Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Least I find it funny. I was working out today and this guy comes in and he looked kinda familiar. He kept looking at me and I kept looking at him. Then it hit me. That was weight hog. I was like wow that guy is big, but when you look closer and you realize no he's just fatter. I was doing the leg extensions and I looked behind me and noticed that he had gained a pot belly. Well the thing is I haven't seen him since October. There were two holidays in there. He hasn't been in. I figured he just changed times. Looks like he just didn't come in and has been sitting around. Now maybe I'm wrong, but if I'm right wow he let himself go. I would hate to go through that. Knowing that you were in decent shape then you take 2 months off and wow you are hardly recognizable to anyone that hasn't seen you in 2 months. Just scary to think that people seriously go through this every year.
So the State of the Union is tonight and I won't be watching it. I just hate watching speeches. Blame it on 15 years of schooling. Plus I'm kinda sick of our political system. Unless Obama says this is what the people want which is us to stop fighting I'm not really interested. Plus I have this feeling someone else is going to be yelling out tonight. My roommate keeps trying to get me to watch it, but well I'm not going to. Like I said speeches just annoy me.
The cake is a lie. If you know what that is from then you know what's going to be today's video. It's the ending to the game Portal. It's the song Still Alive. It's really funny when you listen to it. Today's tip is if you are going to commit to being healthy be committed 100%. Don't do the start quit cycle.

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