Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just stop being irritating

I think my test booster is making me a bit irritable. Yet doesn't help that people are just being annoying. Like yesterday. I call in an order. The normal rep wasn't there. So I'm trying to place the order and my boss keeps pestering me asking me where is our normal rep. I tell him, but I'm still trying to deal with this rep. Well I finally finish he pesters me again with where is our rep. So I was trying to tell him about the airhead I had on the phone and he cuts me off and makes me move the carpet. So I try to tell him again and he says well first move the carpet. Once done I just said fuck it. Then later on he has me help him with the stupid monitor camera. He puts it up and it it is better then the first camera. Yet he says oh it looks terrible and messes with the camera causing it to become super blurry. We then have to spend like 15 minutes getting it back to where it was. Wouldn't have happened if he LISTENED TO ME. Then when trying to set up the wireless router he just wouldn't stop nagging. The final straw is that he actually called me up to let me know about some guy on the street corner. Are you kidding me. I can't tell you about an airhead on the phone, but you can tell me about a guy on the street. Ugh I just do not want to deal with this crap.
Then of course at the gym the annoying ass gym manager/trainer is there. Apparently he thinks that since he's the manager he's allowed to hog everything. I'm standing there doing my leg workout and he has his client come back and he goes and grabs a huge ass exercise ball and a mat. He puts it right there where the cable machine is. Just freaking hogging the entire space. Ugh I just don't want people to be so annoying. How about a little common sense people. your not the only one that wants to workout. Ugh. I'm going to go do something to calm down.
Today's tip is don't ask a question if you're not willing to hear the answer. Kinda common sense right there.

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