Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last day

Today is the last day of me being 21. Come tomorrow at 2 am I turn 22. Yeah my mom told me the time I was born and I saw it on my birth certificate. My brother was born at 8:15. I remember odd things so sue me. I got a lot to do tomorrow. Going to go pick up that laptop. Then off to get my tattoo then a b-day dinner. So I got a lot to do.
Yesterday was a pretty slow day. No one really did anything that warrants me ranting about it. I mean a guy that clearly can't get out of his glory days came in, but that's more sad then rant worthy. Let me give you a little back ground. He was doing some home repairs and he fell off the later and shattered his heels. Well apparently the only way to fix it is to do surgery. Or they have to do something he won't do. So since then he comes in periodically and asks what pro-hormones we have and asks if we have this and that then says he'll be back in. He's got to get back to the gym and work out. Got to get back to having those 18 inch arms I had in March. Yeah he didn't have 18 inch arms in March. His accident happened like September of last year. He was using the cane when I saw him around December. Trust me in December he didn't even have 18 inch arms. Like I said it's sad because he is so stuck in those "glory days" reality is slipping away.
Oh so I just thought of a customer who annoyed me and is rant worthy. So he comes in and asks if we have Bee Pollen. I show it to him and of course he doesn't just simply say ok and buy it. No no. He sits there going over it. Asks where did this come from. Ignoring the obvious sarcastic comment I asked him to clarify. And he said which country is this made in. I said I believe the US. He sees a US address. He then finds that it mentions that the pollen comes from the finest sources in China and Europe. Well that gives him full right to go on a tyred. That's exactly what it was. He then says I don't know why they go and do that. Everyone knows the best bee pollen is from the west. Blah blah blah. The whole time I had this look on my face I know conveyed my lack of interest. He just kept going on. Then he says I'm going to pass. So I get ready to take it from him AND HE KEEPS GOING! Keeps ranting about why would they do that and blah blah blah. Then again says he doesn't mean to be nit picky (too late), but I'm going to pass. So I get the bottle form him finally and I'm getting ready to put it up and help someone else who came in. Before he even gets out the door he comes in and starts up again. Says maybe you all should research other companies that make bee pollen. Blah blah blah. Again I know my face gave away my lack of caring. Put bluntly he's the only one that's asked for it in months and if he didn't buy it someone will one of these days and we aren't going to waste are time looking for other sources. Then he finally leaves. Ugh I just wanted to yell at him and I might have if it wasn't for the fact another customer was there. I was not in a good mood yesterday because of a headache I had. Plus I seem to get really pissy whenever my b-day is close. As this rant kinda shows.
I'm sure you all have heard that come October 5th they are re releasing Beauty and the Beast. Well guess what song has been in my head. So now it gets to be in yours. This is the one that was actually in the movie by Angela Lansberry. Think I spelled that name right and I am not looking it up to see if I did. Told you I get pissy. Anyway it even has the lyrics if you want to sing along. Yeah I just didn't feel like looking for one that didn't have lyrics. Enjoy. Today's tip is there is a reason for everything. Sometimes not a good reason, but a reason none the less.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm excited

So yesterday it was slow so I went onto to look at the laptops. Well I found two that I really liked so I used that compare feature. Wow I love that feature. I was leaning more towards the Toshiba instead of the gateway, but when compared side by side the gateway had a lot more features and a lot more capabilities then the Toshiba. Then the one that had more hard drive then the gateway I was looking at had none of the cool features. So I know which one I'm going for once I get to best buy on Friday.
In weirdness news a weird guy came into the mall yesterday. Outside of the store we have this gray board that has the bus schedule and bus map on it. Well our neighbor comes in and says was that guy one of your customers. And I come out and say what guy. He points to this old guy in a red shirt and baseball cap. He was carrying one of our bus schedules. Turns out he just ripped the map from the display and walked out. Now you have got to be kidding me. Why in the world would someone rip down a map on the display. If you need a bus map we had more. Or if you needed a map of the city there is a visitors center further down. It just made no sense. The guy is clearly not all there. Pretty sure I've seen him before. Some people just do things that are well stupid.
Speaking of stupid. Ok well it's more laziness or not wanting to change. Anyway so this guy I know recently got a schedule change. He now works more normal hours. He use to have to go in at 2 and wouldn't get out until like 1 in the morning. Or it was midnight or something late. Anyway he now goes in at noon and gets out at 8. So he gets to spend some time with the family which he never got to do. His wife was so happy about that. Well fast forward a few weeks to this week and she's now trying to get him to get his old schedule back because she's having trouble getting her 40 hours in. She apparently doesn't work later then noon. In order to get away with that she has to come in at 4:30 am. Well she doesn't want to do that. Now I don't know why him working from noon to 8 affects her not getting in her 40 hours especially since she makes the schedule, but even if it did why do you not want to ever see your husband? You still have to come in early and now he's completely tired and has to get your kids ready and to school and running on little sleep. Clearly she wants to have her cake and eat it too. How about you either suck it up and get up early so you can get off at noon or you just leave your kid in day care for an hour a day. An hour a day isn't going to kill her. Plus this way least you get to spend some family time together. Women are fickle and ladies you know you are.
Today's tip is all that glitters is not gold, but they are fun to look at.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hmmm little to early to be annoyed

And yet I am. Going to prove why I can't stand vendors. Anyway I'll get into that tomorrow. Got to have something to rant about tomorrow. Today looks like it's going to be a dull day.
So yesterday I had this customer that comes in from time to time. Always has his headphones in and always says he's just looking except yesterday. I swear the guy hates silence or something. He always seems to want to talk especially when I'm checking him out at the register. He's the same guy that asked me if I watched UFC and I said no, but my brother is and he kept talking about it. Anyway so we are at the front desk and he says so how's business. I said it's good. Then he said something that I'm sure he didn't even realize was a stupid thing to say. He says never seems to be busy whenever I come in. Well you are still here so obviously business is good. Just so you know the last time he was in it was pretty busy. So I just quickly retort with depends on the time of the day. Now why would you go and say that it never seems busy. Who does that help? For some businesses that's rubbing salt in the wounds. Like I said maybe he just doesn't like silences so he rather stick his foot in his mouth.
Yesterday I went to go set up an appointment for my tattoo. I call up and the guy is talking then all of sudden goes on a rant about how he hates kids because a kid threw up. Well turns out it's his own kid. Wow clearly someone is a great parent. How about you use protection and try not to have kids. Anyway so I get there and it's a tiny hole in the wall. He apparently watches his son from the time he opens until sometime in the afternoon. Ok then why open up at that time? Anyway so I showed him what I wanted and he's like well I can trick it out for you. Just doing the kanji in black in white is $80, but if I trick it out it's just $130. So I asked him what would he do if he "tricked it out". He said well I could put chrome on it or make it look like it's in 3-D. I asked well can I have a sketch. He says oh I don't do sketch not since I got all those photos in my portfolio. Just take a look. I saw nothing that just stuck out to me. He then says well I'll make you a deal. If you don't like the color I'll go over it in black at no charge. So what could happen is that I pay $50 more to get it "tricked out", and then end up with exactly what I wanted before, but out $50. Yeah I'll just go with what I wanted originally and keep my $50. That way I don't have to worry. Ugh tattoo artists are such divas. The guy I got my first tattoo from was pretty much like that except he thought color wouldn't show up well on my skin. Apparently now it does.
Today's tip is filling an awkward silence by sticking your foot in your mouth just leaves you with a bad taste.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Crazy morning

