Sunday, January 9, 2011


So the network I use for the internet didn't work yesterday. So I'm stuck using the company computer. Other then that nothing big happened. Just had people that loved to waste my time. Pandora Boxx did reply to me. Yay.
So I'm sure you all know about the shooting in Arizona. All I have to say about it is this is what careless wording does. Sarah Palin said that we need to "reload" and "re-aim". She had a map with cross hairs on it and guess which district was on that list. The worst thing of it all, Palin will never admit that she did anything wrong. She's just going to dance around it. She took down the map because she wanted to respect the victims. It just pisses me off. People like her are leading to these crazy people. You don't see any crazy dems shooting at republicans. That's all I will say.
Today's tip is if your joke or compliment require explaining then clearly it wasn't good. Or you have a slow audience.

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