Thursday, September 9, 2010

Yeah got nothing

Today I have pretty much nothing to rant and rave about. Mainly because I've actually been shockingly mellow. I mean with the stuff I'm taking it seems like I only get aggressive when it comes to suppliers and customers. It's such a weird thing. I mean yesterday I noticed I was saying and doing things I normally wouldn't do. I just seemed to be getting really aggressive when I was getting close to a sale. It's a really weird feeling. It's like you step out of your body to notice that your acting weird, but you don't really stop it.
This morning was a really odd morning for me. I was figuring I was going to work my legs, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to workout the legs or the back. Well after I took my pre-workout my back muscles tensed up. It was a tense up like I had just worked it out. So I took it as a signal to work my back and shoulders. I mean it really did feel like my back was telling me to work it out. Ever hear about that mind-muscle connection? Basically it's the connection that your mind makes with your muscles. Bodybuilders talk about it all the time. They say that the stronger the connection the better development and workout of that muscle group. That could explain exactly why my back is the most developed part of my body.
Saturday it seems like everything is going on in town. There is a walk to support finding a cure for breast cancer. There is a clean sweep event going on. There is a wedding I have to go to. Seems like everything is going back to normal for that day. Now it could just simply be because this year Sept. 11th is a Saturday not a weekday. Maybe people feel that doing something positive is a whole lot better then sitting there doing nothing or feeling sorry for ourselves. What ever it is I like it. Doing something positive is a whole lot better then sitting around. Plus it's a whole lot smarter then burning a holy book. Amazing how this guy is still going to do it despite everyone saying it's a stupid idea. Someone is an attention whore.
I'm sure you have heard about the new movie Easy A. Well if you haven't then well look it up. Well one of the ads has the main character opening up a card that plays Pocket Full of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield. Her reaction to the song was my exact reaction. How it was annoying. Then it gets stuck in your head and no matter what you find yourself singing it. So well now it's your turn. Have fun with that. Today's tip is remember this election season pay attention to the facts not the ads. Ads are meant to sell you stuff you don't truly need.

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