So this morning I've been hustling and bustling. I forgot my key to get into the gym so I had to run and back to the apartment and get that. Then it was a pretty relaxing day at the gym. No one came into the back to bug me. Weight hog was on the floor doing ab exercises on the wood floor. Then all of a sudden everyone seemed to come in. First it was one of the trainers. Well the former manager now trainer. She opens up the trainer office and turns on the light. Then I see an older lady I haven't seen since I really started. Behind her was who I thought was the male trainer that's an asshole. Luckily it wasn't, but he was an asshole. I say that because he was one of those guys that goes from machine to machine doing like 6 reps at max and not wiping the machines. So when he worked out on a machine I was about to use I made sure to make a scene as I grabbed a wipe and wiped the machine. He then got the hint and wiped the machine. As soon as I went up front to do my cool down he of course jumped again and didn't wipe. Ugh gross.
I was watching an interview on Good Morning America. Roommate had it on. Anyway it was with two of the stars of Social Network. I must say that movie does not appeal to me. Why would I want to see a movie about how a site was made? That's like a documentary. Except this one is clearly fiction. What I mean is that I don't think any of the people involved in the story really had any say in the movie. So all the people making the script have to go on is some records and speculation. Anyway I don't want to see that movie. Just doesn't seem like my life will be enhanced by watching the movie. At least with other movies there is something you come away with. Comedies make you feel good. Romance movies could help you get some. So on and so forth. This movie just doesn't seem like it would do anything for me. Kinda well lame.
The other big story was that a family had to give up the child they adopted because she was threatening to break up the family. The child had fetal alcohol. Meaning her brain didn't develop like it should. Plus she's bipolar. Well it turns out that the record for the mother was wiped clean by the brother. The mother apparently wanted a good family for the child. Well how the hell did that help? How does lying to a family help your child. Apparently she thought there would be no signs from the drugs or alcohol. The worse thing is that the brother helped out with this. Did he think it wouldn't be traced back to him? Did he think it would really be that easy. The thing is that if the record had said about the alcohol a family that is willing to deal with that will step up. I've seen it before. If they at least know what's coming it won't be a shock. When they don't know what's coming why would the family really want to keep the child. The child is suicidal. Runs into traffic any chance she gets. They have had to do multiple hospital stays. The money to keep the child from trying to kill herself has to be astronomical. Plus the child said the mother hit her which everyone knows isn't true. That means the family could have lost their own children. All I know is that if I was the family I'd sue the brother and hopefully he's facing criminal charges too. Messing with records like that has to be illegal.
Today's tip is try not to be redundant when trying to say good things about someone. Makes it appear that they only have a few good qualities.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday is it?

Yep it's Sunday. Hard to believe after the day I had yesterday. I was off and just seemed like a Sunday. Mainly because I went to get groceries. That's pretty much all I did. I did watch Yu Yu Hakusho. I kinda did a dvd marathon. In fact I'm watching it right now. The guys are playing Game Master. It's a slower episode then other ones because there is no actual fighting. I also started playing pearl. Figure I need to get some more pokemon before black and white come out so I can transfer.
I got a lot of calls going up. Got to know what's going on with my b-day. Need to know if I need to go and buy my laptop or what. Other then that nothing is really going on with me. Very boring.
So today's video will be a parody of pokemon diamond and pearl. I'm posting two videos. The first one is the introductory episode then the next is the first gym battle. It was a good parody, but come episode 6 seems like the creator just kept making excuses for why it wasn't as good as the past episodes. Today's tip is when someone who is usually calm gets angry look out. They tend to be very scary.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'm off yet again

So today is my off day once again. Yay. A lot happened yesterday that's for sure.
I'm sure everyone has heard that Stephen Colbert testified before congress. The thing that shocks me is that someone invited him to do that. I mean you can't possibly think Stephen Colbert would act serious while testifying. Then on top of that do you think he's going to say what you want him to. If my congressperson invited a known comedian to testify before the committee I'd vote them out. Because clearly they don't take their committee seriously. It's just sad. I'm glad he gave it to them. They clearly needed a wake up call. Plus tons more people paid attention to it. So they really look like fools.
I also had quite a few customers yesterday. Those days are always fun. Favorite customers make the job so much better. Also helps wash away the annoying ones. I had a guy come in say he was just looking. He just got out of prison (why he had to tell me is beyond me), and was looking at supplements. He'll be back next week when he gets paid (like all the others). Then had another guy come in wearing an adidas sweatshirt. The weird thing is that he knew nothing about anything. He knew nothing about protein or pre-workouts. I mean even new athletes know they at least need protein. He really had no clue about any of the products which I don't see much of. I mean they may not know the nitty gritty of protein, but they know they at least need it to build muscle or to get better.
Today's tip is there is such thing as giving too much information. Try not to do that. It leaves emotional scars.

Friday, September 24, 2010

And friday once again

It's Friday and my brain has been going since I woke up this morning. As I have mentioned before I'm really excited about the new pokemon game. It's got me thinking. What will be the theme of the cities? In kanto (the original games) all the cities were colors. Look it up if you don't believe me. In Johto all of them were flowers. Note that Goldenrod is a color and a flower. In Hoenn they were all types of trees. Well you can't count the starter cities in that. Pallet isn't a color, but it holds color. New bark is clearly not a flower, and Twinleaf is not a tree. I don't think. Sinnoh is the only one I'm having trouble placing a theme on. In all actuality I don't think there is a theme. I'm sure there is and I'm just missing it. Maybe it will have something to do with yin and yang. Or probably since they are out of themes there won't be one. Still think there is a theme for Sinnoh, but it's so hard to find. Maybe they are types of stones. Ooo maybe that could be the theme. Birth stones. Then again Onyx could be confused for Onix. Anyway I can't stop thinking about it.
The other thing I can't stop thinking about is the people in the gym. If you've ever worked out at a gym you've probably seen this guy. He jumps from exercise to exercise. He always picks up heavy weights and rushes through his routine, but he never does it for longer then 2 sets. Whenever I see people like this I want to say something, but I've worked with people like this. They think they know everything and whenever you try to help them they kinda shut you down. Here is why this doesn't work. 1. the proven way to build muscle is working your muscles to muscle fatigue. You can't do that when you are rushing around doing everything. 2. Working large muscle groups all at once really tires your body out and if you didn't get any carbs in before you came into the gym you are going to be tired and sick and actually make your body go catabolic instead of anabolic. Meaning it's going to tear down your muscles to get the nutrients and store fat instead of burning fat and building muscle. 3. Going through quickly isn't going to train your muscles. You are basically just letting momentum do the work. Your muscles aren't controlling the weight going up and down or side to side or however it's suppose to be worked. So basically your wasting your time. 4. You get into people's way. Pick a station and work it for at least 3 sets. That way you get muscle fatigue and really work those muscles. It makes your workout more productive and helps others keep their workouts productive. 5. Really heavy weights make it impossible to lift correctly if you haven't trained up to it. Obviously it's going to make you cheat instead of lifting correctly. Plus not lifting it correctly leads to injury and pain in your joints. Studies have shown you can build just as much muscle with lighter weights as heavier weights as long as you go to muscle fatigue. Plus lighter weights make it easier to keep perfect form and don't harm your joints nearly as much. Now obviously what I say isn't going to be what other people say. I'm not taking into account super sets which is where you go from say bicep curls to the tricep rope without weight. That's fine. And obviously power lifters want to go for heavier weights, but for the average person lighter weights with correct form and working to muscle fatigue builds muscle and burns fat. Making sure you work 1 muscle group at a time helps keep your body from fatiguing quickly or getting the carbs from your muscles because you didn't take enough carbs before hand to prevent that. Talk to a personal trainer. Tell them your goals, but make sure your going to the right trainer. Obviously if your just toning, don't ask advice from the biggest trainer that specializes in strength training.
I also found out that my gym has a magazine. Well that's to be expected since it's a franciase. I flipped through it and I noticed the lack of males in the magazine. You see like 5 guys in 40 pages. The rest are women. I'm pointing it out because clearly they expect more women to pick this up then men and it's true. Guys are more likely to pick up muscle and fitness or planet muscle or something that is more geared towards getting as big as possible. Kinda a shame since there are some good articles in this magazine such as mentioning lighting lighter weights instead of heavy ones. Then again how often does a guy really read a magazine. No seriously how often do we read these articles. I know personally I just look for short articles because well I don't have the patience. A lot of the information we give guys is short and to the point. I guess that's because that's how guys like it. We want to get to the point asap. Makes it hard to tell a story to your buddies sometimes.
So awhile back Yu-Gi-Oh the abridged (canceled) series came out with a new episode. I didn't post it back then because I forgot about it or I had a song stuck in my head. Anyway it's pretty funny. My fav part is yugi's reaction to tea dueling. The sad part is that's actually how he acted during the show. Today's tip is letting your mind wander can be a dangerous thing. You'll find yourself thinking about things you'll wish you never thought. Think about it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wow..just wow

