Monday, September 13, 2010


Finally I hit my goal weight. It's been my goal weight for what 3 months now? I finally hit 165 today. Now the key is trying to keep that weight and then add onto it. The funny thing is that I really don't look too much different then I did at 162. Well once I keep the 165 steady then I'm going for one 170. My final goal will be about 185. Anything on top of that is gravy. I figure with my 5' 6" frame having 185 lbs of mostly muscle would really make me stand out. Granted it might scare off some old ladies, but it seems my forte is the sports nutrition side. Plus it might make it a lot easier to sell stuff too. Obviously if I look really buff then I obviously look like I know what I'm talking about. Now while I'm buffing up I just have to make sure my knowledge is also on par with the looks. Don't want to look like a guy that just willy nilly takes stuff.
Which reminds me I'm currently in my testing mode. We got these samples of a product called Creatine Nitrate. It's suppose to be better then Kre-Alkaylin. Hard to see that since Kre-Alkaylin is higher on the ph scale. Now if you mean by better you mean volumizing then yes any Creatine volumizes more then Kre-Alkaylin, but Kre-Alkaylin doesn't cause the bloat or problems regular Creatine causes. Anyway this Creatine is not only suppose to give you the benefits of Creatine, but also suppose to give you a better nitric oxide boost. Well I can honestly say I didn't feel any nitric oxide boost like I usually feel, but on the other hand I will say that it seemed like I was able to go longer then normal. I also did look a lot fuller then usual. So anyway I'm suppose to take this for 5 days then give it my honest opinion. If the other days are like today then I can say it's not a terrible product, but not as good as the hype would have you believe. Then I move on to a pre-workout from est and an intra-workout from them as well. If it's good then we'll add them, if not then well....yeah. Then after that I'm trying out size on pre-contest. Now I'm currently confused on this pre-contest stuff. I know they took out the carbs, but I couldn't remember why? I think they make the claim that this size on puts on the muscle without adding extra bloating. If that is the claim then that's bs because the carbs aren't what cause the bloating. The Creatine is. So again I will find out if it really is good stuff that we should bring in or stuff that really isn't worth it.
In other news I heard that Taylor Swift has accepted Kayne West's apology. She apparently sung a song forgiving him at the VMA's. I wouldn't know since I refuse to watch MTV. Mainly because I hate what they have become. That and because they unleashed the horror that is Jersey Shore. Anyway I'm not shocked that she did forgive him. I think Kayne West truly did suffer for what he did. I'm not saying his apology before hand was fake, but I will say that this one obviously has more meaning behind it. I mean his career is truly dented because of what he did last year. I'll admit I was one of those people that was really upset about it and made fun of him because of it. Now it's honestly old news. I stopped caring like 6 months ago. Well I hope with Swift moving on everyone else will stop giving the guy a hard time. If the person was wronged can forgive someone then shouldn't everyone else?
Today's tip is as one song said Be Prepared. You'll never know when that plan to become king will work.

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