Saturday, January 8, 2011

Well I'm feeling awesome

So yesterday was a great twitter day for me. I got tons of mentions which does not happen often. Plus for the 2nd day in a row, a celeb I follow replied to something I said. Yeah that makes me happy. Not to mention My Dinos Go has finally upgraded and now my abilities are back in action. It also cuts down majorly on load time. Still have problems with the random crashing. Oh and guess what I just found out logging into twitter. I'm being followed by someone that has actually been on TV. I think I've mentioned that I watch RuPaul's Drag Race and Drag U. Well the one and only JuJubee is following me. I could scream. I'm honestly having a great twitter week. Well twitter 3 days. Which is basically like a twitter week or tweek. Plus I had yesterday off. I'm just feeling good. Yay.
Today is going to be interesting. Either it's going to be a good day or a bad one. Saturday is when all the weirdos ride the bus. That means that I will probably have a lot of weirdos. Plus I'll have to take a lot of orders because I know we are low on some things. Plus today is my last day on my pro-hormone cycle. Tomorrow I'm starting a new pre-workout and on my test booster. Least I'll finally get a good night sleep. Last night I had the weirdest dream. There was this weird lizard alien. If it ever broke loose you weren't suppose to move or look at it. Well it got loose so I'm covering my eyes and not moving. Well it of course comes over to me and seemed to like put its mouth over me and poked me in the crotch. Well more of between my crotch and ass. I eventually opened my eyes to find it's mouth open and freaked out so it freaked out and then looked human. It was a weird dream. Been having a lot of those lately. Kinda like my mind is in over drive.
I also saw Young Frankenstein for the first time. I can see why all my nerd friends (I also refer to myself as a nerd) loved it. Well specifically the band and theater geeks. They are also the ones that told me about Rocky Horror Picture Show. Again I can see why they liked it. My roommate honestly wasn't a real fan of it. He fell asleep. He did however love Young Frankenstein. Probably because he's a fan of Mel Brooks. I haven't come across one of his films that I didn't really like. Now obviously I prefer some over others, but I've never been upset about getting a Mel Brooks movie.
Today's tip is if little things can bring you down, then they should also be able to bring you up.

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