Friday, January 14, 2011

Half and half

Half of this blog will be written before I go to workout and the other will be written after I come back. Just because I didn't get up soon enough to get it all done in one shot. Ok never mind that didn't happen. E-mail trouble got the better of me. Anyway yesterday was a good day. Despite the huge amount of snow that fell. Lucky for me it stopped like an hour before I had to leave. Plus it was fluffy stuff. I mean it was really fluffy. The point to where I was able to slam my car door and like half of the stuff flew off. I mean two cars that came by and parked after me were completely clean. Sometimes it pays to leave at 6.
Today at the gym it was good at first. Then after I'm in the back for like 20 minutes a guy comes back there. He sets up the bench press, then he moves the decline bench in between the cable machine. Now I don't know if he was going to use it or not, but it looked like he was. I finished doing my bench press and I needed to use the decline bench. I waited to see if he was going to use it or not. He didn't so I used it. Even if he was going to use it I don't care anymore. No one is the only using the gym when there is someone in the back. If you want to do a certain exercise using a specific piece of equipment then use it. Don't try to "save it". Don't set it up then expect no one to use it. It is a small space and if you are not the only one then you can't just hog things. The trainers are terrible at this. Ok not fair 3 out of 4 trainers are terrible at this. A trainer was there today, but at least he didn't hog all the machines and space like the others usually do.
Today's tip is nothing makes you feel older then realizing how old your younger siblings are. If you don't have any rejoice now.

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