Sunday, January 31, 2010

The beginning of a long week

So today starts the beginning of a long long week. I know I'll have tons of stuff going. The new store opens next week. Tons of stuff will be coming in again this week. Tons more receiving and stuff. Plus we had printer issues yesterday. Luckily I got it fixed, but it wasn't easy. Which reminds me guess who had a weird customer yesterday. He comes in tells me he came back from Alaska and that he was looking to lose weight. Ok I can help with that. Then he says he's looking for a gym and I was about to suggest one down the street (even though well we have issues) then he says and don't tell me about the gym down the street. Ok that's fine, so for about 10 minutes I am suggesting a gym and he's giving long in depth reasons for why he can never go there. One gym was only for the "upity", another gym was just all about the MMA fighters, another was a franchise, another didn't have trainers available, and the other was the YMCA. The most annoying part was he had his daughter there. I'm amazed she didn't say anything. Anyway the only way I got out of having to keep talking to him was by another customer needing to check out. Even as he was leaving the guy kept trying to talk to me. I of course thanked the customer for coming in and saving me. I told my boss about it and he said yeah that guy is a talker. He can spend hours talking. Yeah for sure got off lucky. Just really hope he doesn't come to the new store when I'm working. Today's tip is you have to spend money to make money, or just keep the money. Either way the net amount is the same.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

1st month almost done

With January finally coming to a close we are just a step closer to FINALLY getting warmer. Like I said February is short and will be a breeze. Work is finally starting to clam down for the moment, but well we haven't opened yet so well it will get worse again. Speaking of worse at work I had a customer threaten me. No not with a knife or with bodily harm I mean by threatening to take his business elsewhere. He was flat out bullying me to try to give him a bigger discount. He comes in grabs his stuff and sets it down and says I could get this stuff 10 dollars cheaper if I bought it on the internet. Ok I hate assholes that say that because right there you know they are just trying to get you to give them that discount. Then when I told him the total he's like and that's with my 10 or 15% discount right? Again I hate when people try to point out their discounts. I'm very tempted to say yes that was with your discount, but if you don't want it fine. So I said yes that's with your 10% discount. Then he's like well the owner gives me 15. No the owner doesn't give you a 15% discount unless the computer says give him a 15% discount. Or in another case, but he isn't in that other case. Then he says the owner should "sharpen his pencil" and that he does a lot of shopping here. Like I said he tried to threaten me and bully me. So I simply told the owner that he will probably hear about it later on. The owner is (shockingly) on my side. Which reminds me I had the weirdest dream....again. Ok I think all my dreams are weird happy? Anyway I was Harry Potter that was working with Charles Xavier (played by Patrick Stewart) and trying to save Hermione who apparently used magic on some muggle bikers and was in trouble. Then all of a sudden I'm at my old college and I'm eating in this restaurant next to the campus with friends and all of a sudden we are doing a game where you have to pop balloons blindfolded with darts. My cousin also worked there. Like I said weird. So I felt like doing another video from my library. The song is called Ever Blue. I think it's a really good song, but trying to find this specific version was a pain in the ass. Usually you can only find it with Hannon singing it. In this version yes she sings the main part, but Luchia and Rina help her sing the chorus. I just think it's a better version. Plus the video comes with lyrics. Needless to say it mainly focuses on Hanon. If you like the song you can always check out the anime Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch and Pichi Pichi Pure. Today's tip is before putting on your clothes always do a hole check. You don't want to be that person with holes in their clothes, or do you?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Well that was....great

So yesterday I thought that we weren't going to get the huge shipment we were suppose to get because it didn't come UPS. Well it was on a Freight truck (oh joy) so we did in fact get it in. Spent the rest of yesteray working on that. Which was not easy because suddenly all these customers wanted to walk in and talk and buy stuff. Everytime I have work to do suddenly everyone wants to come in, but not when I don't have to work on something. Then no one wants to come in. Plus I couldn't get to sleep last night. I think I was out for like an hour then I was up until 1ish. Well least tomorrow I get to sleep in a little. So once again Leno is well pissing me off. They showed a clip of him talking to Oprah and he's seriously trying to say the late night thing was not his fault. That he did it for his staff. Oh that is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard, but ok let's play this game. He was doing it for his staff. Well let's look at O'Brien's staff. They moved from New York to LA only to find that they didn't have a solid job for a few years, but a few months. While your staff was going to get new jobs, until wait the network handed you a show and you said ok sure. So now your staff has a job again and looks like for at least a few more months while O'Brien's staff has NO JOB! Yeah he's still the villian. Yeah this is classic Leno as Lettermen said.Today's tip is the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. The first step in a food fight is to throw something at the popular kid.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Almost Feburary

Which means that is when I'll be at my busiest. Tons of running around. Tons of moving and packing. New store to look after. Yeah got a lot to do. Kinda like Obama, but minus the nation and the infighting that doesn't get anything done...ok less infighting that doesn't get anything done. Which reminds me the other day that austistic customer I was talking about awhile ago comes in. I'm in the backroom working (yes!) and he starts talking to my boss. Saying everything is looking better (finally). He says it's because he's putting more faith in God (again great). Then he starts to ask my boss if he believes in god and goes to church and things like that (crap). See it's not good that he's on a Bible kick. Like I said he lacks the filter that says don't say that or your making someone uncomfortable walk away. I just worry he's going to have that discussion with the wrong person and get into a really heated arguement. I also worry he'll say something and work and lose his job, but I'm not his parents so I guess I shouldn't worry so much. Who knows he might have finally found the career he wants to do. I think I'm getting sick again. Hopefully it won't hinder me like it did in december where I was out for like 2 weeks. I think I'm finally back to my starting point before I left in December.So again I'm in the Go-Ongers mood. So I decided to post a video that has most of ending for the series. I swear this was the most music driven series I've seen so far. Anyway here is. Like I said just remember this is only a fraction of the endings. Today's tip is sometimes the newest things can be the most time consuming and be slower then what it replaced.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today is better

