Friday, January 7, 2011

Thinking isn't hard is it?

I mean I think it seriously causes people physical pain. So there is this ad that is floating around for this product called Force Factor. Here is the very very very stupid thing about the ads. The ads have guys that are CLEARLY morphed. One guy is doing a bicep flex and there is a bicep on top of a bicep on to of a bicep. Then there is one guy who's body is extremely massive to the point you just know it's morphed. The head size just looks odd. I know people are following for this crap because someone came in to ask if we have Force Factor. Plus they are saying that they are the solution to getting bigger. Oh bullshit. That's the same claim muscletech uses and they change their formulas at least twice a year. Just wish people would stop giving into the claims and actually look at the product. Most of the time there is nothing special in their products. I know with Nano Vapor I can point to like 5 other pre-workout products that would do a way better job. Plus they don't change twice a year.
One of the really annoying thing about my job is that in as little has 3 months our inventory change change dramatically. Products are changing their formula, or our vendors are dropping products, or we are bringing in new things, or products are just changing their look. So that means if someone hasn't been in as little has 2 months we actually could have a whole new inventory. Well this guy came in yesterday and he hasn't been in for like 3 months at least. Asks if where is a pre-workout we use to have. Well 2 months ago we found out that the company that made that product has basically gone up in smoke. Plus I don't already like this guy. There is a reason for this that I don't want to get into. Plus I'm sure he's been getting stuff somewhere else. Anyway like I said I just hate when people do that. If you come in every month then you know when something is going on. You know what's new. If every time you come in you ask what's new, that tells me you are shopping other places and I don't need to waste too much time on you. It tells me that you might also be looking for samples or just info on the "latest and greatest".
Another thing that annoys me is the customer I like to call "the use to". You see in every job there are just people that you know are going to give you a hard time. You know that they are going to do something to make your job hard. For me that's mainly the use to people. They are the guys that come in and say I use to be in great shape. I use to be a bodybuilder. I use to be a football player. They are the guys that can't live in the present. You try to help them, and they act like they are the expert because they knew what to do back then. Well you are here asking me for a product so shut up and listen. Anyway this guy came in before. He came in looking for Bee Pollen because his trainer told him to get it. So he comes in 2 days later to return it because he got the wrong thing. Then he starts looking around and he says some of this stuff has been around forever. Animal has been around since I was bodybuilding in the 70's. And yet he's now a guy that looks like he's never seen a weight room in his life. Like I said. These guys are the "use to".
Today's tip is if you're not perfect the first time around then congrats on being human. For everyone else the government will be at your door... Now!

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