Monday, January 24, 2011

Quite a lot to talk about

So the Packers are in the Superbowl. I'm happy about, but not for the same reason that everyone else in Wisconsin is. I'm happy cause 1. I get a pizza at 50% off today. 2. Aaron Rogers is finally out of the shadow of Brett Favre. You see even though Favre hasn't been with the Packers in 3 years, Rogers was still in Favre's shadow. This season has been great for Rogers. Favre has been flopping so people were finally starting to realize that being like Favre isn't highlight quarterback. Plus the Vikings didn't even make it to the playoffs. Plus Driver said that he thinks that Rogers is the best quarterback the Packers have ever had. So yay for Rogers.
So Keith Olberman is no longer on MSNBC. I must say that's not the best for the left. I mean let's face it. The right has the biggest mouth. They have not only politicians that make sure they only give good soundbites, but also have Fox News which is the complete opposite of fair and balanced. I mean they destroyed an organization by airing that false "report" about acorn. They aired segments from the video and showed them in a false light. Did they ever apologize for that? Of course not. Or how about causing a White House official to lose their job because they again didn't show the entire video segment. Any apologies? Nope none what so ever. At least Olberman was loud, but could admit when he was wrong or went too far. He was great at giving Fox News a taste of it's own medicine, but lets face it he was a sitting duck. Other anchors have other platforms to use if they feel like they can't say it on air. Keith not so much. He doesn't blog, and seems like most of his tweets consist of debunking false claims that people say about him. Well give it about a week. Either the ratings won't be there or they will be there. Wouldn't be shocked if they start looking for a new Keith.
Today I feel like posting the SMA movie. Ok let's see takes place after the end of the 1st season. Kinda why Serena has no clue what's going on. Oh one of the best lines of the movie.... Venus Anal Beads Vaginate. You know you are going to be listening for it now. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is jumping on the bandwagon is both fun and easy, but it does make people think you only do what everyone else does.

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