So yesterday I was in a not so great mood (obviously). I think it had to do with my headache and feeling like I had way too much crap to do. It was not a pleasant feeling. Plus getting customer after customer asking to talk to my boss. So like I said not a good day. So with I'm feeling much better. Plus a lot of the stuff we need to do is now done. Had a customer today that was just rude. I know that reading is a great way to learn, but I mean some people should stop reading or not trust everything they read. Plus she is like I can't have anything purple or red to drink because I have a test. Turns out it was just a colonoscopy. I must say I have never heard that instruction before. Also had another guy come in saying he didn't need protein because the doctor said so. Plus he didn't need it because he was big enough. Makes you wonder if people are actually listening to what the doctor or the magazine says or just remember what looks good and looks like a fun fact to remember. Tonight I'm pretty much doing nothing since the State of the Union will take over my comedies. Oh and I will no longer watch Children of the Corn. Ever. I haven't seen that movie and months and last night I had a dream that He Who Walks Behind the Rows had sent the children to kill me. It of course got weirder. He sent sent some weird buzz saw like leaf after me and apparently I had the Omnitrix (Ben 10 and Ben 10 alien force) and became a leaf like that as well to kill it. Yeah I have a weird ass mind. Pretty sure no one wants to be up there. So that buzz saw like leaf reminded me (somehow) of the first boss from Legend of Zelda Majora's mask. Maybe because he sends his bug minions to kill you. Anyway here's a video so you can see what I'm talking about. Today's tip is remember if you are in the public eye, everything you say can and will be used against you for at least 5 years. 10 if it's really good.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I have so much crap to do. I'm finally getting to blog after taking a little bit of a break after placing this huge ass order. Plus I'm getting a stress headache which is REALLY hard for me to get since the only time I get them is when I'm at home with my parents. I didn't get them at college. I was fine there. No headaches what so over. Unless I was sick but that doesn't count. That goes to show you that this is seriously killing me. I knew this new business was going to be work, but I didn't think that I would have to do so much work. Plus my boss just keeps snapping and I get the brunt of it because I'm the only one there. I just want to take a whole day off, but no I can't. Plus if I quit I have to tell my parents why and honestly I don't want to have to deal with that. I just need some me time again, but no I can't get it at all this week. I'm just so.....ugh. I just want to crawl into a hole and stay there until everything is done. Nothing will calm down until March and by that time I'll be too pooped to even care. All I have to say is this new store better workout or I'm going to flip. Speaking of flipping the Octomom is at it again. What I mean is she's going on NBC and lying to everyone. She was recently on the cover of people or one of those magazines looking all slim and fit. She said she had no surgery done. Ok if you saw the during pregnancy pictures you know that is a bold face lie. Her skin did not just magically go right back to it's normal shape no matter how hard you work at the gym. I've seen guys that have worked out really hard, but they have extra skin and the only way to get rid of that is (you guessed it) surgery. Look at people that were once fat then lost a lot of weight. They have extra skin. It happens. There is no shame in needing surgery to fix it. You know the Octomom she never wants to admit her surgeries until reporters have to get it out of her by looking into her records to find out yeah she did. I'm just glad that all 8 of the babies lived to see one year old. Of course the battle isn't won yet. We still don't know to what degree some of the babies will be disabled. Which reminds me of this guy that came in yesterday. He comes in and asks my boss to hold his check until Saturday. That's right he comes in on Monday and wants to pay for it on Saturday. He's expecting a big bonus. Ok 1st off if you can't afford something DON'T BUY IT. 2ndly if you don't have the money for something we can HOLD the items for you. I mean you don't go to McDonalds and say oh don't run my card today. Run it next week after I get paid. They'd take the food from you right then and there. Plus I already don't like this guy because the first time I met him he comes in looks for 30 minutes, grabs one of our books and sits there and reads it. I have a long memory when it comes to people that annoy me, do me wrong, or things that make me laugh. I still won't let my dad forget the time he chose a movie that put the whole family to sleep.Today's tip is I believe children are the future which means we are all doomed if a lot of these parents don't step it up.

Monday, January 25, 2010

It's Monday Again

Got tons of stuff to do today. I'm so loving it. Things keep changing around here and so well I'm kinda stuck in the old ways. I'm like an old person in that sense. The only difference is that I don't complain to the person in charge about it. That's one reason why I have a blog for it. I found out something though. When I paint and listen to music my mind wonders. For instance I was wondering about my Ex. Currently I'm trying to keep my distance, but I started wondering hmmm should I be nice and at least see what's going on? Why was this brought up? Because I was doing a mindless task and the song that happened to play was on that reminds me of my Ex. I came to the conclusion that yes I should be nicer even though my Ex tends to get way too involved in my personal life. Plus I'm all happy about the vikings losing. Why you ask? Because I can't stand Brett Farve and hopefully he will actually retire now. Or at least if he doesn't want to he won't pretend like he is. Man I can't stand him and Leno. I'm going to retire no wait no I'm not and I'm going to inconvenience everyone around me, but since Farve signed a two year contract and got close to the super bowel this year he'll probably stick around. Which reminds me of what I saw on good morning america. They were talking about teens and the abstinence pledge. Ok I'm all for saying that your not going to have sex before marriage, but at least keep these teens informed about birth control. A study showed that 88% or something like that of those that made the pledge didn't keep it. And of that they had the same rate of STDs or was it higher. Anyway the point is if parents would just talk to their kids instead of at their kids about sex we could prevent a lot of teen pregnancies. Sex ed starts at home.Find a song that fills you with a sense of joy. Play it when you wake up and your day will be that much better. Your tip of the day.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rested and Ready now

