Wednesday, September 15, 2010

15 minutes aren't up

So that reporter is still in the news. I was watching the Today show and Meredith says that what she was wearing is getting more attention then what the players did and is that fair. Well to her question I reply with you were one of the people that pointed it out. When you interviewed her yesterday. Anyway it's sparked this huge debate on what's appropriate to wear in that situation. So I'm just going to say it from a guy's perspective. If you go anywhere wearing jeans so tight we can see everything then that tells us you are overly sexual. You are sending signals of you are a sexual object. That's not taking into account the images of her on the Azeteca website. Then on top of that you are in a men's locker room. After guys have had practice. You see when guys workout our testosterone goes up so that's the worst time for a female to be in a locker room. Oh and on top of that she's already getting special treatment being in the locker room. If a guy was to go into a female locker room as a reporter he'd be viewed as a pervert. So you are already getting special treatment. Then you want to comment that you can't look anywhere. YOU ARE IN A LOCKER ROOM! Men change there. They aren't going to sit around in sweaty pads and clothes just because your in there. Then it turns out she didn't even alert the NFL to it. Some organization representing female sports reporters did. So that tells me right there she's use to it and this time she happened to tweet about it. Now I'm not saying sexual harassment is ok, but I am saying that what you wear does cause reactions. If I was to go into a woman's locker room dressed in super tight jeans that show my bulge, and a skin tight shirt, after the women stop screaming, I wouldn't be shocked if they objectified me. How I'm dressed is sending the signal to objectify me. If she had been wearing her hair in a bun and a dress suit then she wouldn't be under this light. If she had dressed like a guy in something comfortable yet professional then this wouldn't be such a big deal. How you dress sends a message and that's what everyone is focused on. She was sending a message of look at my body I have nothing to hide. Here are my ASSets.
Which actually leads me to my next point. A lot of how our bodies look is based on genetics. Things we can not change. For example the first one is our genders. Men can lose fat a lot easier because we have testosterone and can build more muscle because of it. Women on the other hand will always have nicer asses because of their estrogen. Our gender also effects where fat hits us the most. The next example is our body types. If your an Ectomorph you will naturally be skinny and have a hard time putting on weight. If you are a Mesomorph (the "ideal" body type) then you put on muscle easy and still have a pretty easy time losing weight or staying lean. These are the type that typical are star athletes. They are also the only body type that can every use the line I'm not fat I'm big boned (even though they'd only get fat if they never did any exercise which usually doesn't happen). Lastly is Endomorph which is the type that would like to say they aren't fat they are big boned when in all actuality they are actually medium boned. Anyway these are the type that can not lose weight for the life of them. They have to workout 10 times harder to lose the same weight a mesomorph loses and don't even try to compare it to an ectomorph. They are however the ideal type to be a football player. As if that wasn't enough we also have muscles that are designed a specific way. What I mean is the shape of our muscles is genetic. Do you know a guy who worked out maybe a few months and all of a sudden has a bicep peak yet you workout for a year and your just now seeing one. Well that's genetics. My bicep bulges more to the side then up yet my boss has one that peaks very easily. How are stomach looks is also genetic. My abs bulge out instead of being going inside. So I can't every really have that slim stomach. My abs are always going to bulge out and the more I work them the more they bulge out. Then as if that doesn't make it seem much worse there are also people that have body parts that just develop easier. For instance I know a guy who never works his biceps yet they are the perfect size for his height to weight (the symmetry test). For me I have to work my biceps a whole lot to get them even close to the size they are suppose to be, yet I don't have to do much to my legs or back to get them to look good. My back responded quickest to my workouts. My legs were next. We all have those trouble areas. I bring this up because I know a lot of people that want to look like the models in the magazines. The thing is not all of us can. Some of us have all those things working against us. Some have everything going their way so they can easily put on muscle and look like a model. So remember that.
Today's video is Aaron's Party by Aaron Carter. If you don't remember him then congrats on waking up from that comma. He was a big deal because his brother Nick Carter was in the backstreet boys. Aaron road his brother's success for 2 years I think. Now they have some reality show or had one. Anyway I'm posting this video because I know I can post 2 more vids later based off of it. Today's tip is when given the choice between an ocarina that bends the laws of nature and physics or a wand that changes wind direction choose the ocarina.

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