Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hmm didn't expect that

Well one I did expect. Who said that the NFL isn't about politics. So Brad Childress got fired. Shockingly Brett Farve has come out and said yeah we didn't try as hard as we could have. Me and the players pledge to try our hardest. Or something along those lines. Hmmm so they weren't trying their hardest under Childress. They now suddenly will pledge to do their best. Now if I was a Vikings fan I'd be insulted. Especially if I paid all that money to get to see the Vikings play the packers. I mean they didn't try their hardest against their rivals. All just to get rid of a coach? Yep that would piss me off big time.
One thing I didn't expect was to get an e-mail this morning from my gym. They are offering free individualized weight lifting program for the new year. At first I was like yeah like I'm going to do that, but at the same time it is free. I like free. The only problem I have is that I have to talk to the pompous trainer. Ugh I don't want to talk to that guy. Plus this program is supposed to be updated daily. I mean sounds like a great deal. Then again I'm sure that's the point. It gets you in because it's free so they can then badger you to sign up for a training session.
Today's tip is drama belongs in movies and tv not in real life. Don't go causing it for someone else.

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