Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So I started my mass building program yesterday. That means a new mass gaining protein and not worrying about my body fat. I also started on the pro-hormone I took last year. When I took it last year I did get positive results, but I don't think I got the results I wanted gym wise because I never took it before I worked out. Well I did it two days in a row and it feels like it really is working. If it's all in my head or not it seems to be working. I upped all my weights and after I finished working out I felt like I could keep going. I honestly feel great. It's a great feeling. Plus it feels like my attitude has improved. Seems like when I'm giving advice I'm more blunt then usual, but it ends up being more helpful then when I pussyfoot around.
Oh speaking of working out today was a quiet day. I could have worked the chest. Anyway there was a woman in there that was working on the hardwood floors. Anyway so eventually she disappears. So I figure oh she went to the restroom. She came out and went home. Well I was talking to my workout buddy and he thought she was in the unisex bathroom, but actually she came out of the men's restroom. The thing with that is there are only two guys there. Me and him. If we needed to use the restroom and that door wasn't locked it would have been very awkward. Plus when you can see if there is another guy in the restroom by looking around then it's not a good idea to go into the men's room if your not a man. She only did it because she needed to use the shower. Well what if one of the guys needed to. Just so annoying and rude. I wouldn't have had a problem with it if she had at least let me and my workout buddy know. Simply say I'm going to be in the men's room taking a shower since there is someone in the ladies room. Neither of us would have had a problem with it since there is a unisex bathroom and neither of us use the shower. I mean come on don't be an ass. Ugh.
Today's video is one from the series unskippable from the site the escapist. This is from the opening of Eternal Sonata. Must say based on the opening I would so never ever play this game. Oh and apparently this is one of those openings you can't simply skip through. Hence the name unskippable. Anyway I think it's the best one they have done. It's also the first one I saw. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is if you're going to use the wrong gendered restroom at least have the couresty to look transgender or like a confused 80 year old.

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