So right now I'm watching the today show and they are interviewing that polygamist guy that has a series on TLC. I'm listening to this interview and it's just wow. He was asked of why he had more wives he did not have a good answer. He just kept saying it's because of my faith. When the 1st wife was asked about it she said again because of the faith. From there I just can't get it. I mean I could understand if he had said we met my 2nd wife and we all just clicked and we talked it over and we looked at our faith and we went with it. No he basically made it sound like my faith says I can so I went out looking and did. Oh well good luck with that.
Yesterday was an interesting day. I just had people that gave me headaches. I had 4 customers in the store at the same time. 3 out of the 4 were perfectly fine. The last one all of a sudden starts preaching to me. I forgot what she asked me first that got her talking then she asks me if I was a Christian. Oh dear god did that get it started. She then went on about how churches broke the 2nd commandment about not making images of what's in heaven. Then after she went on that for awhile. She then says oh and if you read the bible get a king james version. If you look at that King Solomen who is the wisest man on earth says he's a black man twice. I mean she went on for what felt like 30 minutes preaching to me. She just wouldn't stop. Then when it looked like she was going to leave and came back to talk for 5 more minutes. Thanks a lot.
Then I had two customers that ugh. First this guy came in and was looking for proteins. We started talking and this woman comes in holding a sample bottle of a protein we are going to be discontinuing. So the guy lets me start talking to the girl. Well I gave her the sample bottle months ago. At least two months ago. She has only recently come back in. She was apparently looking all over the internet for the protein and of course couldn't find it. Then she had the nerve to complain that she found a good protein and now it's going away. If you had bought it after you tried it and liked it instead of going on the internet looking for it cheaper then you would have it. No you decided to be an asshole that goes into a store finds a protein and then wants to get it off the internet instead of getting it locally. While that happened the guy drops a protein container and it spills. He then apologizes. So I try to hurry her along so I can deal with it. Well guess what. He put the top on and put it back. No joke. He seriously broke it and thought he wouldn't have to pay for it. He seriously looked at me like a deer in the headlights when I told him he had to pay for it. I mean honestly you have got to be kidding me. Why would you pick up a 5 lb container of protein by the top when it's on the top shelf. Arg.
Lastly I had these two women come in and just pick up any and all free information we had. That normally wouldn't bug me (ok I'm lying), but one of them gets a phone call. She says oh yeah I'm over here and it will take me about an hour to get back home. SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TAKING ALL OUR INFORMATION IF YOUR NOT GOING TO LOOK AT IT AND BUY IT FROM US! I hate when people treat us like a library. Ugh.....arg.
Oh and the worst thing about yesterday I almost missed Modern Family. No joke. The stupid power went out last night at about 7:15. Lucky for me the power came on at like 8:02. I got super lucky. It was a good episode. I love that show.
Today's tip is pushing your religion and opinions on others is a good way to end up alone.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Yesterday is finally over

As you can imagine I didn't have such a hot day yesterday. Well lucky for me today my roommate wasn't in this morning because he had to go to work early and my boss doesn't work today. Honestly I'm still pissed at those two. Last night I pretty much ignored my roommate and my boss was ignored the entire day. I know I should probably talk to those two, but you know what I don't want to. Clearly they can't figure out why I'm pissed so why bother pointing it out. Then they'll fake that they are sorry and do it again. Maybe I'll feel better about it tomorrow, but today I sure as hell don't. In other news I found out there is a pageant to crown the "perfect teen". I'm sure you all have heard that some British teen won it. Apparently people are upset about that because it was called America's perfect teen. Well I understand that, but how about we look at the fact that the pageant is called "perfect teen". That raises so many problems. 1. no one is perfect. Perfect depends on person to person. What I find perfect and a parent of a teen calls perfect are most likely two different perfects. 2. from what I've heard only girls can enter the pageant. So are we saying that only girls are perfect teens? How come guys can't enter. Pretty sure it's not called miss perfect teen. Either way it's still wrong.
Have you ever heard of the show 1000 ways to die? It's a show on Spike TV. It basically looks at different ways people have died. Most of them were stupid ways btw. Some where honest accidents and others were just people being stupid. For instance the one I was watching last night. A guy got his friend to give him liposuction in his garage with his high powered vacuum. Sparing you all the gross details it was a very preventable way of dying. Another was a couple who died in their hot tub because they liked to get high on pain killers and booze. By far one of the stupidest ways I saw was two teens had been watching samurai movies and one of the teen's dad collected ancient swords. So the two decide to have a sword fight, but that's not what killed one of them. They take the fight outside and as he was going to deliver the final blow he hit an overhead power line. Well if it wasn't that they would have died because one of them stabbed the other. The sad thing is that these are actual documented deaths. Like Ron White said. You can't fix stupid, but you can mock it when it leads to their death. That last part was my line.
So today I'm posting one of the clips from 1000 ways to die. This one is called Mercury in Uranus. You can imagine where this is going. This is what I was talking about when I said a lot of these deaths are preventable. This for sure is one of them. Now you can go youtube a lot more of these, but I must say that don't watch to many unless you have a strong stomach. Some are really graphic. This one is on the milder side. Today's tip is capitalization changes the meaning of "helping Uncle Jack off the horse" and "helping uncle jack of the horse".

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Yeah I'm just pissed today

I was having a decent morning until I ran into my boss and my roommate. I swear they both just gang up on me to piss me off.
First my roommate was being an ass about the tv. We have this deal where in the mornings I get to watch the Today show since I have to go to work first. Then he can watch whatever he wants. If he doesn't like it he can always go to my room and watch my tv. Anyway so he's making a comment about how the Today show only talks to celebrities and what not. Then he was going on about how good morning america has actual good interviews. Yeah because the today show never had an interview with Obama or Biden or any other prominent figure. Anyway so I said fine turn it to good morning america. What was the first thing on. An interview with the Breakfast Club. I didn't say a word. He just turned off the tv. The worst part of it all is that he's like I want to watch news and you want to watch entertainment. The today show is news. I prefer it because it's not as stiff as good morning america. So that pissed me off.
I get to work and I mention how I think that new pro-hormone we brought in was really working. Then my boss all of a sudden gives me the third degree. How can we be sure about this. Did you change anything else? No I didn't. You should know that since I tell you everything I'm taking and whenever I change anything up. Then he goes on about how he doesn't want to give people false impression and says all the stuff I started adding. Yeah I added that stuff a month and a half ago. I have been on this stuff for 2 weeks and that's when my weight started going up. Nothing else was changed. The guy goes on and on about how I am so good at finding products and testing them out and what not, then all of a sudden I'm getting the 3rd degree and being treated like I have no clue about my body. Yeah that pisses me off. Then he says what we should do is not change anything and see if this trend continues. Well I was planning on trying the Size On pre-contest and for that I need a new pre-workout, but no I have to stick with what I'm using now. Not that I don't like what I'm using now, but I just like to change it up all the time. So now I have to stay on this pre-workout for another 2 weeks and what will happen is I'll finish up the stuff and then I'll have this pre-workout with creatine and then have to try this intra workout stuff that has more creatine in it or buy a pre-workout without creatine and then have this other stuff sit. People are just pissing me off today.
Now twitter is acting up too. Apparently some third parties are using this loophole to send people to random third party sites. One of which is a Japanese porn site. So that means I can't check out what's going on with twitter. Lovely. I have to use my iphone twitter app. This is just not my day.
As much as I hate the fact that I'm posting it, I'm posting it for good reason. I'm sure the name Flex Wheeler rings a bell. If not then well look it up. Anyway this is an interview with him by All American EFX. I hate these types of interviews because obviously the company is going to do what they can to sound all positive, but that's not why I posted this. I posted this because of what Flex said about endorsing sports supplements. He came to the realization that people that see him endorsing a product don't always believe that guys got to look the way they did because of those products. Most know that they look the way they do because of steroids. So if you want to hear it from the mouth of someone that's admitted to using them then I think it's an interesting look. Side note his voice doesn't sound like you'd expect it to huh? Today's tip is mess with the bull and you'll get the horns. Especially when it's a person being bull headed.

