Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ugh.....why me?

All I can say is never again will I ever do that to myself. I had the most boring time at that wedding reception. Honestly I shouldn't have even been there. Basically when I get into the hall where the reception is I feel like everyone is staring at me. Which was probably far from true, but when I get nervous I get paranoid. I showed all three of my classic I'm nervous signs. I didn't eat much, I didn't talk much, and I avoided eye contact as much as possible. If only this guy knew how uncomfortable he made me he'd stop inviting me to things. 1st it was the bachelor party where all I did was stand and watch people jet ski because it was not planned out. The plan was basically drink beers and tell stupid stories. Now I had to go to this wedding reception where I really didn't know any body and those that I did know where either at the head table or at another table. So I'm basically just sitting next to my boss. The other thing that I do when I'm paranoid is I don't move. I don't do anything to draw more attention to myself. So I didn't get up to go talk to anyone. Hey they knew where I was. They could have come talk to me. Plus it didn't help that the old couple that was sitting across from me had a loud mouth daughter. She just went on and on about her $90 bottle of vodka she snuck in. Then she just kept getting louder and louder. Went from talking about golf, to breast implants, to not having kids. She just would not shut up at all. So as I was trying to sneak out after I'd been there for an hour a customer decides to hold me up. I "talked" to him for a bit then eventually when a lull came in the conversation said I was ready to go and left. Never EVER again. I mean I don't even know the groom really. We've never sat down and had a heart to heart. Maybe if we did I would have felt better about going. If he hadn't personally invited me and asked if I was going I really wouldn't have gone. I know at a wedding it shouldn't be about me, but well how can I lie to the guy if he asks? I didn't have a good time and I really couldn't wait to get home.
Probably didn't help that I had a very long day at work. Had a bunch of lookers. Pretty sure I had a guy who only buys his stuff online too. I know this because his brother said he had muscle juice before and didn't like it, and I know he didn't get it from me. Maybe my boss or my co-worker, but not me. Not to mention they come in for four things and leave with (shockingly) none. Which tells me they were really just getting information on what works so they can just get it offline. That is the most annoying thing ever. Someone spends time with you trying to help you get the right supplement and you just say thanks or I'll think about it knowing full well your just going to buy it online? Wow asshole much? Maybe I'm getting it all wrong and the guy really was going to buy stuff at the store, but his brother was being a little turd. Because he honestly was. He would whisper everything and when asked why he didn't like muscle juice he just said I don't know I just didn't like it. So the older brother is probing him for why he didn't like it and we come to find out that it didn't put on the pounds like he thought it would, but he wasn't taking it like he was suppose to either. Ugh just was not my day. Then as I'm trying to close up I get the talkers. The ones that take forever to just buy their shit and get out as Walter would say. They seriously spend 20 minutes looking then will finally buy something. Luckily my boss gave me permission to close up five minutes early and I shooed everyone out in time to do it.
Times like this I need to laugh at someone that got way too cocky. This goalie will do. Short version he got way too full of himself and as a result a goal was scored. This is why when your defending a penalty kick make sure the ball comes to a complete stop. Today's tip is there is a time and place for everything. A wedding is not the time nor the place to talk about breast implants.

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