Monday, September 27, 2010

Crazy morning

So this morning I've been hustling and bustling. I forgot my key to get into the gym so I had to run and back to the apartment and get that. Then it was a pretty relaxing day at the gym. No one came into the back to bug me. Weight hog was on the floor doing ab exercises on the wood floor. Then all of a sudden everyone seemed to come in. First it was one of the trainers. Well the former manager now trainer. She opens up the trainer office and turns on the light. Then I see an older lady I haven't seen since I really started. Behind her was who I thought was the male trainer that's an asshole. Luckily it wasn't, but he was an asshole. I say that because he was one of those guys that goes from machine to machine doing like 6 reps at max and not wiping the machines. So when he worked out on a machine I was about to use I made sure to make a scene as I grabbed a wipe and wiped the machine. He then got the hint and wiped the machine. As soon as I went up front to do my cool down he of course jumped again and didn't wipe. Ugh gross.
I was watching an interview on Good Morning America. Roommate had it on. Anyway it was with two of the stars of Social Network. I must say that movie does not appeal to me. Why would I want to see a movie about how a site was made? That's like a documentary. Except this one is clearly fiction. What I mean is that I don't think any of the people involved in the story really had any say in the movie. So all the people making the script have to go on is some records and speculation. Anyway I don't want to see that movie. Just doesn't seem like my life will be enhanced by watching the movie. At least with other movies there is something you come away with. Comedies make you feel good. Romance movies could help you get some. So on and so forth. This movie just doesn't seem like it would do anything for me. Kinda well lame.
The other big story was that a family had to give up the child they adopted because she was threatening to break up the family. The child had fetal alcohol. Meaning her brain didn't develop like it should. Plus she's bipolar. Well it turns out that the record for the mother was wiped clean by the brother. The mother apparently wanted a good family for the child. Well how the hell did that help? How does lying to a family help your child. Apparently she thought there would be no signs from the drugs or alcohol. The worse thing is that the brother helped out with this. Did he think it wouldn't be traced back to him? Did he think it would really be that easy. The thing is that if the record had said about the alcohol a family that is willing to deal with that will step up. I've seen it before. If they at least know what's coming it won't be a shock. When they don't know what's coming why would the family really want to keep the child. The child is suicidal. Runs into traffic any chance she gets. They have had to do multiple hospital stays. The money to keep the child from trying to kill herself has to be astronomical. Plus the child said the mother hit her which everyone knows isn't true. That means the family could have lost their own children. All I know is that if I was the family I'd sue the brother and hopefully he's facing criminal charges too. Messing with records like that has to be illegal.
Today's tip is try not to be redundant when trying to say good things about someone. Makes it appear that they only have a few good qualities.

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