Monday, September 20, 2010


So I'm having a great morning. Well great might be over stretching it a bit. This morning I went to do a leg workout. I was trying out this new intra-workout stuff. Yeah that was crap. I basically had to run to the restroom because I felt like I was going to vomit. Then had to lay down because I was sweating way more then usual. Ugh never ever going to use that stuff. I mean it tasted fine, but clearly my body was rejecting it. Then again the company that made it is crap. They just push out product that they say should do this, but it's just a sprinkle of things. So yeah not taking that stuff again.
Now as for what I'm so happy about is that my weight has finally hit and passed the point I wanted it to. Not only did I do that, but my body fat didn't change from when I was 163 last month to now when I'm 167.8. That of course makes me happy. It means several things. 1. that I have put on 20 lbs since I started. The funny thing though is that I have gained 20.56 lbs of lean muscle and lost .56 lbs of fat. So in actuality all that I have gained has been muscle and then some. So my next goal is to make sure I am still above 165. I want 167ish to be my new average. Now if next month I hit 170 that would be amazing. So yeah I'm very happy.
I'm sure you have heard that the Vikings lost again. My roommate was watching the Packers game and the commentator said something that I agree with. He said clearly the Vikings should have spent more time practicing and working on their strategies then trying to get Farve to come back. It's what I've been saying all along. The Vikings and their fans spent all their effort trying to get Farve back that they clearly didn't put some of that energy into making plays and going through them. Oh well they will learn one way or another. 1 player does not a team make. Yes one player can help a team a lot, but they can't make the team. They aren't doing every single position. If it was a game where one person did everything then yes I could see why you'd do everything in your power to get that person back. Meh that's one reason why I can't stand football. On a side note I can no longer buy wranglers because Brett Farve is a spokesperson. Yeah I'm that spiteful. A guy should not "retire" and come back that many times and be hailed a hero.
Today's tip is the great thing about friends is they pretend to care when you have good news. Well the decent ones anyway.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ugh football

So I'm deep in the heart of Packers territory. Meaning whenever they play I have to hear about it. I'm also on the edge of Minnesota which means that I also have to hear about the Vikings. Anyway the Packers have a game today and my roommate has been on me to wear packers stuff. He's been saying for my b-day he's going to get me a packers hat. The downside to football season.
Yesterday was a pretty good day. Let my co-worker know about all the new stuff. His new wife and kid were there. Apparently something was wrong with his car. I didn't ask him about it. There youngest sure is a handful. Also seems to really favor guys. Yeah good luck with that.
Other then that I of course just did nothing.
Today's tip is nothing brings people together quite like football. Well maybe the flu.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Getting stuff done

Today I'm off. Yay for time off. Yesterday was a so so day, but of course I do need to go to the office to let my co-worker know what's going on. Part of the whole being manager thing. On a side note. I REALLY WANT POKEMON BLACK AND WHITE! I can say I wasn't going to get the game, but honestly there is so much involved in this game that honestly I could play that game for years and still find new things. That was my biggest issue with all the games. Basically after you beat the gym leaders and the Elite Four there wasn't really much to do afterwards. It's just all about getting more pokemon. Well in this game there is so much involved in beating the game not to mention all the different features in this game. Such as dream world where you send a pokemon to meet other pokemon and if you friend a pokemon you can actually catch it in your game. From what I've seen of dream world looks like you get pretty much all the old pokemon from that. Plus pokemon from dream world have different abilities then normally. Now granted I have pretty much all the old pokemon on my old games I don't have to worry about that. Should be fun.
Today I'm so not going to be working out either. I usually do full body workouts on days like this, but honestly I'm good. My body honestly needs a break. Although I got so much testosterone going I swear I'm running on less sleep then normal. I also seem to feel like I can go a lot more. Also seems like my muscles are getting more defined. Clearly the stuff I'm taking works. Least I think it does. That could be in part of Creatine Nitrate, but I doubt it would have done its thing in just 5 days.
I also established that I will get a tattoo. Otherwise I'll have nothing to do on my b-day. Besides it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. It's a small tattoo so it won't take nearly as long to heal so my workout plans can still happen.
So while I was doing this blog I was watching Disney channel and an ad for next week came up. They are doing a movie every night to bring in their new show fish hooks. Anyway the first movie was High School Musical. I have never seen this movie all the way through. Just saw the ending number and like two other songs. Anyway guess what song got stuck in my head. Yeah so now it gets to be in yours. Today's tip is sometimes things done on impulse are the best things to do. Not usually, but sometimes.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Time off

I really do need more time off. For the simple fact that I get people that really do make me wonder what the hell. I had a guy come in and ask if we had Celltech. I said we did and gave him the price. He wanted to know if we had the big one. We didn't so I went and looked up the price of a big one. Told him the price and he said ok. I asked if he wanted us to order it for him and he says oh he can get it cheaper from vitamin world. THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE? If only my eyes could shoot daggers. It goes to show you that people have gotten to the point that they have lost their tact. Mainly guys my age and younger. They will gladly tell you they can get it cheaper on the internet. Well then go do it. Don't bother people like me that are in a business trying to help people at a good price. Internet sites and big chain stores can buy in bigger bulk and get better price breaks then we do. We can only lower the price so much and still make a profit. That's what keeps us in business. Like I said it's going to show that small businesses really are getting harder and harder to start unless you do it on the internet.
Yesterday wasn't a good day for me. Seemed like I just dragged all day. Had a huge order to receive in and label up. Had quite a few people that again tried my patience. Had a guy who hadn't been in, since last October of 2008. Which means he was really there looking for free information. Basically he's only buying something so that we will do a body fat test and measurement for him. If it was someone who comes in every month or even every other month and spends a good bit of money then it's no big deal. That tells us they aren't there just because we give good information. They are there because our information and products work. When we only see them every now and again and they ask us a million questions and never buy anything or only show up because they want to be remeasured then obviously we aren't going to really push to make time for you. Why should we? You aren't doing us a favor of buying stuff from us so why should we do the favor of measuring you? Anyway so the big blow was and the end of the day. I had my wallet in my pants and I was sitting in my room. I then took off my pants and was holding them. I was then playing with my phone. I then go to put my pants up and get my wallet out. Yeah couldn't find it. Then I go looking everywhere. My roommate of course freaks me out about me losing it. I go back to the office and it's not there. Then I look in my room again and I find it. Right next to my surge protector. Both are black. So yeah I was just spent.
Alright so the last video based off that Aaron Carter video. Remember how I said that Aaron Carter got his "success" off his brother Nick. Well meet Leslie Carter. She got her "success" (a.k.a. the one hit wonder) based off both her brothers. Her song is called Like Wow so you know it must be a good song. I never saw the video...until now. Yeah just um....yeah. Just watch it. Today's tip is in a crisis, panic is the enemy. Makes it easy to overlook the small things.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Too much going on

