Friday, January 28, 2011

Day oh

Day off yay. Tomorrow I have to work though, but it's only 7 hours. Going to be fun off today. A lot happened yesterday though. There was this guy who came in that was clearly mentally disturbed. My boss told me about him, but I never met him. Well he came in yesterday and he was off. He asks if we had aspirin, but my boss didn't hear him and asked him to repeat that and he starts freaking out. Well my boss leaves and I wait on him. I tell him the price and he has this huge wad of cash. He then asks for a receipt. So I start taping stuff on the cash register and he calls my last name then my boss' last name. I said I'm sorry and he repeats himself. So I try to correct him on my boss' last name and he pulls out our cards and starts freaking out. So I said who I was and he say and I'm so and so and I want my change and receipt. Ok first off dumbass you pulled me away from what I was doing which was giving you your change. 2nd there are FIRST names on our cards. Anyway so I give it to him and he leaves. Well a couple of minutes later we hear this yelling. Turns out he was yelling at a customer at the fast food restaurant next to us. He eventually leaves and I come over and ask what was that about. They don't even know. They had no clue what he was yelling about. The man is messed up.
There was also an e-mail to my boss. Which honestly was a stupid idea to begin with because I could have gotten to that e-mail first. Anyway he starts with this sob story about him not feeling right so he's trying to get in shape. Now it was unrelated because he use to shop the story like 4 years ago. Then stopped all of a sudden. Anyway he says that the guy that waited on him (me) was rude to him. The funny thing is that he didn't mention how much of a little bitch he was being. Everything I showed him he would complain about. So by the time he asks me this last question I was so done. My boss basically defended me mainly because he looked up the guys file. He honestly goes back and forth between "getting in shape" and not. Honestly since he buys maybe 10 dollars worth of stuff it isn't a big drop. Plus he made it sound like he was going to go to the internet anyway. So we'll see. I was happy my boss didn't freak out mainly because he knows me. He knows if I acted like that then they were being an ass. He's seen me deal with super asshole like customers, so if someone pissed me off it's because they were an ass. Yay awesome boss.
I was watching Good Morning America and wow I can not believe what I heard. They were talking about Charlie Sheen and said the 35 year old actor. Now I thought I heard wrong, but my roommate said wait he's 35. I said no he has to be 45. I mean on the show he says he's in his 40's. If he was 35 he wouldn't play older. Very few actors every play older. Then they had the interview with that girl that was in his room when he had the rampage and the date on it was 1/22/10. Again we said no wait that's not right. That would mean that the story happened a year ago which it didn't. I mean I would have been at my old apartment when that story broke. So I have no clue what's going on with GMA. Someone is screwing up and I'm sure I'm not the only one taking notice.
So I got curious. I went and looked up the opening for Kingdom Hearts recoded. the one I found was in Japanese, but that's not the point. Well sadly I ruined the game for myself. Anyone that played Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2....well Just 2 really knows who the mysterious message is from. The opening ruins it so for those of you that don't want to know don't watch this opening. If you do watch it. Don't know why I didn't figure it out before. I mean come on we see the secret message in the 2nd Kingdom Hearts. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is if you have to start a complaint letter with an unrelated sob story then you know that you are just complaining to complain.

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