Wednesday, November 24, 2010

And it begins

So today I got remeasured and just as I'd been figuring for a while I've leaned out. Lost .4 lbs, but it was only body fat that I lost. Muscle is up and body fat is down. So it's getting close to the time when I need to stop worrying about being lean and just put on tons of mass. Not like my shirt will be coming off for sun bathing. Besides I need the extra body fat to stay warm. So I'm thinking after this week I'm going into full mass building mode. That means screw the body fat. Besides I always seem to lean way out in winter. So at least if I do this I'll hopefully stay where I'm usually at the rest of the year which is still pretty lean. Besides I'm ready to break out of the 160's and hit the 170's. My goal for next year is to make the 170's my new average. Then of course the next year will be 180's and then from there it will just be to maintain that. Like I said before my overall goal for me is to hit 185. Anything after that would be nice, but I think 185 on a 5' 6" male is enough. I mean that's about 2.803 lbs per inch. Anyway so that's my winter plans.
Last night was the finale of Dancing with the Stars and shockingly Bristol Palin didn't win. Now I'm actually not being sarcastic when I say shockingly. It honestly did seem like there was a voting block for her. Then again maybe their wasn't. Keep in mind we don't ever see the results of the voting. They don't actually show who got the most votes. Basically for all we know ABC said keep her on let's start a controversy going about a secret voting block for Bristol. Let's face it Dancing with the Stars is a T.V. show and it needs to bring in money for the network. The more people that watch the better for the network. I'm sure if you watch the credits you'd see the producers actually have the final say in who goes home. Just like on America's Next Top Model. It's also just like the reason why the Brett Farve investigation is taking as long as it is. If it was some other player on some other team that didn't cause as big of a stir the investigation would have been over with, but no. It's Farve who keeps drawing people to watch him which means more money for the network. It's why I stopped watching "reality" tv. It's all about rating.
Holiday travel is also in full swing today. Apparently there is suppose to be this huge opt-out of the TSA full body scan. See I don't see what the big deal is with the full body scan. Why would you want to get patted down unless your a pervert. On top of that it takes way longer to do. Imagine a line of 10 people. All of which opt-out of the full body scan. The scan they said takes like 2 seconds. Well obviously you do have to stand there correctly. So let's say it takes a whole 30 seconds all together. The pat downs on average take about 2 minutes. You see where I'm going with this. The 300 seconds (5 minutes) becomes 20 minutes. 4 times as long. Now that 10 people becomes 15 and it's now 30 minutes. 30 people is now an hour. See how that can easily cause delays? Is it really worth it? I mean I get if you have a medical condition and you need to be patted down. That makes sense, but just to do it to do it? Is it really worth missing your flight? Good luck people.
Today's video is one that just shows how dumb people on tap really are. This guy punches himself saying that the police are beating him. As you can imagine it's all on tape. My favorite part is when the officer tells him all of this is being video taped. Silly criminals. Today's tip is we may have the right to free speech, but the law does have the right to arrest you if that speech is threatening. Even when taken out of context.

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