Saturday, September 4, 2010

3 day weekend

I get a three day weekend. Well not really since I'm here at work today. The key thing is I don't have to be at work on Monday. The only downside is that right after that I'm working 5 days straight and on that last day I have to go to a wedding reception. I can't ever catch a break.
Yep I hate jeans. I really do hate them oh so much. Especially after being in shorts for 2 months straight. Jeans are so constricting. I swear they weren't like this when I use to wear them. Then again apparently my legs have gotten bigger, but I mean damn. This keeps up I'm wearing shorts 365 days out of the year. Maybe it's just the pair of jeans I grabbed. Well whatever it is I don't like it. One reason why I always hated wearing jeans as a child. That or I hated having my legs covered. I know there was a period in which I hated them, then I loved them, now I hate them again. Granted I haven't gone out and got more pairs lately. I usually get a size larger then what I need to make sure they are baggy and I have free rang of motion. Clearly I'm going to have to do that again. The annoying thing is it's not the whole jeans that are the problem. They are just really tight around the thigh region. Once past that they are fine. Ugh I really might have to go up a size. I feel like I'm waddling. That's not a good thing.
Know what I just realized. It's no longer August. I no longer have to do that challenge. I mean I know I signed up late, but I think I made up for it now. Sweet I don't have to do word counting anymore. Finally when I have nothing to say I can say well nothing.
Got another good one for you. This is another episode of Yu Yu Hakusho abridged. Watch it for it is funny. For those of you who are fans of Kurama you'll love this episode. This is when he faces that rock beast. I do wish Kurama actually acted like this. He is allowed being as smart as he is. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is sometimes a few kind words to someone can make them extremely happy.

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