Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Another good morning

Again I'm in a good mood today. Woke up and my chest wasn't sore. Well it was, but not the soreness that I feel the second I wake up. This was more if I poke it, it hurts type sore. Which is the good sore. Anyway I had another good workout today. Again I don't know if it's the new pre-workout, the intra-workout, or just the fact I'm doing a liver cleanse. I just feel great working out. I haven't felt that great in the past few weeks. I mean I see the numbers change and everything, but just didn't feel like I was getting anywhere. For two days when I look in the mirror I feel like I'm actually seeing results. I mean I see my abs. Now they aren't the 6 pack you'd see in a magazine, but you'd see something there. Felt like I'm really getting a great workout. I really want this to keep up that's for sure.
Well speaking of working out today there were a lot of people there. That always seems to happen when I go to the gym by myself. It's really weird. Anyway the manager came in again today. The thing is that he seemed to be training something. Which now makes some things make sense. I think the former manager became the new "personal trainer" so that people saw that there was a woman they could go to. Hoping to make more people feel more comfortable. I mean I can't see leaving a job where you for sure are getting paid to one that has you paid based on who you sign up. Anyway they really only worked out maybe 20 minutes. They seemed to spend the rest of the time talking. When I left they were still talking. See thing about me is that I'm very frugal. If I'm going to pay someone to help me workout then they will help me workout. I'm going to get my money's worth. If they are spending more time talking then training then I'm finding a new trainer. Guess some people really have that much money to waste.
I also found out that the guy I haven't seen in forever was actually coming later. He has been watching out for his neighbor who needs to be in a nursing home. Since her son was in town he got to come in at his normal time. It was good to see him. When you see certain people all the time in the gym and you talk to them you worry when they don't show up. Especially after like 3 weeks. Can only hope that they simply come in later.
This video is for a song that I haven't heard for awhile. It pops up every now and again on my mp3 player because I'm too lazy to take it off. Do you remember the song Hamster Dance by Hampton and the Hamsters. If you don't then you were lucky to have not heard it. Anyway this is one of the songs they came out with after that song. The music video is just funny. It's that really lame animation. Just watch it for a good laugh. Today's tip is there are people out there that are simply idiots and openly flaunt it. Just give them a good shunning and walk away.

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