That Saturday of doing nothing was so what I needed. I'm in higher spirits today. Yeah everyone needs a day to just do nothing. Which is nice because today I have some painting to do, so laundry to do, some working out to do. Oh and I got to do so shopping. Ugh oh well. Oh and I did pick up a new mouse. That's good because now I can actually do stuff. Speaking of doing stuff I tried this new pre-workout stuff yesterday. Omg was it AMAZING. It was called Xpand Xtreme Pump. I mean it lasted forever. I felt it tingling in my fingers, then my forehead, then well my balls, then my toes and feet. I want to say that it lasted for like 2 hours. I could have gotten a second workout in if I knew that it was going to last that long. So I need to get more of that stuff. If I could get a year supply for free that'd be great. So far no word on the landlord and his "super awesome deal". Really don't want to talk to that guy. You know what amazes me? The fact that cash registers cost so much. I was bored so I was looking at them. Which reminds me this fat guy was sitting in one of those flexible chairs. The type where you can swirl around and it moves without you getting up. Like this chair minus the massager. So anyway he was leaning back in it and I was let's say about 10 feet away and I swear I heard the chair squeaking. I'm watching it waiting for the chair to snap. It didn't and I was saddened by that. Also stopped by this pizza place called Happy Joes. Must say they really do pile on the toppings there. So I never did finish the game Diddy Kong Racing mainly because it got too annoying, but if I had then this is what I would have seen in the final showdown with whiz pig.....and what happens after you defeat him. Today's tip is nothing makes you feel more intelligent then watching 95% of the contestants on reality shows.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Am I just not good with change?

Or do I just hold onto things way too long? Me thinks it's number two. I mean my landlord called earlier in the wait that was last week. Anyway I could still be mad about that. Anyway this week has just been a lot. I mean I have had a lot of work to do. Oh well so my landlord called and now wants to act like he's a good guy. Needless to say I don't trust him. Basically he wants to run an ad for my apartment along with another apartment. He says it won't cost me anything and if he gets it rented I don't owe him for March. Sounds like a good deal yes? That's why I don't trust it. It sounds like a good deal. Makes me wonder what he's getting out of it. I mean this is the type of person that makes you pay for EVERYTHING. So like I said he's getting something out of it and I want this deal in writing if it's exactly as he says it is. I don't want March to come around and I don't get my security deposit because in his fine print he never said the ad comes out of my security deposit. Or him to say well there is an extra move out fee. Anyway I can't stand that guy. Plus I have so much work to do with this new shop. Well today will just be relaxing. Relaxing is good and much needed. Well I'm off to do nothing. Never underestimate the power of doing nothing. Laters.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Living for the Weekend

So yesterday got my free meal and had a fun time a dinner. Got home and so knew I was full. It was nice because today I have tons of crap to do to get this new store ready. This morning I was moving all this stuff. Later on I'm going to have to just sit on a computer and enter in all these products. So that's going to be fun. So glad I don't work tomorrow because honestly I've had enough of work stuff. I mean I could seriously smack some people around I'm tired of dealing with them. Well every job has those weeks like that. Especially any job I have. Anyway so tomorrow I will get to spend all day relaxing and possibly working out. Again still feel that slump like I'm not getting any bigger which makes me feel like I should just stop, but then again sure people have that all the time. Not like I got at it as hard as some of these people that are like I lost so much weight and gained this much in muscle in 90 days. Yeah I'm talking about those P90 infomercials. They always make me feel bad because I've been working out for longer then 90 days and don't see their results, but then I realize these are most likely the atypical results. Not to mention they were probably all dolled up for the infomercial. You know on a special diet to make it look like they are way more ripped then normal. Just annoying that we live in a society where we do so much false advertising or half truth advertising. Look at the cover of a fitness magazine. No way anyone on a cover looks like that 24/7/365. They don't always have those veins popping out. Have you ever seen a backstage bodybuilder. They are getting tons of tanning stuff put on them. Tons of oil and they are getting "pumped" before going out. Oh well I'm sure I'm not the only person thinking about this stuff. Well only one that thinks about it then puts it into their blog. Speaking of that I was again on youtube and I found this video. It was posted by the same person that posted the G3 Princess video. Well I'll admit that I never finished the Engine Sentai Go-Ongers series. Mainly because I could never find the final few episodes. The company that was subbing it was also doing Kamen Rider Kiva and spent more time on those then the Go-Ongers. Anyway apparently they didn't stop at the G3 Princess. In this clip we get to see the G3 Princess group again, but also get to meet the G5 Prince group. It's another funny clip in the since that clearly in japan you can easily confuse a small girl for a small boy or vice versa. Also makes you wonder if these actors all had a background in singing or if they were kinda forced into it. Well check it out. Today's tip is sometimes you don't need to say what you think. Other times it's a must. A fine line none have mastered.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Free DINNER!!!

