Monday, January 31, 2011

All had those issues

I was watching Good Morning America and one of the stories they were talking about really struck a cord with me. It was about the mother facing child abuse charges for what she did to her child. Apparently you can youtube it. She went on the Dr. Phil show and showed a video of her pouring hot sauce in the mouth of her adopted son. This is why I have an issue with it. I can see why she did it. My brother was a bit more of a hard ass then I was. He constantly got in trouble. Me you could just tell me that's a bad thing and I'd stop. Him he'd need to be punished and punished and punished. My roommate was the same way. So we understand that sometimes you have to get creative. Honestly I think there wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the fact that she was clearly angry when she was punishing her son. I think if she had calmly said, "what happens when you lie?" If she had done that calmly and hadn't done the cold shower I don't think there would be such an issue. I think she had a good idea. She paired a consequence with an action. Clearly he knows that if he lies he gets hot sauce. That's what we go for as parents. Don't we want kids to understand every action has a consequence? So honestly I'm sort of on the mother's side. I don't think it was child abuse. I think people viewed it as child abuse because of the fact she was angry. I mean we don't view putting pepper on a child's thumb to get them to stop sucking their thumb as child abuse.
It's kinda like the Tiger Mom thing. Do I disagree with some of the things she did. Yes I do. Does she think that she should have done some things differently. Yes she admits that. I think people really viewed it in the wrong light. I think once there was press on the book everyone took a stance. They viewed it as a how to guide, or they viewed it as a woman saying she did everything right. I haven't read the book so I can't really give a true opinion on it. I think that if you disagree with her methods then don't read it. If you want to read it, read it and analyze it. Sending death threats to someone because you disagree with someone is just scary. Makes you like that Tuscon shooter. It's this agree with me or die mentality that is running way to high in our society.
On a different note, let's talk about people not using that logic that they were given. So I was in the back room of the gym and there was another guy back there. He was doing one exercise for a couple of sets then moving on. Then all of a sudden he started doing the commute. Doing one exercise then going out to the front then doing another and back and forth. He then takes his paper and goes out front so I go to the cable machine. Well he then comes back and kinda looks around. Ok that's what you get. That's what you get for not sticking with an exercise when someone else is back there. I mean if your going to super set, how about staying next to the thing you plan on using. The other bit of logic that struck me had to do with a weird noise I heard. I was doing decline bench press and I heard this weird clopping. I thought it was part of the song playing on the gym speakers then I realized nope it was flat foot guy. Now logic tells you if you hear that weird noise that maybe you shouldn't be running on a treadmill. Well he was talking to someone up front and my workout buddy heard the conversation. Apparently he hurt his knee in October. He continued to run and his knee got worse until he had to have work done on his knee. Yet he's back in the gym clopping on the treadmill. You have got to be kidding me. Again wouldn't logic tell you that maybe you should find a new form of cardio. Like a bike, or the stair climber, or the elliptical.
Over the weekend we got a new episode of DBZ abridged. My sides still hurt from it. For sure was worth the wait. Plus the fact that it's out means that a new batch of episodes will be coming out. Hopefully one per month. Hopefully. Check it. Today's tip is if you run to stay in shape and blew out your knee because of it then you should probably find a new form of cardio.

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