Thursday, January 6, 2011

Curse my filter

There are times when I honestly want to be able to tell someone off. Just say exactly what's on my mind without worrying about the consequences. The sad thing is I wouldn't be able to turn it off. There are thoughts that I should never ever come out with. Well what brought this up is the fact that the gym manager/trainer was in again. Yet again all he did was talk and talk and talk. I seriously finished doing the leg press, re-racked the weights, wiped the machine, go over to the smith machine, put on the weights, put on the cushion, and got started before they finished the first exercises. The really funny thing is this woman clearly is getting a great deal on the rates. Or she's seeing something that makes her keep coming back. I can't imagine that any sane person would want to keep paying someone to talk that's not a therapist. They don't workout intensely. It annoys me. Plus the guy doesn't know how to improvise. A woman working out was doing some tricep exercise and was sitting on the seat for the row machine. I mean the guys eyes bugged out. He was seriously stammering and looking around. I think she sensed he was uncomfortable because he did get right up next to her. So she gets up and by the time she puts the weights back he has his client get down on the row machine and start. Part of working out is improvisation. Sometimes someone is at a machine you want to use so you go around them and come back to it when they are done. This guy is not worth the money for sure.
While I was working out I noticed an infomercial that I've seen before. It was for that program Insanity. Honestly it looks like the biggest waste of money. Not because I think it doesn't work, but because I don't think the average person can do it. I mean it starts off saying we had to get a focus group to make sure people could make it all the way through. THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING! It needs to look challenging, but still like the average person can do it. One guy says he thought he was in good shape, but Insanity wiped him out. Well does that sound like the person sitting on the couch watching this feels like they can do it. They are talking about how you can burn 1000 calories per workout. Yeah and it shows. The guys yeah clearly are ripped, but they honestly look like cyclist. They clearly have muscle, but they look like their body fat is at an unsafe level. Well how about this price scam they got going. What I mean is they talk about a 30 day money back guarantee. Yet shipping takes 3-4 weeks, but if you call during the program they'll upgrade it to express delivery which is 5-7 business days. Why the hell does normal shipping take 3-4 weeks. They are only shipping dvds and I think a meal plan. All that stuff is like right there. Plus I bet if you ask the 30 day guarantee is from the day you order. So if you do the normal shipping by the time you get it, your stuck with it. My final issue is the space issue. They seem to be moving around a lot. A person is probably doing this in their living room not in a gymnasium. They have to move stuff and by the time all that is done they probably don't feel like working out. If given a choice I think P90x is way better. It looks like the average person can use it and finish it. Yeah there are few things you have to purchase, but looks like you will bulk up and burn fat without having an insanely low body fat percentage.
Well sticking with the Amanda show, after the opening monologue there was always a funny product. This one is Snap Krackle Kaboom. It's exactly what it sounds like. It's funny. I miss this type of comedy. Today's tip is for some people their biggest critic is them self. Being critical helps you improve, but being overly critical holds you back.

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