Thursday, September 2, 2010

Here's why

So yesterday if anyone was following my twitter account they probably noticed that I was quite angry. So let me explain what happened. I had to get up early yesterday and get to work early because my boss couldn't come in. We had to make the end of month deposit. Well I got most of it done, but I had to rush to the bank because I had more stuff to do. Well I get to the bank and my car decides to act up. What I mean is the window only went down not all the way. So I hurt my arm pit putting the bag on the tray and getting it back. So then I rush back to work to go put out cones for the farmers market plus print out copies of the sheets the farmers get when they pay us to be there. So by the time I finally got the store open I was tired. But wait! There's more. Yesterday was senior day which is our most intense day. The first senior to go in is a senior who is the most confused senior you will ever meet. Then a guy who wanted to buy some sports supplements came in. She of course takes forever so when I finally get her out I was lucky the guy didn't leave.
Well my co-worker happened to come in. Let me just say this guy does not know when enough is enough. He comes in already saying I need to hurry up because his kid is in the car. How the fuck is that my problem? How about hey how you doing. Then it was just nothing, but insults for me. Yeah he did it with a smile, but when your already frazzled and someone just keeps ragging on you it pisses you off. So as I was trying to tell my boss something he buts in and says well why didn't you do that. So I threw my hands up and sat at my computer and shut the fuck up. My boss kept asking me what's wrong? Then the UPS guy mentioned something. You know when someone is pissed off. Probably not a good idea to harass them and try to get them to talk. You know that something is bugging me when I workout and it's still bugging me. Well according to my boss my co-worker does like me. His wife to be says that he just doesn't know when enough is enough. She also says that he thinks I'm a great guy. So that begged the question why were they talking about me? She only met me once. Now what probably happened was when I left the bachelor party she asked who I was and she told him. He probably also mentions whenever I stop by. See the annoying thing about this is you can't be mad at the guy. In fact you end up feeling sorry for him. So basically I have to come by every Saturday he works. Ugh... why can't he either hate me or like me and not spend every waking moment insulting me. He really never says anything nice to me. The most I get out of him is hey thanks for coming or hey how was your day then I get nothing, but insults. Maybe I'm still pissed which is why I'm making him out to be the bad guy... ugh.
The other thing that happened yesterday is a customer that's come by before came in. According to my boss this guy is going to be leaving the city soon to go somewhere down south for a job. Now we all know people come and go in our lives. This guy wasn't truly a regular customer. You'd see him maybe once every 3 months twice a month if you had something he really wanted. I would be sad that he's leaving if he was a regular customer. There are tons of customers that if they left I'd feel really bad and miss them. Him not so much. Like I said he came in twice in a 2 week period because again we had something he wanted. He gets most of his stuff off the internet. I can tell since he's bigger. Well my boss says he looks bigger. He actually looks the same as when I last saw him except his hair is lighter. So that's just one more face we won't see or hear from. Not really a big deal like I said.
I have posted 3 squibies that are suppose to be from the up coming games pokemon black and pokemon white. The three I'm talking about are Black Static Dragon, Victory, and White Pyrus Dragon. So I think it's about time I post the trailers for those games. Now of course they are in Japanese, but they do show some of the new pokemon that have been revealed and some of the game aspects that have been revealed as well. I will say this game looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. I might actually get it despite the fact that right now it sounds really really confusing with all the new features like the dream world, triple battle, areas that are only available in one game or the other, triple battle, and new moves that when played in a certain order create an addition secondary effect and are known as combo attacks. Today's tip is there are people who can take a play insult, but know that it can easily go too far. Pay attention.

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