Friday, January 21, 2011

Wow the rainbow was right

Today as I was driving to work I saw a rainbow. I took it at a sign that today is going to be a good day. Well so far it's starting that way. Now I'm not into gossip....usually. Anyway apparently Todd Palin is caught up in a sex scandal and there is a chance he cheated on Sarah. This is good news for me because it ties up her attention. She'll be more focused on dealing with home issues then messing up government ones and stirring up hate. I mean who apologizes by accusing other people. She stirs up trouble just like Beck and all those other Fox "news" people. I mean come on they make sure to use language that supports them and condemns everyone else. Like calling the Health care repeal law, the "Repeal of the Job Killing Government take over of our health care" bill. So like I said even if it's not true it at least gets her out of our hair for at least a week I hope. Knowing Sarah she's just going to say the media is blowing this up it never happened, then we find out it did happen. Or she'll play the victim and try to earn sympathy. We'll see if this blows up like Tiger Woods or blows over like Favre.
I even got to workout all by myself today. Well mostly. I got to the gym and there was no one there. Towards the end I saw a car pull up, but no one got out. Then I saw another car that I thought was a guy that works out around that time. He's a good guy. Well turns out it's the pompous trainer and his client. Lucky for me I had just finished in the back. If I hadn't ugh that would have been a headache. He goes back there and starts pulling things apart and setting up tons of machines while she's back there using the leg press. Man I really wish they'd understand that they should work on one thing at one time, but like I said I didn't have to deal with it.
Which reminds me. Yesterday I was at the gym and there was this sweet old lady there. She had this clipboard and was going from machine to machine. She just looked exhausted. Then she gets back to the cable row machine and I mean she was doing it all wrong. She was in pain. You could see it all over her face. Instead of keeping her back straight and pulling the handle to her chest she was just leaning back. It was stressing her lower back. So I had to say something. I showed her the right way and she thanked me and thanked me again when she walked by. I don't usually help people. Mainly because I don't think it's my place and if I was in their place I wouldn't want someone to do that to me. Mainly because sometimes I'm doing it correctly and they are doing it incorrectly. No I mean they actually are. They are now doing it slowly to actually work the muscle or lifting too heavy. Anyway I know that whoever gave her that sheet clearly didn't show her how to go through the exercises or they just figured oh this is what I do so an old lady can do it too. She was also lifting far too much. I bet it was the pompous trainer again. He always gets the older ladies to train and he really doesn't train them with the fact that they are older ladies in mind. Just sad.
Today I'm posting an SMA episode. It's episode 26/27. I love this episode because they actually did mix two episodes together. It's fun listening to Serena freak out about it. Plus the cats that kept saying "sex sex sex sex sex". Good episode. Today's tip is how can anyone get close to you if your heart is guarded with barbwire. Hurts the heart as well as intruders.

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