Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ugh football

So I'm deep in the heart of Packers territory. Meaning whenever they play I have to hear about it. I'm also on the edge of Minnesota which means that I also have to hear about the Vikings. Anyway the Packers have a game today and my roommate has been on me to wear packers stuff. He's been saying for my b-day he's going to get me a packers hat. The downside to football season.
Yesterday was a pretty good day. Let my co-worker know about all the new stuff. His new wife and kid were there. Apparently something was wrong with his car. I didn't ask him about it. There youngest sure is a handful. Also seems to really favor guys. Yeah good luck with that.
Other then that I of course just did nothing.
Today's tip is nothing brings people together quite like football. Well maybe the flu.

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