So yeah I get a free dinner today. Which is good because I didn't feel like making dinner tonight. I was so tired last night I went ahead and made my pizza. That and I needed to workout and pretty sure that if I made my dinner I would eat late and workout late and miss part of Modern Family which I enjoy. I'm in that rut when I don't feel like I'm seeing any results what so ever which I never do until I get measured then I'm like no they look the same. I think I suffer from the same thing some body builders do. You know that they aren't big enough. There was a documentary on it. Anyway don't feel like I'm getting any results and that I'm just trying to get back to where I was before I left for Texas and before I got sick. Just doesn't feel like I'm going anywhere. Didn't even help that only one person said something when I was back in Texas. That's always lovely. Plus my touch pad is being mean. I don't like trying to get a mouse for my laptop. Just feels weird to me, but looks like I'm going to have to. Oh but I had a fun time yesterday. So I'm in the back receiving in products and a guy comes in to talk to the owner. The owner was out on a personal errand so I simply said he was at the bank and should be back at about noon which was like 15 minutes later. So the guy leaves then comes back about 5 minutes to noon. I'm clearly working and once I get to a point when I can stop I have to stand out there until he leaves. HE STANDS THERE LOOKING FOR 30 MINUTES. Not to mention he was asking some kinda personal questions. Not to mention this guy doesn't really shop at the store. He was at the old location, but never bought anything, and rarely comes to this new location and you could tell by all the questions he was asking that he wouldn't ask if he regularly shops at the new location. So the owner finally comes and here is the question he asks. Do you have a job? Like I wouldn't know. Again that question is something that someone that normally shops here wouldn't asked the owner, especially if the owner is gone for like 30 minutes. So I'm pissed because I could have eaten lunch and been done with what I needed to be doing in all that time He spent walking around. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't really shop here. I think he thought that he had some special connection with the owner and could tug at his heart strings, but the owner basically was like me. If you don't shop here and then come in and ask for a job I'm not going to give it to you. If you are a fateful shopper then yeah we'd be more incline to give you a job because we see you like every week and you spend a good bit of money. So like I said I was pissed. What also made my wait better was the fact that an old lady called and I say hello [enter the name of the store here]. She said I'm sorry I didn't understand you. Which is ok because the phone isn't the best, but if I can hear the person then they can hear me. So I said again [insert name of the store here] and she says I can't understand you. This isn't going to work. There is something wrong with your communication device and just hangs up. Ok first off it is most likely your end because your old and your hearing isn't all that great. I've never had a problem with anyone else hearing me on the phone. So it lead me to the conclusion that old people are just flat out rude on the phone. So that was the highlight of my day. So if you enjoyed the little video yesterday then you'll love today's. 2 seasons after the Mahou Sentai Magirangers did their little song and dance. The Engine Sentai Go-Ongers had theirs. This is a clip from I think from episode 35. Anyway it's the song, them changing, beating the monster, then the ending. The whole episode was funny since it was the bad guys working with the good guys. Another one that will either make your sides hurt or say what the hell and stop it. Today's tip is a child's laughter is priceless. You know what you must do. Bottle it and sell it to make millions and/or be labeled a monster.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I feel off

Today I just feel off. Something is wrong with my chest. It's kinda where I noticed what looks like a bug bite. Might not have something to do with another. I don't want to go to the doctor because I could be freaking out over nothing. I could have just slept wrong. Anyway it's just making me feel like I'm being short with people. Also means I'm going to have to deal with a lot of customers today. So yesterday all day it felt like Monday. Today feels like Tuesday. There is winter weather coming later today through tomorrow. Yeah I'm tired of Winter. I know it's making me off. Not to mention I want to get out of my place as soon as possible. My landlord is a prick and the place isn't that great. I seriously need a full week of vacation. Too much is going on at this point and feels like it's getting worse and worse and it's not going to get any better. So anyway enough about that. Tiger Woods has gone into rehab for Sex Addiction. I can honestly say I saw this coming. A lot of the celebrities and politicians that get caught in these type of scandals always seem to land in rehab or claim sexual addiction. I don't know if he's truly a sex addict, but I do know it's hard for me to believe that he truly believes that and wasn't told by his PR people to go. I was watching the Today show and one of the experts said he could simply be a serial cheater. That honestly sounds more like what happened then sex addiction. I mean sex addiction seems like you'd be going out and having several different sex partners for one night stands, not actual relationships. Then again no addict is the same. So I was combing through my video stash and I came across one of my favorite videos. It is from the 8th episode of the Mahou Sentai Magirangers Series. This was the first Super Sentai I watched all the way through. Watching this was the moment I said wow America screwed up this series. No wonder it's going down the toilet. You'd never see the American rangers do something like this. Not to mention the Super Sentai series actually shows death and blood. So enjoy this clip. It will either make you laugh your butt off or say what the hell was that. Today's tip is do you believe in magic? If your answer is no then congrats. You have killed your inner child. The police will be there shortly.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So Mad I Could Spit Acid

