Wednesday, January 5, 2011


People just annoy me sometimes. Ok all the time. Not always the same person though. So I'm quitting gaiaonline. The reason being is that it's not fun anymore. It's all about the company making money. It's not about putting out a great service. It's too easy for new people to come on and become rich. Who wants to be a part of that. I don't want to waste real money to not look like a noob. So as I'm trying to get rid of my stuff because there is no point in me keeping it all, I'm getting asked why am I quitting? Why does it matter you're getting free stuff or stuff for 1g (which is like nothing). I have another guy telling me how I should get rid of my items. Dude don't piss off the guy that's giving away stuff. That's shooting yourself in the foot. Then I have others pestering me asking if I'm done giving out stuff. How about you shut up and keep an eye out. Why is it when it comes to getting something free or cheap beggars are being choosers. Last time I checked no one has to do anything nice. So if you have a basic handout you say thanks and shut your trap. Well I guess we have all the parents to thank for raising brats.
Maybe I'm just pissy today because it's senior's day. That always makes me crabby. I mean a lot of them get pissy. I see pretty much every single senior stereotype. The cheap seniors. The forgetful seniors. The seniors that think they are entitled to everything. The seniors that can't make up their mind on a simple matter. The seniors that complain about everything. I just hate dealing with it. If they were the nice seniors (which is like 2 out of the whole day) then I wouldn't mind it so much. Well that's part of working in retail. Dealing with people that piss you off.
Back in the 90's I'm sure you remember a show called All That on Nickelodeon. Well that's where Amanda Bynes got her start. From there she got her own show, The Amanda Show (I'm getting to the video just follow the train of thought). One of my favorite sketches on the show was The Girl's Room. It's where 4 girls had a "View" like show. It was funny because it was in the girls room. There was Amber (the "popular" one), Shelia (the bad girl), Tammi (the exchange student...from Tennessee), and Debbie (the dumb one). This is the prom night Girl's Room. Good for a laugh. Today's tip is if you suggest a product that has a side effect of death congrats on being a doctor.

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