Wednesday, January 19, 2011

No more cold

Yep so ready for it to be spring. Tomorrow evening the temperature is going to drop at least 15 degrees below zero. That means Friday morning it's going to be oh so cold. Which makes me think maybe I should take Friday morning off and going on Saturday, but well I don't want to. I like the way I have things broke up. Monday and Tuesday I go to the gym. Wednesday I typically do a short ab workout. Then I go in Thursday and Friday and take Saturday off. Sunday I do a longer ab workout and use my shake weight in the afternoon then it starts all over again. The ab workouts are more of a relaxation thing for me rather then an actual workout. When I find something I like I don't change. I'm an old man in that respect.
What always shocks me is how cheap some people can be. Especially people that have the money to well afford things. I have so many examples of this. This one guy that comes in has money. His family was in the recycling business or trash business or something like that. Anyway the man is so cheap. He refuses to buy his supplements until he's completely out. That means if we are out we have to hear about how he only has 1 day left. Well if you had come in when you were getting low you'd have the product, but no you refuse to spend the money until you see it's absolutely necessary. There is another guy that is so cheap that he we go next door, get a cup of coffee and sit there for hours getting free refills. He takes people's Foxy Shopper (the free newspaper that comes out every Monday) and sits there reading it and taking things out of it then leaving his mess on the bench. One guy who actually worked out with him said that him and his wife go to restaurants, order something, finish most of it, then complain bitch and moan until they get the meal for free. He goes to places only for free things. Wow how much of a cheap bastard are you? It's actions like that, that make it obvious why he wasn't successful at his job.
If you are somewhat in the anime lover circuit then you know the song Hare Hare Yukai. If not look it up. It's probably the most posted and copy dance in anime history. It's from the anime The melancoly of Suzumiya Haruhi. It's an anime that is unlike many others. The episodes are not in a chronological order leading 2 ways to view the anime. You can watch it in chronological order which causes a lot of skipping around, or watch it in the order that the creator had. It leads to two completely different viewings. I've done both. I suggest watching it like the creator wanted first then in chronological order. I did it the other way around and regretted it. Anyway this is the song and dance from the PS2 video game. If you watch the look makes a bit more sense. Today's tip is a good friend will point out when you do something stupid. A great friend joins you.

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