Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The work begins again

So I'm here today at work just like every Tuesday. Got a lot to do since yesterday I was off. I of course have to basically work two days straight. Then I have a half day on Thursday and off on Friday, then work Saturday and have to go to a wedding reception after work. Yep it's going to be a tiring week.
Yesterday I was tired a lot, but I'm not sure if it's because of the big dinner I had or if it's the stuff I'm taking. After this morning I think it was that dinner I had. Plus it could be because I wasn't up and moving around like normal on a Monday.
So after today I kinda have the bar set. I have now worked my two weakest muscle groups so when this new stuff comes in that I'm suppose to sample I'll know if it really works well or if it's just a bust. That's usually how I tell if something works well. I try it on my arm and/or chest day. I think those two groups are far from where they should be. Ok maybe not far, but they should be better along then they are. My legs and back I'm never worried about. I know my legs are more developed then they should be at this stage and same with my back. I say they are more developed because I don't have to do much to get a good pump. So I'm kinda stronger on the bottom and in the back then in the front and the arms. On the plus side no one has asked if I worked out in months. That use to be a question I got a lot from new guys. Do you workout? Do you take this stuff? Well I still get that last one, but that's mainly because they haven't tried it themselves and are looking for feedback. So I've hit my one of my first goals and that is to look the part of someone who at least knows what he's talking about when he recommends a pre-workout and a protein.
I've heard that some church in Florida plans on burning the Koran on 9/11. Wow how much of a bad idea is that. How does burning another religion's book help anything? How does doing that help our men and women over seas fighting? How does that help those regions that see us as evil? If anything all that will do is make those regions angrier at us. Not only those regions, but anyone of the Islamic faith. I mean think how Christians would get upset if someone burned the bible or how the Jews would feel if we burned the Torah. All that this does is fight fire with fire. It makes those doing it feel better for a little bit, but as soon as the backlash hits they will feel bad and cover their guilt by blaming others. If this church was smart they wouldn't do this. How does burning a holy book make your cause look right? If anything it makes you look like those extremist that try to convert everyone they meet and say if you don't convert you're going to hell. Yeah I don't want those people as the face of America.
I was working out and I heard the song Stupid Girls by Pink. I love this song because of the message. There is this push for girls to be these airheads. So basically this song and music video makes fun of all of them. The annoying thing is that there are actually studies that show the smarter the woman is the more happy the guy is. These girls that are pointed out in this video make great arm candy, but long term the guy isn't going to be happy. Who would be with someone like Paris Hilton. Ugh that type of stupidity is annoying to be around. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is fighting fire with fire just leads to 3rd degree burns and a huge fire to deal with.

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