Monday, January 3, 2011

Got to make this quick

Got to post really quickly. The internet is down so I have to use the back computer, but only have 27 minutes from this point to finish up before I get kicked out. I have a lot to say in little time to say it so I'm going to aim for the one thing that made me rant and rave the most.
Favre's final game was yesterday. That makes me extremely happy that the three ring circus that is Brett Favre is out of town for good. I know he won't be back because what team would want him after all the stunts he's pulled. He retired 2 times and came back 2 times. Almost did it a 3rd time through texts. Then he has this scandal from his days with the Jets and only gets a slap on the wrist. The investigation like Favre's career went on too long. I mean coaches and other players are fined the next day after they are suspected of doing something. Yet this investigation takes 2 months even after Favre admitted to the voice mails. Yet the thing that annoys me the most has to be the way he left. He came in waving at fans and talking to people, but as soon as the game is over he jogs off the field. Then again wouldn't you want to get out of there asap. I mean go out with a little class. Wave at the fans. Shake the hands of your former players. Ham it up for the cameras. Then WALK off with the players. Well guess how he left the field shows just exactly the kinda sportsman he is.
Oh and I clearly didn't finish the blog before the guy came in. He was early. I'll talk about him tomorrow. He just didn't leave me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
Today's tip is in the age of video sharing networks it's not a great idea to upload a video of you that you don't want the world to see.

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