Monday, November 8, 2010

Feeling very good

Today I'm feeling great. Just amazing. I have no clue what did it, but I'm loving it right now. Slept so much better too. I know for sure this morning was better because of the amazing chest workout I had this morning. It's hard to explain it, but seemed like I was really working the chest. It felt like I was truly working the muscle in a way I hadn't in the last few weeks. It felt like I didn't have something helping me lift the weight. It's really hard to explain. I think it was the combination of Beta Nox and Size On. The last time I took an intra-workout creatine product I almost threw up. Not this time. I was able to drink it no problem. Least until I did stuff on the decline bench. Yeah that didn't help any. I can say that I believe I can finish it by the time my workout is done. Also unlike the other one I took, I didn't feel like my body was screaming at me to drink water. It seemed like my body accepted it just fine. So had a damn good workout. Then I get home and figure I'll go with a regular protein instead of the mass one I usually take because of the Size On. Well finished it, showered, ate something and I was still hungry. It was really odd. Plus I knew I lost weight, but I was still looking pretty good. Like I had gained water weight in my post therapy cycle and was just now losing it. Well I got to work and I actually only weight .6 lbs less then I did last week. When I checked last time I was down 3 lbs. So yeah I'm just in a good mood today.
So the cowboys blew it like I knew they would against the packers. They have a tendency to screw things up. Whenever I need them to not lose they always do. So now I'm going to have to hear about how badly the packers beat the cowboys even though I've only been a cowboys fan when I was little and quickly grew out of it.
On my iPhone one of my apps is the TruTV app. It lets me view videos on my phone. One of those videos was this one. A bodybuilder freaks out because he was awarded 3rd place. Now if this isn't an instance of roid rage I don't know what is. The irony is that he could have used his 3rd place winnings to bail himself out of jail. Isn't irony a bitch. The really weird part is that another guy gets into the fray. Just randomly. Guess he was mad he didn't place at all maybe. Today's tip is next time someone asks to see your A material just hand them a piece of paper with an A on it.

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