Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quick week

Seems like this week is going by really quickly. Hard to believe tomorrow is Friday. Maybe it's my mind trying to make the Winter shorter. Not that I have a problem with that. Maybe because I'm so schedule oriented that it makes things move faster. I've also found out that my body works better with Gaspari's Real Mass then any other weight gainer. It's the only one that I've taken that has consistently put weight on me and kept it on. I think if I had it when I was on my pro-hormone I would have seen the weight go up and probably would have passed that 170 mark. So I'm going back to it. If I consistently keep my weight above 165 then I'm keeping it. I rather be around 167 and go up and down with body fat, then go up and down with body weight. I'd love to have the body fat I have now at 167ish. This will be nice.
Ugh I so want a dog, but my apartment doesn't allow me to have dogs. Now I could move to a place that does allow dogs, but sadly I love my apartment. It's at the right spot from work. Really close to my gym too. Well honestly I can't afford a dog. Well I can afford one, but I wouldn't have much time for a dog which isn't fair to a dog. Maybe in the future I'll look at getting one. All good things come to those who wait.
So I'm in a 90's kick. I'm sure most of you remember the song Oops I did it Again by Britney Spears. Seemed like everyone was doing that dance. Plus the music video didn't really make sense. Anyway so here it is. Today's tip is playing games that you played as a child is a good way to destress. Also keeps you from being a stuffy grown up.

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