Monday, September 20, 2010


So I'm having a great morning. Well great might be over stretching it a bit. This morning I went to do a leg workout. I was trying out this new intra-workout stuff. Yeah that was crap. I basically had to run to the restroom because I felt like I was going to vomit. Then had to lay down because I was sweating way more then usual. Ugh never ever going to use that stuff. I mean it tasted fine, but clearly my body was rejecting it. Then again the company that made it is crap. They just push out product that they say should do this, but it's just a sprinkle of things. So yeah not taking that stuff again.
Now as for what I'm so happy about is that my weight has finally hit and passed the point I wanted it to. Not only did I do that, but my body fat didn't change from when I was 163 last month to now when I'm 167.8. That of course makes me happy. It means several things. 1. that I have put on 20 lbs since I started. The funny thing though is that I have gained 20.56 lbs of lean muscle and lost .56 lbs of fat. So in actuality all that I have gained has been muscle and then some. So my next goal is to make sure I am still above 165. I want 167ish to be my new average. Now if next month I hit 170 that would be amazing. So yeah I'm very happy.
I'm sure you have heard that the Vikings lost again. My roommate was watching the Packers game and the commentator said something that I agree with. He said clearly the Vikings should have spent more time practicing and working on their strategies then trying to get Farve to come back. It's what I've been saying all along. The Vikings and their fans spent all their effort trying to get Farve back that they clearly didn't put some of that energy into making plays and going through them. Oh well they will learn one way or another. 1 player does not a team make. Yes one player can help a team a lot, but they can't make the team. They aren't doing every single position. If it was a game where one person did everything then yes I could see why you'd do everything in your power to get that person back. Meh that's one reason why I can't stand football. On a side note I can no longer buy wranglers because Brett Farve is a spokesperson. Yeah I'm that spiteful. A guy should not "retire" and come back that many times and be hailed a hero.
Today's tip is the great thing about friends is they pretend to care when you have good news. Well the decent ones anyway.

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