So I had one of the most frustrating days yesterday. So let's start with the fact that I was still recovering from that male enhancement. So I was still suffering from a bit of a headache and stomach ache. Anyway my landlord is being an ass. I was suppose to have signed a 6 month lease but the ass changed it to 7 months. Even it it was 7 months I should be able to get out when I'm suppose to, but no he's being an ass and wants to say nope out on the 31st and if he can't rent the apartment then I owe that months rent too. Oh yeah screw that. That is not going to happen in a lifetime. That would mean I'd lose my security deposit plus have to pay for the whole month of March. Guess what I'm not going to do that. So like I said I can't stand the guy. So I was kinda in a not so great mood, until my boss said you know what I don't want to rent from a guy that was that much of an ass to you. So because he was being such an ass over my few hundreds he lost out on a chance to get over a thousand. So that made me feel better. Especially since he hasn't rented the space for a year and a half. That makes me happy that there is some little bit of justice. So I was calm the rest of the day. Then I went grocery shopping. One of the customers at the store works at the grocery store I went to. The guy is autistic so he does not get social cues or read people at all. He finds me shopping and follows me for like 15 minutes basically reading everything I put into my basket. I wanted to say hey shouldn't you be in the break room not talking to customers. I mean I really wanted to say something, but I can't because it's not really his fault. Plus whatever you say he takes to heart and treats like the word of God. Not to mention pretty sure he doesn't have a lot of friends because he sees things in black and white all the time and doesn't read social situations at all. Plus he's so negative all the time. He's always going on an on about how he isn't doing well and how he hates his meds and how the doctors are trying to keep him down. Plus he asks for advice but never takes it. Like I said just want to say something but I can't. So I get home from shopping more wound up instead of wound down. Least American Idol is on tonight and that should be fun. Today's tip is forgiveness can lead to a great weight off the shoulders, but only if it comes of your own free will.

Monday, January 18, 2010

That was a crappy Sunday

Yeah never again will I ever try a male enhancement. I was product testing it to see if we should bring it into the shop. No no we will not. It didn't really do anything that night, but the next day I had this super terrible headache and I was just sick to my stomach. The headache I can live with, but when you feel like your going to vomit every 2 seconds you can't really do much. So that's why yesterday's blog was so short. So no grocery shopping. Barely got my laundry done. Let alone the cleaning. I did manage to see the cowboys blow it yet again. Yeah whenever I count on them to do something for me they blow it. That's how it's always been with them. One reason why I don't follow the cowboys. I just now realized it's MLK day and I'm at work. If I was in school I'd have the day off, but looks like schools up here don't give off for it. Got a tough week ahead of me, but I need to make sure I stop by game stop to get my free pikachu colored Pichu that I can use on Heart Gold to get a spikey eared Pichu. I'm so ready for that game. Oh and my mom is getting on my case yet again. I mean she is just getting on my nerves. She calls me up early yesterday when I was still asleep knowing that I work pretty much 6 days a week for like 8 hours. She apologizes then says call her later. So I did and I get a lecture about going back to school. It's the same god damn lecture every time. You need to start signing up blah blah blah. Ooo it just burns me up. So I said mom I got it stop lecturing me. Then she goes on and on and when I get mad she's like I see your not in a good mood this morning so I'll call you back later. No, I'm not in a good mood because you are treating me like a child and repeating what you keep telling me over and over again. I swear I'm going to stop answering her calls. Which kinda makes a funny transition into the video for today. It's been stuck in my head for awhile now. Well that and Time Warp. Anyway it's that song from the Powerpuff Girls episode where all the color gets drained from the town. The song is Love Makes the World Go Round. Cute little song that gets stuck in my head easily. Today's tip is the heart remembers what the head long forgets. That is why it is hard to heal sometimes.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

So much to do

Today I have so much stuff to do. Got to start cleaning my place. I hate cleaning my place. Plus I have tons of laundry to do. I have this massive headache that kept me in bed 2 hours longer then I should have been in bed. Yeah it's going to be one of those days. I don't really feel well either. Like I said so much to do and not feeling all that great. This is probably going to be a short entry since I need to eat and get started before people start doing their laundry and take the good dryer. One reason why I can't wait to get out of this place. Oh crap forgot I have to shop for food otherwise I'll starve. Hopefully tomorrow I'm feeling my jolly self. Oh but when I was leaving the store my boss got a scare from a lone duck outside the back door. Freaky I must say. Today's tip is today is opposite day so don't give me money.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Week is almost over

That's right the week is almost over and good news...maybe. So yesterday I sent in my application for the new place and well I'll find out on Monday if I will have a place or not. The new place is coming along. Well the mental stuff and list of stuff we need is coming along. That's a good thing. Now we have to secure the place then begins the leg work of moving everything, painting everything, building everything. Tomorrow I need to work on my place, while doing laundry. Since I'll have to give me notice soon and once I give notice he can take people into my place. Don't want it to be messy. Plus the temperature is very nice right now. It's in the mid to low 30's. I can deal with that. That is much better then dealing with the teens and windchills making it below 0. Yesterday was a pain though. It was a combination of a headache and customers coming in the second I sat my butt down in the chair to watch bleach. I think my body was just having some weird reaction because this morning my eye wasn't bugging me like it usually does in the morning. So far no headache. I like no headaches. Oh had my pizza night. For once I was actually full and could not eat anymore. That doesn't happen to me with the normal pizza I buy, but at the same time it tasted weird. Smelled weird too. Not to mention it promised extra cheese, yet that looked like a normal amount of cheese. So maybe not so much with the getting more of that brand, but as I was saying. I was watching bleach yesterday. I've been really behind with that series. Just got too long and I had too many things to do to try to keep up. So I just wanted to see where they are. They are in another filler arc. Though I must say this one has me interested. Apparently all their zanpaktou souls are out and about. So the shinigami are out and about trying to keep them under control and to work for them again. I like the series, because I've always wondered what every one's zanpaktou soul looked like. I mean we know what Ichigo's looks like, and Renji, but that was pretty much it. Now we see what they all look like and I must say it's interesting. Anyway squiby is down once again so I'll just post the new opening for the filler arc. It's called Anima Rossa by Porno Graffiti (great name). Today's tip is a good friend helps you think outside the box. A great friend would be in the box with you, telling dirty jokes.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Think I Have A Place