Just seems like no matter what, just seems to never end. I hate the election season. It's all about attack ads over and over again. Yesterday I saw an ad that was a "pre-emptive" response to a possible attack ad. I can honestly say it was a stupid idea. He said that his opponent was going to say that Washington treats social security as a poncy scheme. Ok even if you did say that how is that attack ad worthy. Well I'll tell you right now he has way more dirt on this guy then what he said about social security. The guy apparently got government aid and grants, yet says the stimulus bill didn't work. Well obviously it did since you got some of those. Plus the guy really hasn't done an attack ad. He did one which just shows that the guy got government aid. How about you answer that. Plus the guy won't debate his opponent which tells you something. I just wish people would focus on what's not being said rather then what's being said. Look at what they aren't telling you. Do they name their business? Do they use real people in their ads that aren't on a script? Do they go to debates? Look at all that stuff. That will tell you who is the better candidate.
Sometimes I really do get lucky. My boss likes to mess with me. He'll say that I can get time off if I hit a certain amount of sales even though I'm scheduled to get the time off anyway. Well yesterday he did it again. He texted me saying if I got a certain amount of sales then I could have the morning off. I checked and I hit that number. He then added 50 dollars to that saying that's what he meant. I said no you said this amount. Well he came in and right before closing I had one last sale. So he looked at the sales and I hit the dot that he wanted me to hit with the 50 dollars. So I laughed at him and said ha I hit it plus. He then pulls out my text and I actually did say what he said. So I got lucky. I think it was because I treated a lot of people like human beings. I think it lead to a lot of good karma.
So like I said yesterday I have 2 more videos based on the video yesterday. Aaron Carter redid the song I Want Candy. Someone on Youtube of course parodied it. It's now I Want Candy Dead. It's just a funny spoof because of what's being said. I think I posted it earlier or it was on my old blog. Anyway watch it. Always funny making fun of Aaron Carter. Today's tip is treating people like human beings leads to good karma.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

15 minutes aren't up

So that reporter is still in the news. I was watching the Today show and Meredith says that what she was wearing is getting more attention then what the players did and is that fair. Well to her question I reply with you were one of the people that pointed it out. When you interviewed her yesterday. Anyway it's sparked this huge debate on what's appropriate to wear in that situation. So I'm just going to say it from a guy's perspective. If you go anywhere wearing jeans so tight we can see everything then that tells us you are overly sexual. You are sending signals of you are a sexual object. That's not taking into account the images of her on the Azeteca website. Then on top of that you are in a men's locker room. After guys have had practice. You see when guys workout our testosterone goes up so that's the worst time for a female to be in a locker room. Oh and on top of that she's already getting special treatment being in the locker room. If a guy was to go into a female locker room as a reporter he'd be viewed as a pervert. So you are already getting special treatment. Then you want to comment that you can't look anywhere. YOU ARE IN A LOCKER ROOM! Men change there. They aren't going to sit around in sweaty pads and clothes just because your in there. Then it turns out she didn't even alert the NFL to it. Some organization representing female sports reporters did. So that tells me right there she's use to it and this time she happened to tweet about it. Now I'm not saying sexual harassment is ok, but I am saying that what you wear does cause reactions. If I was to go into a woman's locker room dressed in super tight jeans that show my bulge, and a skin tight shirt, after the women stop screaming, I wouldn't be shocked if they objectified me. How I'm dressed is sending the signal to objectify me. If she had been wearing her hair in a bun and a dress suit then she wouldn't be under this light. If she had dressed like a guy in something comfortable yet professional then this wouldn't be such a big deal. How you dress sends a message and that's what everyone is focused on. She was sending a message of look at my body I have nothing to hide. Here are my ASSets.
Which actually leads me to my next point. A lot of how our bodies look is based on genetics. Things we can not change. For example the first one is our genders. Men can lose fat a lot easier because we have testosterone and can build more muscle because of it. Women on the other hand will always have nicer asses because of their estrogen. Our gender also effects where fat hits us the most. The next example is our body types. If your an Ectomorph you will naturally be skinny and have a hard time putting on weight. If you are a Mesomorph (the "ideal" body type) then you put on muscle easy and still have a pretty easy time losing weight or staying lean. These are the type that typical are star athletes. They are also the only body type that can every use the line I'm not fat I'm big boned (even though they'd only get fat if they never did any exercise which usually doesn't happen). Lastly is Endomorph which is the type that would like to say they aren't fat they are big boned when in all actuality they are actually medium boned. Anyway these are the type that can not lose weight for the life of them. They have to workout 10 times harder to lose the same weight a mesomorph loses and don't even try to compare it to an ectomorph. They are however the ideal type to be a football player. As if that wasn't enough we also have muscles that are designed a specific way. What I mean is the shape of our muscles is genetic. Do you know a guy who worked out maybe a few months and all of a sudden has a bicep peak yet you workout for a year and your just now seeing one. Well that's genetics. My bicep bulges more to the side then up yet my boss has one that peaks very easily. How are stomach looks is also genetic. My abs bulge out instead of being going inside. So I can't every really have that slim stomach. My abs are always going to bulge out and the more I work them the more they bulge out. Then as if that doesn't make it seem much worse there are also people that have body parts that just develop easier. For instance I know a guy who never works his biceps yet they are the perfect size for his height to weight (the symmetry test). For me I have to work my biceps a whole lot to get them even close to the size they are suppose to be, yet I don't have to do much to my legs or back to get them to look good. My back responded quickest to my workouts. My legs were next. We all have those trouble areas. I bring this up because I know a lot of people that want to look like the models in the magazines. The thing is not all of us can. Some of us have all those things working against us. Some have everything going their way so they can easily put on muscle and look like a model. So remember that.
Today's video is Aaron's Party by Aaron Carter. If you don't remember him then congrats on waking up from that comma. He was a big deal because his brother Nick Carter was in the backstreet boys. Aaron road his brother's success for 2 years I think. Now they have some reality show or had one. Anyway I'm posting this video because I know I can post 2 more vids later based off of it. Today's tip is when given the choice between an ocarina that bends the laws of nature and physics or a wand that changes wind direction choose the ocarina.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The stupid is flying

