Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ignorance really is bliss

In talking to my co-worker I really do realize that ignorance is bliss. I'm not saying he's an idiot, I'm saying with what he doesn't know he lives in a reality that doesn't exist. The thing is he thinks that the people coming in to the store are exactly like him. The reason being is that he surrounds himself with people like him and he's only working typically one Saturday a month. If he was to work every day of the week like I do then he'd realize some of the things he suggest to us, or some of the things he thinks he's doing for us really hurt us. I think that's one of the reasons why I don't like talking to him about work because there is so much he doesn't know and isn't suppose to know. See this guy has a slight gossip problem. Ok it's a huge one. He tells people things without realizing that they probably don't need to know. I now know that one of his friends is shady and the other has a bruised ego. What good does that do me? So things you tell him, won't be just between him and you. Kinda one reason why he knows next to nothing about me, but I know a lot about him and his wife and his kids and his house. It's one of the reasons that He say She say mess happened. He told his wife instead of talking to me so she then used it as a weapon to get back at my boss. Plus he never tells you if things bother him so he tells someone that something that someone else did bothered them and that's how you hear about it. I mean my co-worker is a good guy, just has a slight problem. Probably why this rift is being created between us. I don't feel like I can tell him anything without everyone in another city hearing about it. Don't want my business being broadcast to all of his buddies who shop the store.
My day after that was pretty dull. Didn't really do anything special. Did go to Toppers again. Yeah I love Toppers. I will say when I got there my pizza still wasn't ready so I sat there and waited. The people there thanked me at least 3 times for waiting and apologized for the wait. I thanked them for the pizza and said it was no big deal about the wait. The reason being is the big game was on 30 minutes before I placed the order so that means other people had the same thought as me. They were telling people that deliveries weren't going to happen until an hour and a half later. All this stuff got me thinking. I'm sure I'm a minority when it comes to this. I'm sure there are people that just freak out if their pizza isn't ready when it is suppose to be. I'm sure they have had people just go off on them. Well I look at it this way. How is yelling at the people that make the pizza going to make my pizza ready any faster. If anything they'll do a crappy job on it. Plus it's not their fault that they got slammed. So no I'm not going to get angry with them. I'm going to patiently wait. Hey that means that my pizza is right out the oven fresh when I take it home. Plus when I got home they loaded up on the toppings. I bet because I was patient with them. So it was actually a win for me having to wait. Amazing how when you change your look on things you can come out a winner.
Ok here are my 2 cents on this zodiac crap. No there is no 13th sign. No the dates are not changing. Want to know why? It was just some guy in Minnesota that said we all have to do this. It was not presented as hey we think that these need to changed based on these facts. You see the zodiac signs and horoscopes come from an international committee. That's right it's not just something that was only here in the US (learned this from Good Morning America). It is worldwide. That means we aren't the only ones that read these horoscopes. That being said, it means that they have to adopt this new change of dates and a 13th sign. They said they are not going to do that. The reason being is because they've taken all the change in axis and orbit and all that into account when they write the horoscopes. So basically this 13th sign crap was all done by some lone nut who wanted 15 minutes of fame. Well now it's here. People are extremely pissed about even thinking of changing all this stuff. Plus they were told it would happen right away. Not that if it did happen it would only apply to newborns. I personally wasn't to happy about it either. I'm a Libra not a Virgo. It's a psychological thing. For years I've known I was a Libra. I think I have a lot of the Libra attributes. Maybe that means they manifested because I identified as a Libra or maybe they were there and I chalked them up to being a libra. Either way I'm a Libra. Now I'm suppose to be a Virgo. I'm sure I have some traits, but no I'm not a Virgo. I told my boss that he's now a Gemini he looked at me crazy. You can't change something well established like this over night. It would be one thing if this came from this international committee, but it didn't. It came from some place in Minnesota. Well we'll see if this last for another month then everyone forgets it and goes back to the 12 signs.
So I can't remember if I've posted this video here or not. The reason is my fault. On my last blog I did a much better job of keeping track of this stuff through my tags. I used song names and the name of the artist. Now not so much. So if I posted it before then it was a really long time ago so deal. Anyway the song is Scramble by Yui Horie and Unscandal. It's the opening for the anime School Rumble. The music video even made a short cameo on the anime. I love this song. Today's tip is if people don't tell you things about themselves then you probably have a reputation of gossiping.

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