Monday, November 22, 2010

Mixed feelings

So everyone that saw the Packers and Vikings game knows that the Packers pretty much stomped on the Vikings. If you have a tv you probably heard about it. Well I have mixed feelings about what happened. Yes I'm glad the Packers won. I'm glad they beat the Vikings. However I'm not glad for Brad Childress. I mean for fans to say at the Vikings home stadium, against their biggest rivals, to shout out fire Childress must have just been devastating. I mean why in the world would a true fan do that. Why would they embarrass the team and break apart the little dynamic they had. I'm not shocked that the players seemed to give up. Clearly the fans weren't with them so why should they try anymore. I'm kinda just waiting for the Vikings management to make an announcement and say he was fired. What would really rub salt in the wounds is if the players suddenly start playing well. I mean it shows they weren't trying. Now if they get a new coach and fail then well it shows it's not the coaching that's causing the problems.
Today when I went to the gym it was very busy. I figured that today not many people would be there so I was going to do my chest workout. Well it was quiet then I saw her. The client of the gym manager. So I knew right off the bat crap I'm going to have to deal with them. Then more people showed up. Yep a busy day. So I got most of my workout done. Didn't get to use the cables like I like. I'll have to make it up on Thursday when no one is there or tomorrow. Depends again on how many people show up. I bet it has to do with the fact that Thanksgiving is this week so everyone is all gung ho to get to the gym. So I'm sure Wednesday and Friday are going to be busy days as well. The most annoying thing of it all is that the manager and client really only gossip. Yeah they will do like a set or too, but it's mostly gossiping. They even talk while she's working out. How about having her focus on the exercise. Come on. Either way the trainer gets paid to same and clearly she's fine with wasting money like that.
Today's video is one that we all can relate to. You wait for something to happen then turn your head and you miss it. Well the morning news on WGN was watching and waiting for a bridge to collapse. They were going to broadcast it on live tv. Well they are on it for 5 minutes (this is the shortened) version then go to the weather guy and yep they missed it. The flip out from the staff is amazing. Today's tip is if you hear "results may vary" then clearly the results they were talking about are atypical.

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