I just have had a morning where I just wanted to smack a lot of people for being stupid. So I'm just going to get right into it.
First off yesterday I had a customer who just irks me. He said that one of our pre-workouts made him depressed. Yeah I looked into it. There is no ingredient that even has a side effect of possible depression. In fact there is an amino acid in there that is suppose to lift mood not bring it down. So he was asking about Kre-Alkaylin. He was going to go with a pre-workout he knows he likes. Then he asks me which pre-workout I took with it. I said this one is one I started out on now I'm back to my favorite pre-workout and still taking it. So he somehow gets it into his head that he has to take the product I took when I first started out. So I said you can take it with any pre-workout you want. This is just what I took because I was trying to lose the creatine gut. He then says the key phrase that pissed me off. "I hate trying new things." I JUST SAID YOU CAN USE WHATEVER PRE-WORKOUT YOU WANT! So I know he's going to come in later this week or next week saying he didn't like the stuff and say I pushed him to it. My boss was there. He heard me say that you could use it with the pre-workout you know you like. Anyway his statement also tells me that I bet the other stuff didn't make him depressed. Something else did and he blamed it on the new stuff he took.
The other stupidity that is flying around has to do with the election. Right now there are republican candidates who are running on this platform of we aren't career politicians. They both say that government doesn't create jobs like my opponent believes, but the private sector does. Well let me first go after the republican running for senate. Well he never tells us what business he owns. Well it has come out that he did in fact receive government aid from the stimulus bill that he says failed and says that his opponent voted for which he didn't. Plus all his ads feature nameless people who are clearly reading from a script. The democrat however has names of people who he's helped. As in you can look them up and see if they are lying or not. Plus he really is super frugal. He doesn't vote for anything unless it is paid for. So already the "not career politician" has been caught being a hypocrite just like a career politician. The other one is running for governor. He again hasn't said what his business is. He hasn't mentioned how many jobs he has created. He has kept pushing saying he doesn't do attack ads. Yeah that again is bs. That's all his ads really do. Point out what his opponent did or does and how he doesn't do it. That's an attack ad. On top of that he has been a congressman for 2 terms previously. He again has ads that don't feature people with names. It's just this scripted conversation. So basically it has come down to democrats that can back up their claims with newspaper articles, clips from news shows, and real people. Their opponents can only say they aren't career politicians while doing things that career politicians do. Smart.
I'm sure you heard how the Jets are in trouble because of how they "harassed" a female reporter. Well my room mate saw an interview with this reporter. Even saw a picture of what she was wearing. She was wearing jeans so tight they looked like they were glued on. When asked about that she says she wears what other sports reporters were. Yeah maybe in mexico, but not here. You won't ever see a female sports reporter wearing skin tight jeans because they know that opens them up to not being taken seriously. You'd never see a guy wearing skin tight jeans when interviewing a player. So I read an article talking about what "apparently" happened. First apparently there were passes thrown in her direction. Said they were purposely overthrown. Ok first off if your in the sidelines passes are going to come your way sometimes. Deal with it. Then apparently in the locker room she was being sexually oggled and couldn't look anywhere. YOU ARE IN A MEN'S LOCKER ROOM! MEN CHANGE IN A LOCKER ROOM. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN DON'T GO IN! Normally I'd be on the side of the reporter, but when you 1. wear what she wears and 2. go into a men's locker room then talk about how you can't look anywhere then clearly your an air head. If I was the NFL I'd just make a rule saying female sports reporters are not allowed in the locker room. Maybe even make a rule saying don't wear skin tight jeans when going in.
Lastly is the guy I had to deal with at the gym. I think awhile back I posted about how weight hog brought in a friend who was worse then he was. Well the friend was back today. He insisted on hogging the cable machine. See when you plan on using both cables then how about oh I don't know DOING YOUR EXERCISE THEN MOVING ON! Not this guy. No no. He of course has to spend 20 minutes hogging the machine. Lucky for me I just had to use it for one exercise, but still. Ugh can't stand when people do that. Stay on one machine or exercise until your done then move on. Don't keep going back and forth. You make it impossible for those of us going to muscle fatigue to get our workouts in.
With the premiere of the new season of Ben 10 Ultimate Alien coming out on 10/10/10 I figured I'd post the opening theme song. As you can see it has gone a long way away from the original opening. Anyway you get to see all the aliens he (I assume) will change into this season. So it should get you psyched to see it. Today's tip is if you're in a men's locker room then don't be shocked to find guys changing. IT'S A LOCKER ROOM!

Monday, September 13, 2010


Finally I hit my goal weight. It's been my goal weight for what 3 months now? I finally hit 165 today. Now the key is trying to keep that weight and then add onto it. The funny thing is that I really don't look too much different then I did at 162. Well once I keep the 165 steady then I'm going for one 170. My final goal will be about 185. Anything on top of that is gravy. I figure with my 5' 6" frame having 185 lbs of mostly muscle would really make me stand out. Granted it might scare off some old ladies, but it seems my forte is the sports nutrition side. Plus it might make it a lot easier to sell stuff too. Obviously if I look really buff then I obviously look like I know what I'm talking about. Now while I'm buffing up I just have to make sure my knowledge is also on par with the looks. Don't want to look like a guy that just willy nilly takes stuff.
Which reminds me I'm currently in my testing mode. We got these samples of a product called Creatine Nitrate. It's suppose to be better then Kre-Alkaylin. Hard to see that since Kre-Alkaylin is higher on the ph scale. Now if you mean by better you mean volumizing then yes any Creatine volumizes more then Kre-Alkaylin, but Kre-Alkaylin doesn't cause the bloat or problems regular Creatine causes. Anyway this Creatine is not only suppose to give you the benefits of Creatine, but also suppose to give you a better nitric oxide boost. Well I can honestly say I didn't feel any nitric oxide boost like I usually feel, but on the other hand I will say that it seemed like I was able to go longer then normal. I also did look a lot fuller then usual. So anyway I'm suppose to take this for 5 days then give it my honest opinion. If the other days are like today then I can say it's not a terrible product, but not as good as the hype would have you believe. Then I move on to a pre-workout from est and an intra-workout from them as well. If it's good then we'll add them, if not then well....yeah. Then after that I'm trying out size on pre-contest. Now I'm currently confused on this pre-contest stuff. I know they took out the carbs, but I couldn't remember why? I think they make the claim that this size on puts on the muscle without adding extra bloating. If that is the claim then that's bs because the carbs aren't what cause the bloating. The Creatine is. So again I will find out if it really is good stuff that we should bring in or stuff that really isn't worth it.
In other news I heard that Taylor Swift has accepted Kayne West's apology. She apparently sung a song forgiving him at the VMA's. I wouldn't know since I refuse to watch MTV. Mainly because I hate what they have become. That and because they unleashed the horror that is Jersey Shore. Anyway I'm not shocked that she did forgive him. I think Kayne West truly did suffer for what he did. I'm not saying his apology before hand was fake, but I will say that this one obviously has more meaning behind it. I mean his career is truly dented because of what he did last year. I'll admit I was one of those people that was really upset about it and made fun of him because of it. Now it's honestly old news. I stopped caring like 6 months ago. Well I hope with Swift moving on everyone else will stop giving the guy a hard time. If the person was wronged can forgive someone then shouldn't everyone else?
Today's tip is as one song said Be Prepared. You'll never know when that plan to become king will work.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ugh.....why me?

All I can say is never again will I ever do that to myself. I had the most boring time at that wedding reception. Honestly I shouldn't have even been there. Basically when I get into the hall where the reception is I feel like everyone is staring at me. Which was probably far from true, but when I get nervous I get paranoid. I showed all three of my classic I'm nervous signs. I didn't eat much, I didn't talk much, and I avoided eye contact as much as possible. If only this guy knew how uncomfortable he made me he'd stop inviting me to things. 1st it was the bachelor party where all I did was stand and watch people jet ski because it was not planned out. The plan was basically drink beers and tell stupid stories. Now I had to go to this wedding reception where I really didn't know any body and those that I did know where either at the head table or at another table. So I'm basically just sitting next to my boss. The other thing that I do when I'm paranoid is I don't move. I don't do anything to draw more attention to myself. So I didn't get up to go talk to anyone. Hey they knew where I was. They could have come talk to me. Plus it didn't help that the old couple that was sitting across from me had a loud mouth daughter. She just went on and on about her $90 bottle of vodka she snuck in. Then she just kept getting louder and louder. Went from talking about golf, to breast implants, to not having kids. She just would not shut up at all. So as I was trying to sneak out after I'd been there for an hour a customer decides to hold me up. I "talked" to him for a bit then eventually when a lull came in the conversation said I was ready to go and left. Never EVER again. I mean I don't even know the groom really. We've never sat down and had a heart to heart. Maybe if we did I would have felt better about going. If he hadn't personally invited me and asked if I was going I really wouldn't have gone. I know at a wedding it shouldn't be about me, but well how can I lie to the guy if he asks? I didn't have a good time and I really couldn't wait to get home.
Probably didn't help that I had a very long day at work. Had a bunch of lookers. Pretty sure I had a guy who only buys his stuff online too. I know this because his brother said he had muscle juice before and didn't like it, and I know he didn't get it from me. Maybe my boss or my co-worker, but not me. Not to mention they come in for four things and leave with (shockingly) none. Which tells me they were really just getting information on what works so they can just get it offline. That is the most annoying thing ever. Someone spends time with you trying to help you get the right supplement and you just say thanks or I'll think about it knowing full well your just going to buy it online? Wow asshole much? Maybe I'm getting it all wrong and the guy really was going to buy stuff at the store, but his brother was being a little turd. Because he honestly was. He would whisper everything and when asked why he didn't like muscle juice he just said I don't know I just didn't like it. So the older brother is probing him for why he didn't like it and we come to find out that it didn't put on the pounds like he thought it would, but he wasn't taking it like he was suppose to either. Ugh just was not my day. Then as I'm trying to close up I get the talkers. The ones that take forever to just buy their shit and get out as Walter would say. They seriously spend 20 minutes looking then will finally buy something. Luckily my boss gave me permission to close up five minutes early and I shooed everyone out in time to do it.
Times like this I need to laugh at someone that got way too cocky. This goalie will do. Short version he got way too full of himself and as a result a goal was scored. This is why when your defending a penalty kick make sure the ball comes to a complete stop. Today's tip is there is a time and place for everything. A wedding is not the time nor the place to talk about breast implants.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wedding today

