Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Still working yay

Yep yesterday was such a weird day. My boss had a consultation. I must say I did not get a good feeling on the guy. He seemed like a talker not a doer. He seemed to really just want to be there because his buddy came in. Yet he's super cheap. He wants all the results, without all the work. I think he really just wanted to hear that he was on the right track and when he learned some of the things he was doing were right, but quite a few were wrong it messed with him. Plus he's a leech. He doesn't work he's retired and it seems like it's his girlfriend that's paying for everything. She doesn't seem to into doing anything to help him. This happens all the time. Guys stick with things and when you explain why they need something they'll buy it. Especially when they try it and it works. Yet if a woman comes along (one that they are with romantically) and says oh you don't need that why are you wasting your money on that they quit. Yet women can waste all the money they want in a relationship because they think they're "fat". This guy's girlfriend is at a weight loss center. Spending tons of money every month. Yet when this guy wants to spend a fraction of what she spends she throws a fit. Well if he doesn't want to buy from us fine whatever. We didn't lose anything in the transaction so whatever. I know if he's anything like his buddy (which he is) we may see him 1 more time and we'll never see him again. Women are terrible for the sports supplement industry. It's true ladies. Go ask anyone that works at one of those stores and they'll tell you. Or won't if they can get a sale out of it.
Wow it seems like I'm right about scandals. A day after Favre's final game this lawsuit pops up. Two women are suing him and the Jets. He has only himself to blame. Pretty much once this thing is done and all the lawsuits are settled, I wouldn't be shocked to hear that he's getting a divorce. During this whole thing we haven't really heard from his wife. If she sticks with him then he'll be one lucky man. I know that if my spouse did this to me. Put this much limelight on the dirty things they sent to other people I wouldn't want my kids around that. Good luck Favre.
And here we go. When I went into the gym today I found papers with this on them: "If you burn 500 calories a day you will burn 3500 calories a week which equals a pound a week of fat loss." Ok that's not true. If that was true then we wouldn't have so many fat people in the US. Do you know how easy it is to burn 500 calories. Your Brain goes through that in a good portion of time. It doesn't take too much to burn 500 calories. Doesn't mean you are going to lose fat. When you workout a lot of glycogen that was stored in your liver goes first. That is I believe 500 calories right there. Then after that is gone I think it goes after your muscles. If you want to lose fat weight train. Muscle burns fat. I'm not saying you have to pound the weights, but at least train to tone. Our bodies aren't logical. It does things we don't expect all the time. So if something sounds too simple regarding your body then research it.
Today's tip is if you freely order something called "The Triple Bypass Burger" then you need to re-evaluate your diet choices.

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