Yeah I think I have a place now. Well once I get the security and application fee in. It's a pretty good place. Yeah it's not the place with the dog friendly policy. So I guess I'll go another year or so without one. Lovely I must say. I got home and did an arm workout where my mom who has called me for 3 days straight. So she interrupts that then just yak yak yaks. I am like come on get to the point I'm working out, but not she just keeps having long pauses so my workout was basically over. Thanks mom thanks a lot. Then my Ex ims me. Put shortly me and my ex went in too fast burned out, but my Ex randomly ims me or checks my twitter. It's really annoying because we aren't even in the same state anymore. Anyway I just don't really want to talk to my Ex mainly because I can't tell if the other party has moved on or not. Not to mention someone was really clingy and jealous. There was also NOTHING on TV last night. I don't know feel like I'm getting edgy lately. Probably because of the weather. We are in a sort of heatwave and I guess it's making me want it to be spring. Maybe it's because I'm expecting an apology from two people that clearly won't ever apologize. Maybe it's because I'm all nervous about the move. Plus my job is possibly going to have a new location. So I guess I"m just overwhelmed. I better workout again tonight maybe that will help. Well it is pizza night so that might help....a lot. Today's tip is people come and go in our lives, but if you can get them to like you before they go then your one person closer to world domination.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nothing like a Natural Disaster

To bring out the worst in people. No I don't mean people that steal and stuff. I'm talking about those people that have a mouth piece and broadcast to millions of people. That's right I'm talking about Pat Robertson. I mean to say that the reason why Haiti got the earthquake is because a long time ago they made a pact with the Devil is just well stupid. I mean 1 it doesn't make any sense. If that was true then why would they be getting hit now and not shortly after they made this pact. 2. Last time I checked the bible never said anything about kicking people when they are down. Pretty sure there is something in there about helping others less fortunate then you. I mean if he truly believed that then why isn't he over there in Haiti on missionary work. Oh that's right he doesn't want to get away from the US because that would take him away from his money. Well Pat hope you can look God in the eye when things like this come up. So today I did a walk through for one of the places I might be moving into. This one today was pretty decent. Not too far from work. Awesome pet policy. Just as long as the dog is below 30 lbs I don't have to put up $300 dollars. It's a pet friendly area. Thank you. No application fee, but I will check out the other one today. If it's a lot more space then well I kinda have to take it. Today is a workout day as well. Thinking arms tonight. Yeah should be not really. I hate doing arms and chest because I always feel like I put in a lot of work and I see no results. My back and legs and shoulders no problems. So yeah there you go. Today's tip is children are said to have an ability to tell good people from bad. Too bad network execs have that same ability.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week is only half over

I kinda have a long week this week. Tomorrow I'm going to two apartment showings. Honestly these two are ones I'm really looking forward to. Both really work with my schedule. That is a major plus for me. Plus one of them may have a lax pet rule. I forgot to ask when I had him on the phone. Plus I'm working on Saturday again. Least yesterday went by pretty quickly. I watched American Idol....while tweeting and iming a friend. If you go look at my tweets you can see my comments. Yeah I'm one of those people now. Oh and don't worry I only watch the auditions. That is the only fun part to me. The rest I couldn't care less about. It's just funny seeing people's reaction to being told they can't sing or being told they have a bad attitude or their reasoning behind why they can sing. My favorite was the first contestant who said she thinks she can sing because of the American Idol game. Yeah if I could do everything that I'm good at in a game then well I can drive a go cart in even the scariest places, I can shoot zombies, I am the keyblade master, I have my own digimon, I am a pokemon master, I would kick ass in a mortal combat, and that's just to name a few. People are funny when it comes to rationalizing. So squiby time. Yay for squiby.Ok so I'm still feeling in the musical mood. So here is a song from rent. Take Me Baby or Leave Me. I love this one because of what happens at the end. So you should watch the whole thing plus pay close attention to what is said by the mother then by Mimi (Rosario Dawson). Plus keep in mind that Mimi is 19. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is just because you are good at something on a game doesn't mean your good at it in real life. This includes singing and shooting zombies.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I have some questions

So yesterday I watched Rocky Horror Picture Show. If you've never seen it then well you should. It made me feel less weird and random then I am. Anyway so after watching that and Rent. I had to wonder. In a musical what do the people in it hear? Do they hear the songs as normal conversations or do they actually hear the song and sing along? Like if real life was to become a musical would all the conversations we have be musicals or just the important ones. Would we hear them as songs or would we still hear a conversation. Yeah I have that much time to think about these types of things. Now you wonder about it too don't you? Also checked out a possible new place yesterday and went to a viewing today. It amazes me what's available and what people make you pay. One place wants to make me pay a $300 deposit for a pet and pay an extra $20 per month. Another one wants $250 deposit for a cat and $400 for a dog. Yeah not going to happen. So looks like no pet for a little while. Well there is one other place who I haven't hear their pet policy on. So we'll see. On an unrelated note NBC seems to be falling apart. I mean they are scrambling for programming, the Leno and O'Brian thing, and now a judge leaving America's Got Talent. Yeah clearly something going on over there. So after watching Rocky Horror Picture Show I got a song stuck in my head (shocking I know). So enjoy The Time Warp. A very interesting little segment if you ask me. If life was a musical then there would be no need to ask what's on someone's mind unless they are mute.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hmmm networks hate me