That's what this week has really been leading up to. Me having to go to this wedding. I think the reason why I don't want to go is because I'm going to the reception and I hate eating in front of people I don't know. It's just something that I've never liked. Always feels like they are judging me based on what I eat or how I eat it. Plus since they know I work at a nutrition store the judgment is double. I know I'm probably wrong, but that's just how I feel. Plus I don't know where I'm sitting or who I'm sitting next to. What if I'm sitting close to the bride and groom. I mean I doubt I'm at their table, but what if I'm at the table with one of the grooms friends I met at the bachelor party. Ugh I just don't like feeling uncomfortable and that's exactly what's going to happen if I go. Well I promised I would go so I have to go. Maybe I'm just making a bigger deal out of this then it really is. Not like it's a day centered all around me. Just hate being in situations like that.
Yesterday was an interesting day at the gym. I didn't get to workout at my normal time because they were working on the power from 5 am to 8 am. Lucky for me I had the day off, but my workout buddy wasn't able to join me as well. So when I get there at 8:17 I'm of course the only person there. I was pretty much the only person there until shortly before I left. Anyway I added squats to my leg workout. It was normally a part of it, but the reason why I stopped doing them is because I wasn't doing them correctly. So this time I decided to make sure I started off doing squats with the correct form. So I used the smith machine. For those of you that don't know a smith machine is basically like using a barbell with a spotter. It also makes it so you have to use perfect form since you can't get it off it's track which is straight up and down. That means that when I go down I can't lean forward like I tend to do. I have to do it correctly or I don't go down. Well since I went down I assume I have correct form. Just hope I didn't develop some other incorrect habit. Well I'm going to be using low weights and increasing them up. I'm just worried because I know I for sure felt it in my lower back, but this morning my legs were sore. Not my back. Anyway means that I'm back to doing squats. The other weird thing that happened at the gym was this older guy comes in wearing a t-shirt tucked into his jeans. No joke. I don't get why people come to the gym in jeans. It's one thing if you plan on changing. Another thing when you plan on actually working out in those. It's weird because you don't have a lot of mobility in jeans. Plus they also get really hot. Yeah I don't get people.
I'm sure there are quite a few DBZ fans out there. Well I hope you don't plan on watching Dragon Ball Z Kai. Or is it Dragon Ball Kai. Anyway least not the dubbed version. I was flipping through channels and I saw that the CW had it on. I don't get nicktoons so I don't know if the nicktoons version is better. Anyway you know how when goku dies he has a halo. Well apparently that's not pc so now it's a ball of light. No seriously it is just a ball of light. How the hell does that symbolize that someone is dead? I mean it's bad enough that in the dubb Hell becomes HFIL. In case you were wondering that stands for Home for Infinite Losers. Again no joke. Well I could get past that, until I saw Mr. PoPo. When I first saw him I was like why does he look bluish. Figured it was just a mistake in the frame. Nope they now have Mr. PoPo as some blue guy with orange lips. Yeah I'm not going to lie Mr. PoPo does look like a bad stereotype, but at the same time he doesn't look human either. So yeah I'm not watching that anymore. Who knows what other crap they changed. I bet Freeza doesn't have those lips that look like he's wearing lipstick. Ugh who knows.
I'm sure you all know The Smoking Gun Presents World's Dumbest right. Well if not then you clearly don't read this blog often enough. Anyway they have a World's Smartest as well. World's Smartest Inventions. They are actual inventions that you can see in tv infomercials. I bring that up because well this one just made me laugh. It's called Booty Pop. Gives the woman with no ass an ass. The commentary is always funny. Especially at the end. So enjoy so Booty Pop. Today's tip is when faced with bad news just plug your ears and shout out random words. No one will ever tell you bad news again.

Friday, September 10, 2010

It hurts

The stupidity of others just gives me the biggest headache ever. So I think you've all heard about Jessica Vega? If you haven't then let me fill you in. She pretended to have cancer to get a dream wedding. She was suppose to die shortly after the wedding (should have been red flag number one). Well needless to say people are quite pissed. Including her new husband who shockingly wants a divorce. Oh he's just as pissed if not more then anyone. He was lied to as well. If it's not bad enough there is a 1 year old involved. Needless to say that's one reason why so many people donated time and services. Some people are saying that apparently she suffers from some sort of anti-social psychological problem. Yeah doesn't matter what's wrong with her. She did it and if she wasn't intelligent enough to think that she wouldn't get away with it or that she might get in serious trouble for it then that's her problem. Well whatever happens she deserves it.
As a lot of you have heard that Pastor has changed his mind about burning the Koran. Or he really hasn't. The details are very fuzzy. Yesterday he said he was going to not do it then he said he changed his mind because of the moving of the Mosque now it's if he meets with the main person behind the Mosque at ground zero. Honestly both of these guys are so confusing. They can't seem to just simply say something and stick with it. I think honestly they both realized it was a terrible idea and that they shouldn't do it. Granted I knew the pastor was probably going to not go through it with it. Tons of people were sending him death threats. All these people from the government said don't do it. So now he of course has found a way out, but is now trying to back out, but still act like he's in control. Yeah it's not working. Stupid people really give me a headache.
Today's tip is you know you planned to do something stupid when you look for any excuse to get out of it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Yeah got nothing

Today I have pretty much nothing to rant and rave about. Mainly because I've actually been shockingly mellow. I mean with the stuff I'm taking it seems like I only get aggressive when it comes to suppliers and customers. It's such a weird thing. I mean yesterday I noticed I was saying and doing things I normally wouldn't do. I just seemed to be getting really aggressive when I was getting close to a sale. It's a really weird feeling. It's like you step out of your body to notice that your acting weird, but you don't really stop it.
This morning was a really odd morning for me. I was figuring I was going to work my legs, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to workout the legs or the back. Well after I took my pre-workout my back muscles tensed up. It was a tense up like I had just worked it out. So I took it as a signal to work my back and shoulders. I mean it really did feel like my back was telling me to work it out. Ever hear about that mind-muscle connection? Basically it's the connection that your mind makes with your muscles. Bodybuilders talk about it all the time. They say that the stronger the connection the better development and workout of that muscle group. That could explain exactly why my back is the most developed part of my body.
Saturday it seems like everything is going on in town. There is a walk to support finding a cure for breast cancer. There is a clean sweep event going on. There is a wedding I have to go to. Seems like everything is going back to normal for that day. Now it could just simply be because this year Sept. 11th is a Saturday not a weekday. Maybe people feel that doing something positive is a whole lot better then sitting there doing nothing or feeling sorry for ourselves. What ever it is I like it. Doing something positive is a whole lot better then sitting around. Plus it's a whole lot smarter then burning a holy book. Amazing how this guy is still going to do it despite everyone saying it's a stupid idea. Someone is an attention whore.
I'm sure you have heard about the new movie Easy A. Well if you haven't then well look it up. Well one of the ads has the main character opening up a card that plays Pocket Full of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield. Her reaction to the song was my exact reaction. How it was annoying. Then it gets stuck in your head and no matter what you find yourself singing it. So well now it's your turn. Have fun with that. Today's tip is remember this election season pay attention to the facts not the ads. Ads are meant to sell you stuff you don't truly need.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Think this stuff is working

