Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last day

Today is the last day of me being 21. Come tomorrow at 2 am I turn 22. Yeah my mom told me the time I was born and I saw it on my birth certificate. My brother was born at 8:15. I remember odd things so sue me. I got a lot to do tomorrow. Going to go pick up that laptop. Then off to get my tattoo then a b-day dinner. So I got a lot to do.
Yesterday was a pretty slow day. No one really did anything that warrants me ranting about it. I mean a guy that clearly can't get out of his glory days came in, but that's more sad then rant worthy. Let me give you a little back ground. He was doing some home repairs and he fell off the later and shattered his heels. Well apparently the only way to fix it is to do surgery. Or they have to do something he won't do. So since then he comes in periodically and asks what pro-hormones we have and asks if we have this and that then says he'll be back in. He's got to get back to the gym and work out. Got to get back to having those 18 inch arms I had in March. Yeah he didn't have 18 inch arms in March. His accident happened like September of last year. He was using the cane when I saw him around December. Trust me in December he didn't even have 18 inch arms. Like I said it's sad because he is so stuck in those "glory days" reality is slipping away.
Oh so I just thought of a customer who annoyed me and is rant worthy. So he comes in and asks if we have Bee Pollen. I show it to him and of course he doesn't just simply say ok and buy it. No no. He sits there going over it. Asks where did this come from. Ignoring the obvious sarcastic comment I asked him to clarify. And he said which country is this made in. I said I believe the US. He sees a US address. He then finds that it mentions that the pollen comes from the finest sources in China and Europe. Well that gives him full right to go on a tyred. That's exactly what it was. He then says I don't know why they go and do that. Everyone knows the best bee pollen is from the west. Blah blah blah. The whole time I had this look on my face I know conveyed my lack of interest. He just kept going on. Then he says I'm going to pass. So I get ready to take it from him AND HE KEEPS GOING! Keeps ranting about why would they do that and blah blah blah. Then again says he doesn't mean to be nit picky (too late), but I'm going to pass. So I get the bottle form him finally and I'm getting ready to put it up and help someone else who came in. Before he even gets out the door he comes in and starts up again. Says maybe you all should research other companies that make bee pollen. Blah blah blah. Again I know my face gave away my lack of caring. Put bluntly he's the only one that's asked for it in months and if he didn't buy it someone will one of these days and we aren't going to waste are time looking for other sources. Then he finally leaves. Ugh I just wanted to yell at him and I might have if it wasn't for the fact another customer was there. I was not in a good mood yesterday because of a headache I had. Plus I seem to get really pissy whenever my b-day is close. As this rant kinda shows.
I'm sure you all have heard that come October 5th they are re releasing Beauty and the Beast. Well guess what song has been in my head. So now it gets to be in yours. This is the one that was actually in the movie by Angela Lansberry. Think I spelled that name right and I am not looking it up to see if I did. Told you I get pissy. Anyway it even has the lyrics if you want to sing along. Yeah I just didn't feel like looking for one that didn't have lyrics. Enjoy. Today's tip is there is a reason for everything. Sometimes not a good reason, but a reason none the less.

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