Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Always funny when you think about it

Do you ever look at some of the people that we elect and just shake your head. Well I had one of those moments. I'm sure everyone is well aware of Michele Bachmann's little slip up. Yeah I'm going to go ahead and give her the benefit of the doubt. Why? Because honestly no one can seriously not know history well enough to know that what she said was so completely untrue. There are so many things you can point to. I mean how about the 3/5th's compromise which was about how slaves get counted. How about the fact that there is an amendment to the constitution that abolishes it. The 13th to be exact which was ratified long after 1776. How about the Gettysburg address? Does she remember that. I mean I would understand if she said the Civil War wasn't about slavery because it's true. It originally was not about slavery, but was made so to keep countries from allying with the South. Again look it up if you don't believe me. Anyway I hope people that voted for her stop and say holy crap I voted for that person. Just funny when you think about the fact that a majority of people said hey she's a great candidate let's vote for her.
How about the new Toyota recall. Remember all those ads they were running about how Toyota has safety as number 1. Amazing how they can't even got 6 months without a recall. I told my roommate if they can go a full year without recall they might be able to recover from the black eye. Seems like it's only getting worse with the repeated blows. I'd also like to point out that they keep saying that their cars are on the road longer then any other car. That may be true, for the cars made 20 years ago. Not for the cars made recently. Wish people would see that. The cars now keep having recalls.
Yesterday a friend of mine posted a video of Jon Stewart's Daily show. In it he points out that when a democrat says that tactics that people use lately are like what the Nazi's did in Germany to make everyone hate the jews he was forced to apologize. Well a guy that went on Fox news pointed out that hosts on the network say it all the time. Well the host was offended by that and says she watches fox all the time and no one ever says that. Well of course Stewart was able to find quite a lot of clips of Fox hosts doing that. Even found an article from the Fox News boss where he says in the Huffington that someone was a Nazi. I wish the guy didn't apologize, but said I'll apologize when every host on Fox News apologizes for when they used it, and every senator or congressperson that used it apologizes. Amazing how when the other side does it, it's dirty politics, but as long as it's being used for your side then it's fine. That's what we call hypocritical.
Before you watch today's video there is something I must let you know. No one has any clue what the hell this guy was going on about besides letting everyone know about Struttin' that Ass. That is pretty much the only thing that makes sense. Apparently he wanted the news guy to walk to Strut that Ass. All I know is that guy clearly had a little too much to drink. Today's tip is people that don't learn from history are doomed to make a mistake about it and be laughed at for a couple of months.

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