Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 2

Today is the 2nd day of my test boosting cycle. I'm also trying out a new pre-workout product we brought in. I must say the stuff may taste, smell, and mix up terribly, but it works. Yesterday I got the nitric oxide tingle hours after I had taken the product. Even now I'm still kinda getting the tingles throughout my arm. I took that stuff at 6:05ish. It's nearly 9 now. That to me is a product that can lead to a long lasting pump. From what my roommate said it actually does that. I will say when I was at the gym I was having stomach problems. Then again I think that was the pizza I had last night. Potatoes and Green Peppers. Plus I had 5 slices. 5 large slices. So I'm not blaming it on the pre-workout. Yesterday when I took it, I did a stomach workout and if it was going to give me stomach troubles that's when it would have happened. Plus I know I'm on a test booster because last night I had a very vivid and crazy dream. I'm also in the early stages because there wasn't any sex involved. Usually when I'm on a test booster for awhile my dreams get quite sexual. There was only a bit of arousal at the very end.
The more this Arizona shooting story comes out the less I'm liking it. I mean today I so wanted to yell at the shooter and say "Are you happy? You killed a 9 year old. What the hell did she have to do with anything. You killed someone who was getting ready to spend his life with someone else. You killed a federal judge. Are you proud of yourself. Are you happy that you shamed your family. That you shamed the Tea Party." It angers me that anyone could ever do that. All because you didn't agree with their policies. That's what are nation has come down to. People say things without thinking. People say that we need to reload and re aim without thinking that someone with a gun might think that's a pretty damn good idea. Then they want to pretend like it wasn't their fault. This man was a Tea Partier. He was pissed that a democrat beat someone in the Tea Party. He listened to someone from the Tea Party that said we needed to reload and re-aim and had targets on different districts. Yeah this is what are nation has become. Believe what I believe or I'll threaten you and/or shoot you.
On a completely different note. Living where I do I hear a lot of stories about seniors. Seniors that shouldn't be driving. Seniors that have started the mental decline. That are physically declining. Well I was at the gym and one of the guys that shows up from time was talking about his neighbor. She is so bad that she truly can not take care of herself. Yet the family is not putting her in the nursing home. Yes I understand that's she's begging and pleading to be left at home, but she can't take care of herself. If she's calling a neighbor every day to get her out of bed she's not living a good life. This guy is not suppose to be lifting anything heavy. He's at the gym because he doesn't want to lose any of the muscle he already has. You just listen to this guy and you think wow you are a good guy to help this woman. I mean if I was him I'd call up the family and say no. Not anymore. You told me after Thanksgiving she was going to a home. She is stopping me from enjoying my retirement. I'm not coming over anymore. You can fly down and help her since you refuse to put her in a home. The woman can barely lift her head. She can't even roll to one side when she lays in bed so she gets bed sores. Is that what you want for your mother. To be in pain from bed sores. To get sick because she can't change her depends. That at any moment she could fall and stay there until someone comes around. I say screw pride. Screw that she'll be mad. I want to know that my mother is safe. She can't take care of herself and I can't take care of her so she needs to be in a facility that can. I just hope if I ever get like that, I'd have the common sense to say I need to be somewhere not on my own.
The first Super Sentai series I ever watched was Mahou Sentai Magirangers. It was so much better then the American version which was Power Rangers Mystic Force. It shocked me just how different everything was. It was funnier. There was actually blood and death. It was clearly meant to be a show that both kids and adults can watch. So I figured I'd post the opening theme for it. This is a video someone made. It starts like if it was the actual opening. Then it goes to a few clips, and shows each of the rangers. The clips are from episodes that were really featured around that specific ranger. It's a well done video. Today's tip is just because you think something you say is harmless doesn't mean the person hearing it thinks that.

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