Thursday, November 18, 2010

Have to check it out

Pretty soon my schedule for the next week will be up. I just have a feeling I'm working next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Just this feeling. Means I'm going to be tired. Plus that I have to eat more. All that standing and walking and moving is what's causing my weight to drop. Hopefully like I think it's all bodyfat that's dropping not muscle. Then again if it was true you'd think that a lot of the managers wouldn't be as big as they are.
The gym was pretty quiet too. Which is always good. Makes it easy when I need to do my chest workout. It can be busy on any other day, but my chest day. I really only use 2 machines, but I have to do 3 different exercises on each one and I go from one to another. Plus I have to move 3 benches around. Would love it if they had a bench that did an incline and decline instead of two that do incline and only one that does decline.
I just now realized that I did refer a customer to my gym. I told him when I workout too. So if he does sign up there is a chance we could end up working out together. I mean that's not a terrible thing since he is a nice guy. Just weird when you workout with people you see from time to time. I don't know there just feels like there needs to be this kinda barrier between you and a customer. I mean I see my co-worker who has his buddies come in to buy stuff from us and he gets really pissed off when they go somewhere else for anything. Plus it seems like anything you say to them could be used against you or be used to justify going somewhere else.
Yesterday we got a sample of this protein bar. It says it has 8g of net carbs. As soon as I read that I just thought oh something isn't right. It has 35g of total carbs. How they call it net carbs is they subtract the fiber and the "other carbs". They say they don't count since they don't affect your blood sugar which isn't true. They just don't have as much of an affect as simple sugars. They still affect your blood sugar. For those counting carbs yeah it's going to affect them. Just sad that companies can do this stuff and get away with it.
More of SMA has been posted on blip including one of my favorite episode. Episode 5. Here is where we meet Amy. It's just funny. Hard to believe that Windows Vista was wrong. Today's tip is love is infinite. You can give as much as you want.

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