So when I get to work I can usually get on a network at one of the shops here at the mall and go on about my day. This morning not so much. I couldn't get on, so I thought ok no big deal happens all the time (because it does). Then 2 hours later still couldn't get on. So I'm like ok what in the world is going on. I've never been kicked out of the wireless network for longer then 10 minutes. What I mean is that I'm connected, but I can't connect to the internet. Right now I'm tapping into the office's internet. Yeah isn't that lovely. Luckily today I'm watching Rocky Horror Picture Show. That should brighten my spirits. The Leno NBC bomb scandal gets worse. Apparently after the olympics Leno is going back to his old spot, followed by Conan, followed by Jimmy. Oh that's seriously like NBC just said fuck you Conan. Conan of course put in the deal that he gets multi-millions if NBC pushes the tonight show past 12:05 EST. Guess where NBC stopped short of. That's right 12:05. When questioned NBC said that it had nothing to do with the decision. Oh bullshit it had everything to do with the decision. Money was the reason that Leno is being pushed back, money is the reason why they are keeping Leno, and money is the reason why everyone hasn't been moved back a full hour. NBC wants to keep everyone and doesn't want to get rid of anyone. Honestly I would hate to be O'Brian in the situation. You were promised to have a show at a specific time slot that was ahead of yours only to have the old person push back your time slot so your basically back in your old time slot. Even better is that Leno decided to make a comment about NBC's decision. Ok Leno your the asshole that is causing this huge shit bomb to go off you aren't allowed to comment on it on your show. The only way you can comment is if you are making yourself the butt of the joke and saying yeah I'm the reason why O'Brian is being screwed over. Well I bet you can't figure out who's side I'm on. Well today's tip is a wise man once said the only way to improve is to go out and get better. Ok maybe more obvious than wise.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Got a lot done

So yesterday I got a lot of stuff done. Did the laundry and started looking for a new apartment. There are quite a lot of good places near my job or new job. There are a surprising number of places that allow pets. Mainly cats though. Not that I don't like having a cat, but I've done that before. I kinda want to try having a dog. I also went out and rented 4 movies. "Oh, God!", Rent, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Robin Hood Men in Tights. Yeah I have a lot of free time this weekend. Plus I plan on watching Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan. That one is an anime not a movie. Anyway like I said a lot of free time. Which reminds me Jay Leno is officially on my nerves. I've never been a fan of his and I admit that. Anyway so he leaves the Tonight Show, then decides never mind I'm going to come back just on earlier. This is the point that he really got on my nerves. Now NBC only has 2 hours of prime time. Now shows that should have gotten a chance got moved and now they can't go past that time slot for anything. Now that Leno isn't getting the ratings he wants he wants to bitch and moan about how he's on too early and wants his old time slot back. Ok you jerk you already left. It's Conan's turn. He was promised that show and now he has it and NBC is actually thinking about giving it back to Leno. Wow that's just sad. Leno is officially Brett Farve. NBC should do what the Packers did. Say no you retired we have faith in this new guy go away. Well that's my two cents on the matter. Squiby time. So I was watching Phineas and Ferb and it was the cliptastic episode. There is one song that I find really funny. It's called Little Brothers. Just watch it. I love the ending of it.
Today's tip is There are days when things just go your way. Enjoy it because they are few and fleeting.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The weather outside is frightful

Ok I think we all agree that the weather right now is very freaky. Something is not right. Not right with it at all. For southern states and Cuba to get hit with weather like they are something is wrong. Now yes it could just be some fluke that it happened, but at the same time think back to last year. It was unusually cold as well. Pretty sure we had another surge of Hurricane. Anyway the point is that we really need to watch the weather, but that's just me. Anyway yesterday was a pretty decent day. Decent sales. No call from that other job. Somehow I'm not shocked in the least. Didn't seem like they were too together. Least the person that interviewed me. I mean my interview got moved and delayed because my interviewer set up a meeting during that time. Keep in mind that I set up the appointment 2 weeks in advance. You'd think that if the meeting was setup before that they would have let me know. You'd also think they would also write down the time of an interview. I also hate when they say you'll know by the end of the week. I mean why not say you'll know on this day by this time. So yeah not so happy about that. Makes me wonder if I really want to work for them. So I'm going to spend my Saturday watching cartoons and maybe laundry so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Today's tip is we all lock our keys in our cars at least once. Make sure it isn't in winter in a major windchill.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Boy did I have a fun filled day

So I'm on a website I often go on and boy did I have a day. I'm there hanging out with my friend and we start talking about how two people we know were broken up for good. One of those people happened to see that then starts getting all snippy saying don't let me stop you. I'm sure you will tell the other. That comment got aimed at me. I come to find out that he thinks that I told his former girlfriend some sort of secret. He yells at me and yells at my friend for defending me. Then he accuses all women of the site as having "issues" and leaves. Now normally that wouldn't bug me, but it bugged my friend. So we talked to the former girlfriend and she of course had no clue what I said since we rarely talk alone. So now she wants to know because clearly whatever he told me is such a big deal. I message him. He doesn't answer. I send it again and he's like I'm not in the mood to talk. So I message him saying clearly your the one with "issues" if you can't even tell me what the hell you think I said. Come to find out he's mad at me because apparently I told his girlfriend that they broke up. So I'm like your pissed at me for that. I didn't say anything to your former girlfriend. She kinda already knows. I wouldn't have anyone else to tell anyway since everyone that knows you two knows you two break up every so often so no one is shocked anymore. It just irritated me that he would get so pissy about a secret that wasn't a secret.
On another note I was watching the news and it amazes me how the Republicans are jumping on this torture bandwagon. Suddenly everyone thinks that we should label the underwear bomber as an enemy combatant and torture him. Ok let's think about this rationally. What would this guy really know. Think about it this guy is suppose to have died because he's what you call a "suicide bomber". I mean what is the purpose of telling a suicide any information other then their mission. Not to mention why would they tell them factual information for if they got caught. Let's use our heads people. If I'm going to send you out to do a mission where you could get captured why would I tell you about other missions we plan on doing at other times. Or better yet why would I tell you stuff that is true. Wouldn't I want to throw off the enemy? Especially if the person I'm sending is suppose to die anyway? I guess I kinda think of it in a logical sense instead of an emotional one and trying to snipe at an opponent.
Well on a different note. Here are some cuties. I'll also distract you with a video of digimon season 1. These are all the ultimate digivolutions and Agumon and Gabumon's warp digivolutions.
Today's tip is time is the wisest counselor. It also has you in a death grip.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just 24 more days

