Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm excited

So yesterday it was slow so I went onto to look at the laptops. Well I found two that I really liked so I used that compare feature. Wow I love that feature. I was leaning more towards the Toshiba instead of the gateway, but when compared side by side the gateway had a lot more features and a lot more capabilities then the Toshiba. Then the one that had more hard drive then the gateway I was looking at had none of the cool features. So I know which one I'm going for once I get to best buy on Friday.
In weirdness news a weird guy came into the mall yesterday. Outside of the store we have this gray board that has the bus schedule and bus map on it. Well our neighbor comes in and says was that guy one of your customers. And I come out and say what guy. He points to this old guy in a red shirt and baseball cap. He was carrying one of our bus schedules. Turns out he just ripped the map from the display and walked out. Now you have got to be kidding me. Why in the world would someone rip down a map on the display. If you need a bus map we had more. Or if you needed a map of the city there is a visitors center further down. It just made no sense. The guy is clearly not all there. Pretty sure I've seen him before. Some people just do things that are well stupid.
Speaking of stupid. Ok well it's more laziness or not wanting to change. Anyway so this guy I know recently got a schedule change. He now works more normal hours. He use to have to go in at 2 and wouldn't get out until like 1 in the morning. Or it was midnight or something late. Anyway he now goes in at noon and gets out at 8. So he gets to spend some time with the family which he never got to do. His wife was so happy about that. Well fast forward a few weeks to this week and she's now trying to get him to get his old schedule back because she's having trouble getting her 40 hours in. She apparently doesn't work later then noon. In order to get away with that she has to come in at 4:30 am. Well she doesn't want to do that. Now I don't know why him working from noon to 8 affects her not getting in her 40 hours especially since she makes the schedule, but even if it did why do you not want to ever see your husband? You still have to come in early and now he's completely tired and has to get your kids ready and to school and running on little sleep. Clearly she wants to have her cake and eat it too. How about you either suck it up and get up early so you can get off at noon or you just leave your kid in day care for an hour a day. An hour a day isn't going to kill her. Plus this way least you get to spend some family time together. Women are fickle and ladies you know you are.
Today's tip is all that glitters is not gold, but they are fun to look at.

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