Friday, September 17, 2010

Time off

I really do need more time off. For the simple fact that I get people that really do make me wonder what the hell. I had a guy come in and ask if we had Celltech. I said we did and gave him the price. He wanted to know if we had the big one. We didn't so I went and looked up the price of a big one. Told him the price and he said ok. I asked if he wanted us to order it for him and he says oh he can get it cheaper from vitamin world. THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE? If only my eyes could shoot daggers. It goes to show you that people have gotten to the point that they have lost their tact. Mainly guys my age and younger. They will gladly tell you they can get it cheaper on the internet. Well then go do it. Don't bother people like me that are in a business trying to help people at a good price. Internet sites and big chain stores can buy in bigger bulk and get better price breaks then we do. We can only lower the price so much and still make a profit. That's what keeps us in business. Like I said it's going to show that small businesses really are getting harder and harder to start unless you do it on the internet.
Yesterday wasn't a good day for me. Seemed like I just dragged all day. Had a huge order to receive in and label up. Had quite a few people that again tried my patience. Had a guy who hadn't been in, since last October of 2008. Which means he was really there looking for free information. Basically he's only buying something so that we will do a body fat test and measurement for him. If it was someone who comes in every month or even every other month and spends a good bit of money then it's no big deal. That tells us they aren't there just because we give good information. They are there because our information and products work. When we only see them every now and again and they ask us a million questions and never buy anything or only show up because they want to be remeasured then obviously we aren't going to really push to make time for you. Why should we? You aren't doing us a favor of buying stuff from us so why should we do the favor of measuring you? Anyway so the big blow was and the end of the day. I had my wallet in my pants and I was sitting in my room. I then took off my pants and was holding them. I was then playing with my phone. I then go to put my pants up and get my wallet out. Yeah couldn't find it. Then I go looking everywhere. My roommate of course freaks me out about me losing it. I go back to the office and it's not there. Then I look in my room again and I find it. Right next to my surge protector. Both are black. So yeah I was just spent.
Alright so the last video based off that Aaron Carter video. Remember how I said that Aaron Carter got his "success" off his brother Nick. Well meet Leslie Carter. She got her "success" (a.k.a. the one hit wonder) based off both her brothers. Her song is called Like Wow so you know it must be a good song. I never saw the video...until now. Yeah just um....yeah. Just watch it. Today's tip is in a crisis, panic is the enemy. Makes it easy to overlook the small things.

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