Friday, September 10, 2010

It hurts

The stupidity of others just gives me the biggest headache ever. So I think you've all heard about Jessica Vega? If you haven't then let me fill you in. She pretended to have cancer to get a dream wedding. She was suppose to die shortly after the wedding (should have been red flag number one). Well needless to say people are quite pissed. Including her new husband who shockingly wants a divorce. Oh he's just as pissed if not more then anyone. He was lied to as well. If it's not bad enough there is a 1 year old involved. Needless to say that's one reason why so many people donated time and services. Some people are saying that apparently she suffers from some sort of anti-social psychological problem. Yeah doesn't matter what's wrong with her. She did it and if she wasn't intelligent enough to think that she wouldn't get away with it or that she might get in serious trouble for it then that's her problem. Well whatever happens she deserves it.
As a lot of you have heard that Pastor has changed his mind about burning the Koran. Or he really hasn't. The details are very fuzzy. Yesterday he said he was going to not do it then he said he changed his mind because of the moving of the Mosque now it's if he meets with the main person behind the Mosque at ground zero. Honestly both of these guys are so confusing. They can't seem to just simply say something and stick with it. I think honestly they both realized it was a terrible idea and that they shouldn't do it. Granted I knew the pastor was probably going to not go through it with it. Tons of people were sending him death threats. All these people from the government said don't do it. So now he of course has found a way out, but is now trying to back out, but still act like he's in control. Yeah it's not working. Stupid people really give me a headache.
Today's tip is you know you planned to do something stupid when you look for any excuse to get out of it.

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