Thursday, January 20, 2011

So many cons

Cons meaning scams. My gym has this body meltdown challenge. Originally there were so many restrictions and an essay that you need to write. Well then it got cut down to just pay the money and we'll do it. Well they merged another challenge they were doing this month with that challenge. One customer that came in got talked into doing it. She use to be a member of my gym then joined a different one yet she apparently still got a personal trainer that works at my gym to train her. Well he talks her into signing up for the challenge which means she had to join the gym. She then had to shell out an additional $130 on top of the enrollment fee and monthly fees. She sits down to listen to the rules and they want you to buy all organic. No seriously. You are suppose to get organic produce, meats, throw out your margine and get butter. They also condemn Atkins yet at the same time they have you on it. They cut your carbs for the first 30 days just like Atkins. Basically they have it so that pretty much everyone will want to drop. The winner is probably going to be the person that somewhat sticks with it. There are 11 people in it. It started on the 15th. Wouldn't be surprised if they let other people join. Since they still have the fliers up I'm sure they are hoping people talk and get others to join. yeah not going to happen.
Another con I just saw was this 10 minute trainer that's out there. I'm not saying it doesn't work. What I'm saying is that the guy that made it is Tony Horton. Does that name sound familiar. It should. He created Power 90 which became P90X. Here is the kicker. Basically the people they showed got the same results using the 10 minute trainer as they did using P90X. They even had the owner of Beach Body on there talking about his results. Hmmm that's odd. Last time I checked he got the "results" he was showing from Power 90, then from P90X. Makes you wonder if he didn't just hire Tony and agreed to be in any infomercial he does. That's why I don't trust anything on TV. The Shake Weight doesn't count. That one actually works and they don't have "real" people on there. Plus people generally agree that it works. It just annoys me because I work in this industry. Makes it hard to get people to workout and trust us.
Today's video is the song Welcome from Brother Bear performed by Jump 5. I've never heard the original version of this song. I just liked the way this song was performed. Today's tip is it takes more muscles to frown then to smile, but less if your smiling after smacking that jerk in your life.

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