Again no joke. Well I could get past that, until I saw Mr. PoPo. When I first saw him I was like why does he look bluish. Figured it was just a mistake in the frame. Nope they now have Mr. PoPo as some blue guy with orange lips. Yeah I'm not going to lie Mr. PoPo does look like a bad stereotype, but at the same time he doesn't look human either. So yeah I'm not watching that anymore. Who knows what other crap they changed. I bet Freeza doesn't have those lips that look like he's wearing lipstick. Ugh who knows.
I'm sure you all know The Smoking Gun Presents World's Dumbest right. Well if not then you clearly don't read this blog often enough. Anyway they have a World's Smartest as well. World's Smartest Inventions. They are actual inventions that you can see in tv infomercials. I bring that up because well this one just made me laugh. It's called Booty Pop. Gives the woman with no ass an ass. The commentary is always funny. Especially at the end. So enjoy so Booty Pop. Today's tip is when faced with bad news just plug your ears and shout out random words. No one will ever tell you bad news again.

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