Or my eyes are playing tricks on me. I went up to the mirror today and said wow looks like I actually have pecs. I look down and they look and felt real. Also saw a whole lot more stomach muscles. Maybe this stuff does work. The funny thing is my co-worker said that you know it's working if you get a pimple in a weird spot. Or you could just do the mirror and gym test.
I also noticed I seem to be able to go on less sleep. Just seems I do a whole lot more tossing and turning and waking up in the middle of the night yet in the morning I'm perfectly awake. During the day I'm no more tired then normal. Maybe it's the build up of testosterone. Well on my post cycle I'll be taking a product that I know gives me some good sleep. Just wish I had more people to talk into trying it. All those that would try it seem to have already been in and won't be in until later on in the month. Oh and I also found some jeans that don't feel like they are trying to strangle my thighs. Still do need to go out and get some new ones I'm sure.
Also had a meeting this morning. It was dull like usual, but I did get free donuts. I love free donuts. Actually I love free food period. Then again how many of us don't like free food. Plus I had some real doozies yesterday. Had the guy who really can never make up his mind about anything. He goes on the internet for everything and believes everything he reads. Makes you wonder why he comes in to ask what my opinion is on certain things. I had to flatly tell him that you can't lean out and gain mass at the same time. Well you can try, but it's very hard to do. That's why most guys bulk up then lean out. It's a whole lot easier to do. Of course he didn't listen and wants to still try. I think he thinks that leaning out means you get so skinny you look like a cyclist or a marathon runner. Ugh people like that are the hardest to help.
Today's excuse is we didn't start the fire. The scapegoat did. Like it always does.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The work begins again

So I'm here today at work just like every Tuesday. Got a lot to do since yesterday I was off. I of course have to basically work two days straight. Then I have a half day on Thursday and off on Friday, then work Saturday and have to go to a wedding reception after work. Yep it's going to be a tiring week.
Yesterday I was tired a lot, but I'm not sure if it's because of the big dinner I had or if it's the stuff I'm taking. After this morning I think it was that dinner I had. Plus it could be because I wasn't up and moving around like normal on a Monday.
So after today I kinda have the bar set. I have now worked my two weakest muscle groups so when this new stuff comes in that I'm suppose to sample I'll know if it really works well or if it's just a bust. That's usually how I tell if something works well. I try it on my arm and/or chest day. I think those two groups are far from where they should be. Ok maybe not far, but they should be better along then they are. My legs and back I'm never worried about. I know my legs are more developed then they should be at this stage and same with my back. I say they are more developed because I don't have to do much to get a good pump. So I'm kinda stronger on the bottom and in the back then in the front and the arms. On the plus side no one has asked if I worked out in months. That use to be a question I got a lot from new guys. Do you workout? Do you take this stuff? Well I still get that last one, but that's mainly because they haven't tried it themselves and are looking for feedback. So I've hit my one of my first goals and that is to look the part of someone who at least knows what he's talking about when he recommends a pre-workout and a protein.
I've heard that some church in Florida plans on burning the Koran on 9/11. Wow how much of a bad idea is that. How does burning another religion's book help anything? How does doing that help our men and women over seas fighting? How does that help those regions that see us as evil? If anything all that will do is make those regions angrier at us. Not only those regions, but anyone of the Islamic faith. I mean think how Christians would get upset if someone burned the bible or how the Jews would feel if we burned the Torah. All that this does is fight fire with fire. It makes those doing it feel better for a little bit, but as soon as the backlash hits they will feel bad and cover their guilt by blaming others. If this church was smart they wouldn't do this. How does burning a holy book make your cause look right? If anything it makes you look like those extremist that try to convert everyone they meet and say if you don't convert you're going to hell. Yeah I don't want those people as the face of America.
I was working out and I heard the song Stupid Girls by Pink. I love this song because of the message. There is this push for girls to be these airheads. So basically this song and music video makes fun of all of them. The annoying thing is that there are actually studies that show the smarter the woman is the more happy the guy is. These girls that are pointed out in this video make great arm candy, but long term the guy isn't going to be happy. Who would be with someone like Paris Hilton. Ugh that type of stupidity is annoying to be around. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is fighting fire with fire just leads to 3rd degree burns and a huge fire to deal with.

Monday, September 6, 2010

And labor day

Yep we get today off unless you work for a retail chain. Yeah think about that. You know I'm right.
So this morning I went to workout, and just as I figured no one was there. Plus I got to start my new workout plan as well. Honestly I think it was a good change. Felt like I got a good workout in. No one was in the back to bug me. I didn't have to rush through my workout because I didn't have to go to work. It was great. So as me and my workout buddy (who I had to drag into the gym) were doing our cool down when this guy wearing jeans comes in. He didn't have any change of clothes so I wondering if we had another weirdo that likes to workout in jeans. I snuck a side view and it looked like he was looking for something. So I whispered over to my buddy that I think he's looking for something. Well he comes over our way and asks if we had seen a watch. I said no haven't seen a watch. My buddy says well check the lost and found. Then here is where it gets annoying. He then tells us that it's a $13k watch. Ok we didn't ask how much it cost. Then he tells us what it looks like. Again we didn't ask. He then tells us where he lost it. Again we didn't ask. So my buddy says he should talk to the manager since they have the 24 hour surveillance cameras. Then again he gives us some more useless information. Yeah I live in Madison. I own a gym in some other Wisconsin city. Again I didn't ask and I don't care. First of all why the hell would you bring a $13k watch into a gym just to take it off and lay it down outside of your gym bag. Next is why are you telling us all this information. We haven't seen a watch and if we had we would have told you. My buddy wears a watch the whole time he's working out. If he's not wearing it it's in the gym bag. That is the thing I don't get about people. They will gladly flaunt how much their watch cost and how much it does, then carelessly leave it out. I don't care if your the only person in the gym. Ugh....people.
So after I took a shower I was thinking. Everyone is different. Yes I know we have all heard that, but I mean muscle wise. I mean there are guys who don't workout and clearly have peaks in their biceps. It took me about a year to get my peak. Mine also bulges out on the side. My stomach does not flatten. It's one reason why I've always thought I was fat. I have abs that protrude out. I've gotten my body fat to 4.95% before and still it looked like I had belly fat. So I've resigned myself to knowing that because of the way my ab muscles look I will never have that flat tummy that you see on tv. Doesn't mean I don't have a strong core. I think that's something that we all forget. We see these models on tv and in the magazines, but we never stop to think that there is a reason why they are models. They are those that have the stomachs that have abs that don't protrude out. They are the type that can get the perfect bicep peak. They are the ones that have to do yo yo diets and screw up there bodies when they get older. It's one of those things I learn from my job. I see all different body types. It honestly is helping me with my body image issues.
Here is more Yu Yu Hakusho abridged. Just so you know. If you say your an ice dragon you should probably look like one....yeah. Today's comment is today we celebrate workers by forcing people to work so we can have sales today.