As we see the grip of old man winter truly reaching tons of places it never has or places that it is gripping way more than it should I just have one thing to say. 24 more days left of January. Once you get passed January, February is so easy. It's only 28 days. Then it's March which is spring month. That's all I have to make it through. Actually according to everyone here I have to make it to April, but like I said just have to make through this month and wham I'm home free and get to see green instead of white. Lucky for me the weeks seem to be going by much faster than they were previously. I also hear about a job either today or tomorrow. I hate when they say you'll hear sometime at the end of the week. How about giving me a specific day. I'm nervous about it. If I get this job than I'm working 8 hours a day (like now), but I'm not really working with customers the same way I am now. Not to mention I'm spending a lot more time on a computer putting in numbers, but the pay is good. So cross your fingers for me. Had a good night as well. It was Comedy Wednesday which I love watching because well who doesn't like a good laugh. Just a good way to end Hump Day. Too bad during it, it started to snow and is still snowing and won't stop snowing until early this evening. Thank you oh so much. I hate driving in the snow, but it happens when you live up north.Today's tip Remember 24 days left in this month then it's love month then spring month so don't let that ice get you down.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Well I had an day

I should say an interesting day. So yeah my eye was still being an ass, but now it's fixed today. I tried some drops in there and it for sure helped. Then I got into a tweeting argument with my friend about guys and cologne. She thinks it makes guys smell "delicious" while I said it sucks wearing it because well we can't stand the smell. So I ask you guys do you like wearing cologne or so much the affect it gives off? Most guys I know hate wearing cologne unless it's a special occasion like a wedding or an interview. The argument came up because I was talking about my old spice deodorant. I got it because it was cheaper than my brand and throughout the day the old spice gives off this over powering scent. So she was like mmmm old spice delious. That's my friends for ya. I also had this omg gross dream. There were these zombies and one of them got to a super hero. The super hero zombie got to this scientist and I mean afterwards what happened to the guy was like cartoon like bloody. What I mean is it was like in Kill Bill where it went cartoony for a bit because it was so gory. Then in another dream there was this huge zombie worm. It liked to bite things. It even captured one of my friends and made him a zombie minion, but everyone else died from the bite eventually he didn't. Yeah I have really gross dreams some nights. Well more so recently. Today is senior day so I get to deal with a bunch of seniors today and well some are kick ass. Others.....yeah I can't say it without getting some major bad karma. So on a less gross and old note here are the squibies. In conclusion here is your tip for the day. If your dreams are predictable every night then congrats your dreams are as predictable as you are.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Light at the end

So I think I'm finally getting better better. I'm not coughing as much and the only symptom I seem to have is the fact that I'm congested. Which means I'm getting better. So that means I'll finally get to work out again. Ugh you never realize how much you miss it until you stop. Being sick plus going to Texas really messed with that schedule. So I've established that the next big purchase I'm saving up for is a new laptop. Yeah this one doesn't have sound and it's 3 years old. Yeah it's lasted pretty much as long as it's going to last so that will be my big purchase I save up for. There is a reason behind the no sound, but I don't feel like going into the story so if you want to know go look in my old blog. Oh and there is this app called tweetpsych. Just for fun I tried it. It basically analyzes your tweets and let's you know in what categories you tweet more about than the average tweeter and which you tweet less. Well needless to say I had to look up mine an of course let the world know. I talk about time 72% more than the average tweeter. Yeah that's a lot more. I talk about learning and leisure 28% less than the average tweeter. I also talk about sex 4% less than the average tweeter which is odd because I figured well I'm a guy I would be talking about it more. Anyway it's a fun thing to check out. I have senior day tomorrow so that is going to be loads of fun and lead to loads of stories. I know I'm going to be avoiding one senior tomorrow because well she's loud, can't hear well, can't see well, and sometimes doesn't make that much sense. So I adopted two new squibies yesterday because well I was bored.
Yeah adorable aren't they. So again feeling all nostalgic I was on youtube and well saw the morphing sequence for power rangers the movie. So I of course had to watch it. I was going to post it here, but apparently the person disabled embedding so through some means I acquired it to my hard drive and well here it is.

I always loved this one because it pointed out something that few of us realized. Like the monsters are just going to stand their while they morphed. I mean they have a city to destroy. They aren't going to just stand their and let 6 teenagers change so they can be defeated. That and the morph was way different than the show. Not to mention the suits were a HUGE change. Than again it's what happens when Americans get ahold of Japanese stuff. Oh and here is your tip for today. You can give someone all the info in the world to make an educated choice, but the choice is still theirs.